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New Restrictions Could Affect Hire Boats And Holiday Accommodation ?


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Reading the news this morning and the new restrictions made me think of the implications for the holiday industry in and around Norfolk ? Many boats and holiday rentals cater for up to 10 or 12 people who have bookings ? I read elsewhere of 7 people booked on a boat from Monday ,do they leave one person out ?,get refunds ? Or rebook ?  Just as the industry was beginning to settle down a bit 😮

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The news this morning has bigger implications than hire boats redistricting down to six berths. What will happen to the pubs that are working within the previous corvid rulings, how will this effect the return back to schools and how will this effect supermarkets and shops in general. Many Community Centres and village halls have only just started to open again after planning secure Corvid 19 guidelines.

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Have just read the BBC report on this one and have pulled out this comment:

There are some exceptions to the new rules. Households and support bubbles bigger than six can socialise together.

A blessing is that, daughter number two has six children so with her husband that inevitably makes eight. Presumably they can all go on holiday together.

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10 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

The news this morning has bigger implications than hire boats redistricting down to six berths. What will happen to the pubs that are working within the previous corvid rulings, how will this effect the return back to schools and how will this effect supermarkets and shops in general. Many Community Centres and village halls have only just started to open again after planning secure Corvid 19 guidelines.

It shouldn't be too much of a problem for the pubs. They are only catering for smaller groups at the moment anyway.

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Before we get into the world of conjecture regarding these issues, should we not wait to hear the full details that are expected later today.  I would imagine the last thing anyone wants is another total lockdown.  The country can not afford it!,

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Here we go again.  From what I understand, there are a number of reasons for the current increases in positive testing, one of which is due to the number of test being carried out.  Yes, there are sectors of society that may be ignoring the warnings, but some degree of normality has to be restored otherwise we might as well lock ourselves indoors and wait for the end.

Anyway, I’m off out to stock up on toilet rolls, pasta, rice and antiseptic wipes.  If we have another shortage, I want to be at the head of the queue.



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It was only last week millions were encouraged to "eat out to help out"


Now we can only go to the pub in groups of less than 6, where we will meet scores of other groups of less than 6


And there can be more than 6 at work or in school.


You really couldn't make it up.

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Sorry Fred but I was only permitted to either like or thank your post, not both.

It is inevitable that subjects like this, skate on thin ice regarding ToS, but it's such an important subject I believe it vital it be discussed wherever  with whoever whenever possible. Some messages need to be "got across" to those who don't understand or have not heard them. (I don't mean to those who disagree with them Vaughan).

I'm not in full agreement with what John (Hockham Admiral) says though, unless he means you are being intolerant of cerebrally challenged poultry. If we can avoid making statements that hint at party political preferences, we stand a better chance of discussing the problem (Covid) rather than the manner in which it is being dealt with.





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How much has 'Eat out to help out' influenced the upturn in cases ?  We made good use of the scheme and on the whole were impressed with the lengths various establisments had gone to.

However a couple left a huge ammount to be desired - it seemed that if you had the money, COME ON IN !

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8 minutes ago, Cockatoo said:

Isn't the way it is being dealt with (or not dealt with)  the main problem though?


Yes, quite right. Again I'm guilty of using a poor turn of phrase.

Expressions like "This government has..." or "Boris hasn't..." are not that helpful as they imply that a different government would have done better. A different government may have done things differently, but there are no grounds to say that they would have had better results.

If we say "The new rules will mean that..." rather than "This governments new rules mean that..." the emphasis will be on the new rules, rather than who brought them in."

My next 'generalisation' is probably more contentious.

It strikes me that the age group most adversely effected by these new rules, is the same age group that made these new rules necessary.

We've all seen the footage of revellers out on the streets outside pubs with no social distancing shown. Pluss of course those sea side places with the packed beaches etc. etc.

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11 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

It strikes me that the age group most adversely effected by these new rules, is the same age group that made these new rules necessary.

