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Today 65 Not Out

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Today I turn 65,not perhaps the way I wanted to spend the day.The horrible disease has affected us all.It has brought out the best and worse in us.

Theres  been so many acts of kindness, people offering help to those that most need it,supermarkets opening early for the elderly and those working in the emergency services. Rich and famous, often criticised for being just that.Many offering there services, buildings,and or money. The NHS working round the clock to keep as safe,they are just as much at risk as the rest of us. The service industry. Well done and thanks to all that are helping and supplying us with what we need.There are some that are not following the rules.Thankfully only a few.

We will come through this it will take time,will be hard,but will get there.I think life will change once this horrible disease ends.Hopefully life will be better,let's hope we become more friendly and understanding. 

So today Marina is with me,both of us at home.I will wish myself happy birthday twice,while I wash my hands. 

Stay safe,birthday or not have a good day

Some pics




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Thanks Grace and Jay.Certainly been a different Birthday. As I said had a text this afternoon, I'm in the high risk group and have been told to stay at home for 12 weeks.Was late off last week,spoke with my boss this morning hopefully will find out what's happening with pay by Wednesday. We was going to take the boat to Beccles next week to have some work done.Thats now cancelled. Today I paid for our weeks holiday in Cornwall, June,that was before I was told to stay indoors. Now for the good news,I'm having some wine tonight. 

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