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16 hours ago, NeilB said:

Glad you are ok!

Can I ask if you had some means of getting out of the water if there had been no safety ladders?  I had a slip last year but fell away from the river and just got a muddy bottom!  I'd been thinking about an emergency ladder of some sort and ended up with a folding ladder bolted to the stern, the boats stern, not mine!!  There's one step on the water line and when unfolded another 2 below.

Generally, when entering the  water  of my own volition, I will place a rope ladder, either  on the boat, or from the bank. However you can reach a rear mooring cleat from the water to grab a rope, and then water rail has some handy rubbing strakes about 12" apart at the stern which can be used as steps.. 

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4 hours ago, Hylander said:

Good morning Grendel -   how are you today?      Please let us know you are ok?



I am fine today, within 20 minutes in the sleeping bag,  I was almost too warm, and today is a lovely day.

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This morning,  stepping ashore carefully after breakfast, I released the mooring lines and set off about 8.45, as the tide would turn at about 9.30, I deemed this a perfect time to get the tide down the yare, and catch it coming in up the waveney. I checked fuel before I left, deciding I had enough to get me to herringfleet, as the dipstick showed it on the lowest mark, by the time I got to herringfleet it was on the half, so I topped up with the 20 litre Jerry can I carry for  thar purpose.

After adding 20 litres I was just a couple of  gallons below full, so I cast off and headed upstream, finally deciding my destination to be  the easter island figures mooring. Where I am now comfortably  moored up.

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As an update to the chains at Hardly Cross, the rangers were there this morning repair/replacing them. They said someone had falling  in, but I didn’t realise it was you. 

And yes the mooring is still very slippery and as a solo helm I WAS wearing a life jacket…😎

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2 hours ago, SwanR said:

Where is that please?

My thoughts exactly Jean.   I was beginning to think may be Grendel had bumped his head yesterday,   Easter Island figures,  my first thought  after as just said was,   New Zealand is ruddy long trip from there.   

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58 minutes ago, Bluebell said:

As an update to the chains at Hardly Cross, the rangers were there this morning repair/replacing them. They said someone had falling  in, but I didn’t realise it was you. 

And yes the mooring is still very slippery and as a solo helm I WAS wearing a life jacket…😎

Good to hear that the chains have been replaced. 

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Any chance you could fall in at Somerleyton tomorrow mate? There are a couple of chains along there needing a service :default_biggrin:

In the meantime, and with your current track record, we have started a crowdfunding page to buy you one of these


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Is it just me being inattentive, or has the final ‘Easter island’ carving disappeared from that lovely wild mooring? There used to be a couple, there was only one there the last 18 months or so. 

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On 28/04/2024 at 18:30, ExSurveyor said:

I might have to change your name to Aquaman 😁

Glad you are ok.

I think as a monster that lives in acave under a lake, Grendel is quite adequate.

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3 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Is it just me being inattentive, or has the final ‘Easter island’ carving disappeared from that lovely wild mooring? There used to be a couple, there was only one there the last 18 months or so. 

If it is still here it's under all the reeds growing on the bank, I did clear some of the reeds along the edge of the Quay heading. To make it safer for stepping ashore.

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28 minutes ago, grendel said:

If it is still here it's under all the reeds growing on the bank, I did clear some of the reeds along the edge of the Quay heading. To make it safer for stepping ashore.

Good idea. You wouldn't want people slipping over and falling in... would you 🤔 

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15 hours ago, Bluebell said:

Now at Loddon basin, not noticed this sign before…😎

Anyone ever double moored stern on?


I'd just like to point out to Grendel the No Swimming bit :default_biggrin:

Grace x

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8 hours ago, Gracie said:

I'd just like to point out to Grendel the No Swimming bit :default_biggrin:

Grace x

ok i wont swim, i will walk on the bottom. just arrived home, car to be emptied, shopping to be done and then i will write up todays excitement.

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shopping- why does an asda cottage pie for one- 400g cost £3.25, while a cottage pie for 2 (800g) cost only £3.80, guess what I am hungry tonight.

and so to todays tale- I woke early, i had hung up on the nuts protruding from the quay heading last night, and needed to refit a few screws onthe metal trim, no big deal, but I wanted to catch it near high tide, so when I woke to the sunrise at about 5am, that was an ideal time as the affected part was a nice distance above the water to be able to easily get to, new screws were added. then a leisurely breakfast as I wanted to depart around low water, as it happened I followed low water all the way to beccles.

todays excitement- well it nearly involved swimming again- on the way up river i happened to go over a patch of reeds in the water- there was a horrible noise from the prop, and when I looked back there was some sort of a board floating in the water. now here is where imagination comes into play, i could have sworn the boat was slower after the encounter- was something wrapped around the prop- it seemed to be reacting to throttle properly, but just not going as fast- anyway, dave is going to check it out while he has her down at oulton broad to hopefully fix some of the small leaks when it rains, I have narrowed down the sources, I think we need to reseal some of the quadrant beading that trims between deck and side and roof and side.

apart from that excitement I nearly offered to swim and inspect the prop while I was at beccles, but having only just managed to dry the wet clothing from the previous immersion, i was a bit loath to repeat that.

the drive home went well- all the way down the A12, until I got to 1 mile from the M25, I couldnt fathom what was happening as the traffic on the M25 was moving nicely, it took a fair while to get to the roundabout, and then i caught a glimpse they appeared to have shut the sliproad to the motorway- not I know the backroads around that area and i know warley road would take me down a junction to the A127 , so I shot back towards brentwood and took the back roads rejoining at the A127 and then a nice trip home- that mile cost me over an hour.

safe home now after a wonderful few days- the weather this morning was perfect, yesterday was sunny but windy, and the other days generally wet.

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32 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Have I missed something? I’m still none the wiser as to this reference to Easter Island figures. Can anyone explain please?

there is a wild mooring about a mile upstream from the Waveney River Centre, a 40 foot length of quay heading, there used to be carved wooden heads reminiscent of the easter island heads, but over the years, first one, then it now appears the other have vanished, I still know it as the easter island mooring though

easter island mooring.PNG

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