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Simple Pleasures

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1 hour ago, marshman said:

Ian - no one is arguing with you and we are pleased you are looking forward to getting out and about but its all a sense of perspective! You state that Covid19 is "..extremely serious if you get it.." but perhaps it would be nearer the truth if you prefaced that remark with "can".

Indeed there is plenty of evidence that lots of people show no symptoms and of the remainder only a small proportion are even hospitalised - this is not meant to downplay it at all but if this whole episode illustrates anything, it is how as a community we have forgotten how to assess risk. It starts as we step out of bed every morning and it will not go away but somewhere along the line we have to be able to accurately assess risk or we will never go out at all, let alone work!!! At this moment in time, many people are not assessing risk correctly and need to relearn that ability I am fraid!!

Well put.  Couldn’t agree more.

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9 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

More folk have survived than died from this and I do not wish to make light of the numbers, but I am sure that many of the recorded deaths at the moment are being attributed to Covid, because the medical staff do not have time to thoroughly investigate each case individually. 

I think you could be right there Mouldy.

Look at Ian

Has a pre-existing condition

Has a tight chest

Dry throat


Doesnt have Covid -19 but any coroner, doctor and many health proffesionals who neither saw or treated him,  would say looking at the symptoms, Covid 19.

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Just remember I've been at home for three months at high risk with COPD. So simple  If I get it the chances of dieing are very high.Thankfully the Ambulance crew said it was more then likely a chest infection. Which in its self is far from pleasant. I will only take acceptable risks.

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my daughters boyfriend works at a care home, they had one death early on (a resident that was already dying) that covid 19  was put on the death certificate because he tested positive in the autopsy, despite the fact he was already terminal. the care home did not find out until the relatives mentioned it that covid was the cause of death on the certificate.

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Back to simple pleasures, us locals inbreds rely on such things. My wife and I enjoy sitting on the river bank watching the world go by, especially folk making a pig's ear of going under Potter, for example. How simple do we have to be to derive pleasure from watching folk do it all wrong? We sits on our respective walls and benches, watching with a wry, quiet smile, and maybe a half of Adnam's to hand. Sometimes we go 'ooh arrr', that boat is flying its ensign from the wrong end, or that boat is dragging its fend-offs, crooked water-lines are good for a chuckle, maybe that lot are judged as not having a clue, we also derive great pleasure in watching folk enjoy themselves, even with the red ensign on the bow and dragging their mudweights! 

A spot of fishing doesn't go amiss either, nor does watching the birds.

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Peter I remember  we had Silver Melody from Brundall  before we owned.We took the boat up to Waxham(interesting) very tight in the distance was a couple sat on a bench watching  thought  they  were dead mind.Then I thought this is getting silly. A 25 point turn went back the other way.Always fun watching  at Wroxham. 

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2 hours ago, marshman said:

PW - I have been watching some of those birds -  on bikes.....!!!

From astern? You naughty old man!

I once did a summer season with Sandy Sandford, do you remember him, he always reckoned it was like watching a couple of whippets fighting in a sack! Can't think why but that has always stuck in my mind. Can't think who it was now but another comic suggested that a well formed derriere was akin to 'jelly on springs', at least when cycling down Elm Hill in Norwich!.   I remember, it was the then young Olly Day!

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8 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Back to simple pleasures, us locals inbreds rely on such things. My wife and I enjoy sitting on the river bank watching the world go by, especially folk making a pig's ear of going under Potter, for example. How simple do we have to be to derive pleasure from watching folk do it all wrong? We sits on our respective walls and benches, watching with a wry, quiet smile, and maybe a half of Adnam's to hand. Sometimes we go 'ooh arrr', that boat is flying its ensign from the wrong end, or that boat is dragging its fend-offs, crooked water-lines are good for a chuckle, maybe that lot are judged as not having a clue, we also derive great pleasure in watching folk enjoy themselves, even with the red ensign on the bow and dragging their mudweights! 

A spot of fishing doesn't go amiss either, nor does watching the birds.

It seems you have pleasure with watching people with what you call, a less IQ than you.

You are naturally funny and don't realise it!!!!!:default_biggrin:

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8 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

and maybe a half of Adnam's to hand.

Half? HALF???????

Shame on you JM!

Unless you are talking in litres as 500ml is the size of bottles they do, but only till the pubs open again. (but I don't believe that)


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18 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Half? HALF???????

Shame on you JM!

Unless you are talking in litres as 500ml is the size of bottles they do, but only till the pubs open again. (but I don't believe that)


Nothing wrong with a half if you're driving.

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