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2022 Plans


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I'm fortunate enough to have enjoyed 3 fabulous weeks boating this year (2 on the Broads and one in Scotland) and somehow have had the bonus of brilliant weather for all three. For next year I have 3 more trips booked (I'm a lucky, lucky man):

April: Silver Mirage from Silverline. I'll either be solo (which I've cleared with the boatyard) or I may have a small crew. This will be my second hire with Silverline, the first being back in 2004, also on Silver Mirage.

June: Lady Kristina from Kris Cruisers on the Thames with my Mum and daughter. I absolutely love the Thames but I've let hire prices put me off too often. It'll be my first hire from Kris Cruisers.

September: Silver Emblem from Ferry Marina. I was due to have Rose Emblem this year but postponed that for family reasons and Ferry Marina were brilliant in letting me switch dates and boat. I'll be solo.

Alas, I haven't been able to persuade Mrs Broads01 (Mel) to accompany me on any of these but she gives me continuing support in enjoying my passion.

What plans do you have?

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As much as I like Cornwall, finding that a week on the same site we went to earlier this year for the holiday we should have taken in 2020, has increased in price by about 50%, I think we will be making more use of Norfolk Lady.  That said, we still have a half share in Moonlight Shadow.  Our son and his family will be using the summer week in August, but we have friends who wish to join us for the spring week that starts on 30th April.

I really wanted to do the North Coast 500 around the north of Scotland, however due to travel restrictions this year, it has proved too popular and some hostility towards holiday makers has been reported.  That may happen for us in 2023, as long as I’m still around, when levels of foreign travel have returned (hopefully) to normal, leaving the UK quieter for those of us who prefer to holiday here.

We’ll have to wait and see.

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2022 no holidays for us, as in go somewhere, all time off is spoken for, However..

My sailing boat should finally be finished, so sailing every Sunday instead of working on it, plus

Monday 18th Apr Down river race

On duty for the 3 Rivers Race 28-28 May.

Horning regatta week 30th July to 5th August,

Sept - Oct sometime, the dinghy weekend..

and at the end of the year I retire.. So we can have some time going elsewhere in 2023

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Lads week in Lanzarote first week in January (fingers crossed!).  Brenda has a week in Greece sometime in June with her brother and sister in law (I don't do Greece :default_biggrin:) and then we are both booked on Supreme Light from Herbert Woods in October when we will do the southern broads for a few days before coming back to the northern broads.


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Two trips on the broads. One with my brother and sisters, something we haven't done together in over 40 years. Just the 5 of us no partners kids etc. Cornwall another 1st for me, and hopefully our postponed trip to Cuba. Cuba holds a very special place in our hearts. A busy busy year. The bizzare thing is two of the trips we're paid for in 2019 so seems like free holiday's. 

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It's early days for plans yet. I rarely get to the UK these days, let alone the Broads. However I have no doubt that nearer the time I shall be looking for someone who wants crew for the 3RR (assuming I can escape from work). If I can get enough time in the UK then a few ays on a Hunter's yacht would be good as well.

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I have got Lady Keeleigh booked for a week at Easter on the Thames, my first Thames holiday was on her in 2008 and Kris Cruisers are great. Unlike a lot of yards they held there price's for 21 at 20 levels and give an early Booking discount possibly 10% so if anyone fancies the Thames at discounted 2020 levels they should give them a go although still won't be cheap it's good value for the Thames.

June 2 weeks in Scotland followed by a week in September on Pacific Oasis the new boat at Pacific for our usual week of peace on the Southern Broads


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Having only owned our boat for 12 months, our plans for 2022 are staying in the uk and cruising, cruising, cruising on the boards as often as we can.

In 2021, from unlocking the country in April to now, we've done 200 engine hours (I've got to now do my 2nd service!) running up and down the rivers of the broads, crossed Breydon 6 times (3 times each way) and enjoyed every minute of it.

Lets hope I can do 400 hours in 2022 as it means I'm having a great time !!


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8 hours ago, Captain said:

a week in September on Pacific Oasis the new boat at Pacific

Is that the Alpha forward steer?

