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June 16th 2020

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11 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

"The Government have made it clear that all outdoor sporting activity should cease and that includes fishing. Daily exercise in the form of running, walking or cycling starting or ending from home is permissible. "

So I couldn't strap my rod to my crossbar , sling a bag of tackle over my back and pedal off to a quiet spot on the river - like I used to as a kid ?  :default_icon_cry:

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24 minutes ago, Poppy said:

So I couldn't strap my rod to my crossbar , sling a bag of tackle over my back and pedal off to a quiet spot on the river - like I used to as a kid ?  :default_icon_cry:

You could... but you should not!

Quite whether Peter fishing from his back garden is considered playing within the spirit of the rules I wouldn't like to say!

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Just now, MauriceMynah said:

You could... but you should not!

Quite whether Peter fishing from his back garden is considered playing within the spirit of the rules I wouldn't like to say!

Just a bit of nostalgia.

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Discussing the possibilities (or not) of fishing at present is a bit hypothetical isn’t it seeing as it’s close season? On the rivers anyway. Funny how the lockdown came just after the fishing season ended! It will probably end in good time for June 16th. Like a lot of people, we love being afloat during close season, usually managing 7/8 weeks during that period. This year, well, I am going to enjoy seeing more of our tulips which we don’t normally see the best of being away. We are surrounded by fields of rapeseed which is coming up to its brightest yellow, the blue tits are nesting in their box and jobs are getting done that otherwise wouldn’t have been given a thought. Every cloud and all that.

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End in good time for the 16th June? I have to say I am pretty sceptical about that - especially for those "officially" old ( i.e over 70 whatever your health ) and those others deemed vulnerable.

I am not particularly clever but to me the only acceptable exit strategy would be a vaccine - its not just going to fade away as far as I can see, so how are you going to able to protect those mentioned above - to me it seems the only option is to continue the lock down, at least for them, as I am not sure miracles actually happen.

If you just release everyone to continue as before will that not just encourage another outbreak? I cannot see anything to say that it will not just reoccur as previously - someone cheer me up and say ,convincingly, that that will not be the case?

Do we really think the holiday industry will just be allowed to continue for everyone on a given date without preconditions?

My issue is that I don't really have that many years left, statistically, and its an awful waste to sit around on your bum waiting for a whole year to just pass by, just in case!!!!!

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8 minutes ago, marshman said:

My issue is that I don't really have that many years left, statistically, and its an awful waste to sit around on your bum waiting for a whole year to just pass by, just in case!!!!!

Well said, I'm at the early stages of my retirement and as you never know what's around the corner I want to enjoy it, specifically on my boat!

Having said that I know I've nothing to complain about compared to many others and will continue to follow all the rules and guidance of course

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 I really do think that it was a blunder to allow cycling as an exercise. Why cycling and not other sporting activities? Granted that it's not always a team activity but then the same can be said of a number of sports, angling and kayaking included. 

Personally I shall have no qualms whatsoever in regard to angling from the end of my garden! Luck of the draw. Just need to kill a rabbit so I can get some maggots, don't suppose the angling shop will be open, let alone the maggot factory.

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Hands off the cyclists, at the moment it's the only exercise I get suffering from gout walking long distances is out of the question, last week I managed to cycle 50 miles, and just this morning 21 miles, without meeting anybody and minding my own business, quite honestly I'd rather be on the boat but that pleasure has been taken away, but luckily not the bike so as I said Hands off.


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50 miles,  I thought you had to stay 2 km from your home only.  Sorry but that is how I understand it.    50 miles and we can all go off for the day.    Or are you on one of these bikes that go nowhere and is sited in the garage or similar.

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2 hours ago, marshman said:

someone cheer me up and say ,convincingly, that that will not be the case?

I suspect it will be a gradual easing over a number of weeks.

Social distancing will stay the norm for a long time.  However we are now use to these measures, even if they feel a bit odd.

I don't see pubs and restaurants, concerts and large gatherings opening until the last phase.

The government are looking for a bounce in the third quarter, that can't happen if nine million are still furloughed and shops and construction sites are closed.

Only time will tell but it will end, eventually.


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39 minutes ago, Hylander said:

50 miles,  I thought you had to stay 2 km from your home only.  Sorry but that is how I understand it.    50 miles and we can all go off for the day.    Or are you on one of these bikes that go nowhere and is sited in the garage or similar.

That's not in one go that was just my normal 10 miles a day

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

 I really do think that it was a blunder to allow cycling as an exercise. Why cycling and not other sporting activities? 

More than a blunder, its a downright injustice. Given the very tenuous reasons British Canoeing have given for canoeing being risky due to issues occurring in isolated waters., then what of the risks of all the cyclists now appearing on our roads and running the gauntlet of "white van man" and all other "essential vehicle" users on the now seemingly speed derestricted back lanes.  A sweeping generalisation I realise, but just an observation during my cycling trips recently round my way.

Surely a reborn wobbling cyclist causing an "essential vehicle" pile up is potentially more serious than an isolated paddler in the middle of the river who may get wet ?  As I said before, its that injustice that's got me.

its not a question of hands off cyclists. I exercise by bike a lot, but let us also hands off paddlers.

There are alternatives for all to get their exercise -  indoor rowing machines, indoor cycle machines, treadmills for runners.

Either a lockdown is a lockdown and so ALL outdoor exercise banned, or its not a lockdown.

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3 hours ago, marshman said:

If you just release everyone to continue as before will that not just encourage another outbreak? I cannot see anything to say that it will not just reoccur as previously - someone cheer me up and say ,convincingly, that that will not be the case?

I don't agree! There are still far too many unknowns, the main one being are those who have recovered now immune to it?

It is my suspicion that when the lock-down is relaxed, there will be as many businesses as possible released to ply their trade, and pubs in holiday areas will be a positive bonus to help kickstarting the economy. (especially in officially recognised holiday areas like National parks) …  Oh pooo, did I say that out loud????

We know that all this virus malarkey  is going to cost the country billions so there will be a strong incentive to get things as normal as possible as soon as possible.

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Shhh MauriceM, I think you got away with it. 

Xenophobia aside I think we should all be watching the French very closely as, unless I missed something this is the first country who have detailed any kind of plan to exit lock down.


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2 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

 I really do think that it was a blunder to allow cycling as an exercise. Why cycling and not other sporting activities? Granted that it's not always a team activity but then the same can be said of a number of sports, angling and kayaking included. 

Personally I shall have no qualms whatsoever in regard to angling from the end of my garden! Luck of the draw. Just need to kill a rabbit so I can get some maggots, don't suppose the angling shop will be open, let alone the maggot factory.


I would have thought an old Sage like you would see a bicycle as a means of transport not a sport.

I can remember starting in th Machine Tool Business and even in the late 60's half the workforce would cycle to work.

I have to disagree with you, there are still people who not being able to use their bike would cause them serious problems, not using a kayak? Maybe if you are Inuit!

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28 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Living in Cambridge , cycling is not just exercise for a lot of people it is their only method of transport to the shops etc 

Valid point - but people also have legs and feet.

Anyway this discussion is about exercise, not essential travel.

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