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Antisocial Behaviors


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As the New Boating Season just gets started to getting under way have the Hiring Boat Yards tightened  the rules on Groups of Poeple on Antisocail behavior i like to suggest making them paying more Deposits  on each per person like £250 each and to sign a Declaration on their behavior when finish their Broads Holiday they get it back providing No Antisocial  behaviorhave have taken place. I'M aware of the Ladds week are a great bunch to have when the Broads with out Griff being thrown in the Broads lol I wish it would be like that each year but we do have a few that spoiling it for majority  of others.

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Depends on what you class as Anti social behaviour Andrew to be perfectly honest. A group of youngster's being high spirited ( people are on holiday and want to let there hair down ) someone running there engine at an unreasonable hour ?? Children running around being to noisy on Ranworth green etc etc, where do you stop. All have been objected to on threads on this forum. Society has change so much and in today's world most things seem to be acceptable. Consuming alcohol first thing in the morning, the smoking of cannabis is common and openly done. Both have a major effect on people's behaviour. I take the veiw and I'm not suggesting I'm right, live and let live as long as its not affecting my enjoyment or harming others. Why let it bother you ? You can't change it. Single sex or young groups already have to pay a cash deposit on arrival, that said I seen some pretty undesirable family's in the past. I've even seen sue from Summercraft kick a family of one of her boats at the ferry inn Horning before, backed up by the police. No easy answers to this one I fill..

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What others may regard as anti-social some see as harmless fun , the only behaviour I would class as antisocial which I have personally witnessed has occurred at busy pub moorings (Horning) and this was soon quelled by the pub operators at the time .

I remember being moored up at Salhouse Broad and a neighbouring boat were going to contact Broads Beat as the family next to them were jumping in the water from their moored bathtub style boat and having a really good time laughing etc , they stated that it was disturbing their peace , which begs the question why moor at the busiest family mooring on a sunny warm summers day if you wish solitude , it’s all give and take , personally I love to see young children enjoying the outside far better than a video game IMHO 

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7 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

which begs the question why moor at the busiest family mooring on a sunny warm summers day if you wish solitude , it’s all give and take , personally I love to see young children enjoying the outside far better than a video game IMHO 

Graham and I have been in that position, moored next to an extended family who were having a wonderful time, though they were rather noisy for our taste. We realised that, if we wanted peaceful, we needed to plan for peaceful, but we wouldn’t have dreamed of spoiling their fun.

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20 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

What others may regard as anti-social some see as harmless fun , the only behaviour I would class as antisocial which I have personally witnessed has occurred at busy pub moorings (Horning) and this was soon quelled by the pub operators at the time .

I remember being moored up at Salhouse Broad and a neighbouring boat were going to contact Broads Beat as the family next to them were jumping in the water from their moored bathtub style boat and having a really good time laughing etc , they stated that it was disturbing their peace , which begs the question why moor at the busiest family mooring on a sunny warm summers day if you wish solitude , it’s all give and take , personally I love to see young children enjoying the outside far better than a video game IMHO 

Yes I love my peace and quiet as well but and a big but,  just cast your mind to what is going on on the Continent of Europe.    I know what I would rather have.      It is good to hear laughter and happiness.  The whole point of being on a boat is your can always up sticks and moor somewhere else if it gets too much.          I can recall one year on the Ant at that famous junction,  all peace and quiet and you could hear a pin drop , when along came not one but three boats that moored at the junction lashed together and the language you would not believe.   These were not single sex they were families.  They had children on board too,  it was horrendous,  so we untied and tootled off further down the Ant and found a nice quiet spot.





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2 minutes ago, TFrench89 said:

People go on holiday to enjoy themselves (within reason). I've personally not witnessed anything I'd consider antisocial behaviour. It certainly isn't the responsibility of Richardson's etc to decide what people do on their hols. Live and let live I say

I agree but having witnessed a boat full of men coming along from Gt Yarmouth towards Stracey (it will always be Stracey) naked as jaybirds except for the helm who was desperately trying to reign them in ,  unsuccessfully I might add,  I did phone a certain boat yard.      Sorry but with families about that is going too far.



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1 minute ago, Hylander said:

I agree but having witnessed a boat full of men coming along from Gt Yarmouth towards Stracey (it will always be Stracey) naked as jaybirds except for the helm who was desperately trying to reign them in ,  unsuccessfully I might add,  I did phone a certain boat yard.      Sorry but with families about that is going too far.



I did say within reason, that does seem unreasonable tbh. I'm glad I didn't witness that!!!

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I agree its not the job of hire companies to impose a payment  or fine.Its the responsibility  of the Police.There is no doubt anti social behaviour happens  not only on the broads  but sadly  every where.Ive seen it a number of times.Hire companies on the broads and elsewhere can and do set down rules, that most responsible people will agree with.Sadly for some they think rules don't apply to them.

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The worst case` of anti social behaviour I have witnessed with hire boats involved a large party of men between about 40 and 60 years of age that caused a lot of mayhem, also 1 private boat with a half dozen older drunks cruising back and forth singing and shouting at 5.00 AM.

Just a big a problem these days is lack of tolerance for people enjoying a bit of harmless fun.


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living next door to a property that gets rented ut to stag and hen does amongst other tenants, i have experienced the parties next door, its the hen do's all deciding to sit in the hot tub chatting away until 4am that are the worst, as its right outside my bedroom window, but live and let live, its usually just the first night, catching up with the friends not seen for months. so i let it ride.

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19 minutes ago, grendel said:

 its the hen do's all deciding to sit in the hot tub chatting away until 4am that are the worst, as its right outside my bedroom window, 

What upsets you most? The cricked neck next day or the windows needing cleaning. :default_biggrin:

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