I knew I wouldn't be the only one with a few plans in place. Thanks to all who've contributed. If you're planning on hiring and you haven't yet booked, get on with it before everything is booked up once again!

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As I am now fully, officially retired, we no longer have MIL to look after and the grandchildren are all at school. 2022 will bring two weeks each month afloat April to October and one week a month for the other months.

August hopefully will be the Hungarian F1 after being cancelled the last two years.

The odd long weekend will be slotted in in the UK.

It have no desire to go abroad for the sun until 2023.


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7 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

two weeks each month afloat April to October and one week a month for the other months.


7 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

The odd long weekend will be slotted in in the UK.

That sounds amazing. It will be so nice if we even just have a whole year with no restrictions on travel and overnight stays in the UK. 

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8 hours ago, Broads01 said:

If you're planning on hiring and you haven't yet booked, get on with it before everything is booked up once again!

Other years we have booked by now for next year. But I haven’t felt the desire to do so yet. We tend to keep to traditionally quieter months but I’m not sure those are going to exist anymore. 

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On 06/10/2021 at 09:01, Mouldy said:

As much as I like Cornwall, finding that a week on the same site we went to earlier this year for the holiday we should have taken in 2020, has increased in price by about 50%, I think we will be making more use of Norfolk Lady.  That said, we still have a half share in Moonlight Shadow.  Our son and his family will be using the summer week in August, but we have friends who wish to join us for the spring week that starts on 30th April.

I really wanted to do the North Coast 500 around the north of Scotland, however due to travel restrictions this year, it has proved too popular and some hostility towards holiday makers has been reported.  That may happen for us in 2023, as long as I’m still around, when levels of foreign travel have returned (hopefully) to normal, leaving the UK quieter for those of us who prefer to holiday here.

We’ll have to wait and see.

We have had two lovely weeks in Scotland in our motorhome. We are on our last night in Scotland before heading back across the border tomorrow. We have not seen any hostile behaviour towards tourists at all, in fact quite the opposite. Everyone has been very welcoming. It has been a brilliant holiday.


We have a fair few trips booked in for 2022 already. Easter sees us at Burnham Deepdale, we are at Southwold for the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend. We have a week booked in July for the Isle of Wight and our two week autumn trip next year takes in Devon and Cornwall. 


The motorhome will be busy next year 😀

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3 minutes ago, Cal said:

We have had two lovely weeks in Scotland in our motorhome. We are on our last night in Scotland before heading back across the border tomorrow. We have not seen any hostile behaviour towards tourists at all, in fact quite the opposite. Everyone has been very welcoming. It has been a brilliant holiday. 😀

May just have been through the peak of the summer holidays. I think it’s fair to say that issues with foreign travel this year has caused an increase in folk holidaying in the Britain, which may have impacted the locals attitude towards increased volumes of tourists, especially during peak times (school holidays).

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22 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

May just have been through the peak of the summer holidays. I think it’s fair to say that issues with foreign travel this year has caused an increase in folk holidaying in the Britain, which may have impacted the locals attitude towards increased volumes of tourists, especially during peak times (school holidays).

I think it was one or two vocal locals kicking up a fuss about nothing really. Everyone we have spoken too has welcomed the extra tourism and money it has brought to them.

The facilities provided up here for motorhomes are excellent and it would be great if more were provided in the rest of the UK but we won't hold our breath waiting for that to happen 🤣🤣🤣

We are on night 14 and only one night has been on a campsite. 

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1 hour ago, Cal said:

The facilities provided up here for motorhomes are excellent and it would be great if more were provided in the rest of the UK but we won't hold our breath waiting for that to happen 🤣🤣🤣

I think the same may be true for truck drivers and the facilities found in this country for them.  I’ve driven in France, Holland, Germany and Belgium and the facilities for drivers over there are fantastic.  Far better than the expensive motorway service areas over here.  Little wonder that drivers are leaving the profession.

Boris is hoping that wages and conditions improve.  The wages might, but facilities in this greed driven society where profits matter most, are likely to remain more suitable for cattle than professional drivers.

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