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North And South Pubs


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Looking at another thread, I was just considering what would be my favourite pubs - the places you would choose if you could only eat out once north and once south.  I thought it might be interesting to nominate them here, followed by the pubs you've visited the most over your times on the Broads. They're not necessarily the same places!

So for me,
Favourite pubs: North: Sutton Staithe Hotel. South: The Yare Hotel, Brundall

Most visited pubs: North: Bridge Inn, Acle. South: The Yare Hotel, Brundall

Just a bit of whimsey on an overcast September Saturday morning.

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Mine are:

North: The White Horse Neatishead. South: The Wherry, Geldeston.

Most visited (last couple of years anyway). North: Acle Bridge Inn. South: not sure. We haven't visited that many recently, but we have had a few trips by car from Brundall to Acle. 

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As mentioned in another thread, ours are The Lion on the northern rivers and The Ferry House on the southern side.

As far as most visited is concerned, The Ferry House is almost our local, being moored at Brundall, although The Yare is easily reached from our marina.  When we stray north on longer breaks, The Bridge Inn at Acle and The Lion share our custom probably equally.

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9 hours ago, Mouldy said:

As mentioned in another thread, ours are The Lion on the northern rivers and The Ferry House on the southern side.

As far as most visited is concerned, The Ferry House is almost our local, being moored at Brundall, although The Yare is easily reached from our marina.  When we stray north on longer breaks, The Bridge Inn at Acle and The Lion share our custom probably equally.

What he said! Malcolm and I share favourite north and south. I've also been to the Bridge Inn probably as much as The Lion.

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9 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

If possible I would recommend mooring at the furthest end from the bridge , the shenanigans and bumps occurring there have been at an all time high 

menu looks promising 


Thank you for the advice CC, yes I’ve seen the chaos/carnage there on YouTube!! Do you mean the furthest end before the bridge or after going under it?


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1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Last week when we passed downstream the private moorings signs had been extended for the whole stretch of the right hand side grass banked moorings , which is where we used to enjoy mooring 

That's a shame. Only in July that stretch was available and being used.

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South is easy. With the demise of the Locks it has to be Ferry House at Surlingham by some distance,

North I would have to decide between The Bridge Inn, Acle, The Recruiting Sergeant or The Nelson's Head though I have not been to the latter recently.

As for most visited then The Bridge Inn and Ferry House, I go to the places I like most. 

Being as we are land based visitors now and not tethered to those places accessible by water an honourable mention must also go to the Sailor's Home at Kessingland and the Three Horseshoes at North Cove, both favoured watering holes. 

On 05/09/2021 at 08:41, Vaughan said:

I agree with MM. It is always the Red House to me.

Just as the Rushcutters (whatever that means) is always Thorpe Gardens.

Precisely, just as that pretentious place with the glass front will always be the Woods End Tavern, though sadly those days have gone. 


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1 hour ago, Paul said:

South is easy. With the demise of the Locks it has to be Ferry House at Surlingham by some distance,

North I would have to decide between The Bridge Inn, Acle, The Recruiting Sergeant or The Nelson's Head though I have not been to the latter recently.

As for most visited then The Bridge Inn and Ferry House, I go to the places I like most. 

Being as we are land based visitors now and not tethered to those places accessible by water an honourable mention must also go to the Sailor's Home at Kessingland and the Three Horseshoes at North Cove, both favoured watering holes. 

Precisely, just as that pretentious place with the glass front will always be the Woods End Tavern, though sadly those days have gone. 


Demise of The Locks?

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