We've all seen the footage of revellers out on the streets outside pubs with no social distancing shown. Pluss of course those sea side places with the packed beaches etc. etc.

Absolutely spot on John, and its not just this country there have been similar issues elsewhere hence the reintroduction of quarantine measures, is every government at fault or just the ones we don`t like.


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12 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

. . . . . . . . . Pluss of course those sea side places with the packed beaches etc. etc.

Interesting point, MM.  As we know, Liberation Day (4th July) passed with no massive increase of infections - certainly not in line with what we were led to expect if you believe the garbage written in the comics we laughingly describe as newspapers.  Photos of apparently crowded beaches were not followed by significant increases of Covid cases, despite all of the histrionics we were reading.

Even through August, when Eat Out to Help Out was in full force, pubs reopened and life returned to some sort of normality, there really weren’t comparable increases in the number of reported cases.

What has happened over the last couple of weeks, then?  Schools have gone back, but can we justify keeping kids away from their seats of learning for longer?  Has there been a mutation of the virus?  Who knows?  Perhaps it’s just a general air of complacency regarding the virus that has caused it.

What is for certain is that there is now an unimaginable amount of money to be repaid to cover the borrowing the Government made during the crisis and we have been warned to expect some swingeing tax increases to start to recoup that.

I also notice that trials of the much vaunted Oxford vaccine have been put on hold due to unforeseen issues.  
Covid - 19, or it’s effects, will be with us for many years of that there is no doubt. We need to get used to it and not go into a state of panic whenever additional measures are imposed.  

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13 hours ago, Vaughan said:

It is also very dangerous in the long term.

Agreed but surely a case of needs must. A year ago the situation did not exist, and we, and I include the government, are on a very steep learning curve indeed. HMG has made mistakes, is making mistakes, but where would we be if they hadn't taken the initiative? 

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politics should be restricted to generalisations, not individual parties or their actions, unless those directly impinge upon the broads. (other than via COVID) we can discuss the ramifications of certain new laws being brought in, but not the actions of the politicians that bring them in.

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Right, I have tidied up this thread and hidden all of the political comments, so please dont stray into opinions of any political party and their actions or lack thereof, stick to the topic which is the effect that the new ruling of gatherings of 6 people or less upon the industry and holidaymakers on the norfolk broads.

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What’s changed? 
The weather has. 
This virus is following the well trodden paths of all cold and flu viruses which have similar infection rates. 
Humans starting to go back indoors as the nights close in and temperatures full. 
Track and tracing in this and other countries nearly always find close family and close social circle infections rather than stranger danger  

since early in the cycle virologists have pointed this out although the death rates are vastly reduced as we figure out how best to treat COVID the background infection rate has never really dropped through the floor

Unless an injection comes along its back to good old herd immunity which is and was humanity’s best way to fight disease on this scale as this will reduce available vectors 

This country just can’t afford another lock down and  don’t think people will follow it on an illness that is less deadly than seasonal flu  

horrible as it sounds, as we stand at the moment, I don’t think we can effectively fight it without making the cure worse than the disease 


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The new ruling is gatherings of 6 or less dependant on family bubble , if bubble is greater then that is also permitted .

The new legislation has been forced upon the incumbent party by many individuals ignoring the measures and guidelines (as it would have been irrespective of who was at the helm during this Covid-19 crisis) .

In many cases those seen in the media speaking out against the “rule of six” are the same individuals whose reckless behaviour has escalated the Covid-19 figures (plus of course the simple fact that more people are being tested) .

As I have been harking along since early days if people simply wash their hands frequently , use sanitiser when soap or water is not available , respect the two meter distancing where possible and wear face coverings then we can beat this terrible virus ; ignore these very simple rules and we will continue to live in its shadow .

as a footnote , well done to Gareth Southgate who acted promptly and IMHO correctly in sending the two players who broke the Covid-19 rules in place .

And once again thank you to the NHS , support workers , and all those working hard to hold this dreadful virus at bay.

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