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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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They docked Sunday at her home berth after the customary pump out / diesel visit to Sutton staithe.  All to the good and had a good weekend afloat.  One of Howard s crew even retrieved our s/steel mudweight complete with that 8 plait rope, Howard managed to chuck the lot overboard at the New Inn moorings at Horning, he hadn't tied the end on properly apparently - Senior moment


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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

Howard managed to chuck the lot overboard at the New Inn moorings at Horning, he hadn't tied the end on properly apparently - Senior moment


It might have been a bit of a schoolboy error with my blue shed fender episode, but really? I mean come on, that is like page one, point one of boating to check the rope is secured to the cleat before throwing in the mud weight - it could only have gone more wrong if it took Howard in with it having been attached to his foot instead!

I now await a suitable gaff by our very own Charlie :default_biggrin:

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5 hours ago, LondonRascal said:

It might have been a bit of a schoolboy error with my blue shed fender episode, but really? I mean come on, that is like page one, point one of boating to check the rope is secured to the cleat before throwing in the mud weight - it could only have gone more wrong if it took Howard in with it having been attached to his foot instead!

I now await a suitable gaff by our very own Charlie :default_biggrin:

Robin, whilst this is indeed a major school boy error please do not be under any illusion that this will distract the main protagonists from mentioning the blue Fender at every opportunity.

so far it is not one that I have done. I have gone half way down the Chet wondering why the boat was handling badly before remembering the mud weight was still down.

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Apparently he stated he did tie it on but obviously not properly.  We have to remember Howard s favourite bend or hitch being an engineer is a 'Stokers Dhoby Hitch'  Whilst he was putting a treble on his fishing rod, Walter  managed to get it using the boat hook and bungy cords in less than two minutes.

Talking of Walter (Huge very load Jock) at Acle bridge Inn after the crew - six of them - had completed dinner, Walt went outside to secure a table from the rest of them to join him, (apparently there were two or three to choose from) He sat down, then not two minutes later a family of four sat down on the same table with him.  Walt asked what did they think they were doing as he had his family appearing any second and there were other tables free.  The chap said we are sitting here and not moving.  Walt leant over so face to face contact was very close, gently but sternly said 'I think you are' stood up and glared at the chap - They wisely moved.  What a strange thing for them to do eh?

I now await a suitable gaff by our very own Charlie     I hope you will be waiting a long time, I've done some belters in t past but they are way back when, the dinghy at H.W's springs to mind but I was just 14 at the time



BA NBN 441.jpg

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So, here we are afloat once again. Sadly no white ensign flying as I have put it in a safe place and can’t find it so the trusty Yorkshire rose will suffice. 

Sailrd mid afternoon from Stalham stopped for ten minutes at Ludham then onto Thurne Dyke. For overnight. There is a £5 overnight mooring Fee - how long has that been in force?

been a proper hot n sunny day. Potter tomorrow forenoon 


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6 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

So, here we are afloat once again. Sadly no white ensign flying as I have put it in a safe place and can’t find it so the trusty Yorkshire rose will suffice. 

Sailrd mid afternoon from Stalham stopped for ten minutes at Ludham then onto Thurne Dyke. For overnight. There is a £5 overnight mooring Fee - how long has that been in force?

been a proper hot n sunny day. Potter tomorrow forenoon 


It is a long time since I moored in Thurne Dyke but I have always paid. Port side as you enter to the Pub, Starboard to the farm. However we always prefered the lost moorings of Boundary Farm and a walk.

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This trip is not a rerun of that riotous assembly that was HMS Illustrious crew. No this lot are HMS Glasgow. Much easier to deal with. 

We are berthed next to windpump on river

been up fishing since 0600 from t   Cracking morning, hot already 


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At P.H. Crew ashore. There is currently 6ft 7” airdraft with similar forecast for tomorrow. Therefore it would be rude not to wouldn’t it?

Pleasurboat for overnight then

Don’t get scared now Griff. You can do this, it’s been a fair while since I last took her through though


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Visited Pleasure Boat Inn for a DTS

Sailed to Horsey Dyke and here for overnight. The windpump is looking splendid. Nelson for dinner this evening. The wx has been awesome. There is a video of today’s bridge passage on FB and WhatsApp but I don’t know how to put it on here, Robin will know. We plan to go back throgh PHB tomorrow lunchtime 


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At P.H. Crew ashore. There is currently 6ft 7” airdraft with similar forecast for tomorrow. Therefore it would be rude not to wouldn’t it?
Pleasurboat for overnight then
Don’t get scared now Griff. You can do this, it’s been a fair while since I last took her through though
We've been through twice this week taking full advantage of the low water. We are the Martham side so it's been good to get out and about. We saw you moored this morning as we came through on the way to Acle.

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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