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I think we have moored on a tip!


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Is it completely beyond the realms of possibility that someone in some form of authority, will eventually realise that it IS possible for a commercial enterprise to generate domestic waste?

The hire craft is a commercial enterprise. The hirers are domestic. the waste comes from the hirers. it is domestic waste.  The waste from Southern Comfort (or the Lulu Belle as my parents used to call it) for example is commercial. It's not rocket science honest!

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Maybe a simple protest is to cruise around with ugly black bin liners on our pristine boats. ( Don't have to be full, or even contain rubbish, but just to make a point). lol After all, the boats form part of the scenery when people take photographs and enjoy the Broads.

We don't have room on our stern for any black bin bags, so they will have to go on the roof, as long as they don't obscure the windscreen, or block air vents or they could go on the foredeck,  but might be opened by various vermin, seagulls, squirrels and rats etc, and the contents spilt into the waterway.

The fermenting smell of week old rubbish or dirty nappies may offend other users of the waterway.

With there being less disposal points, the act of placing rubbish next to full bins at the few approved sites, will be classed as fly tipping anyway, as will placing rubbish above the "Fill Line" , so if that is the case, fly tipping at other locations will carry no worse fine than leaving it at approved sites. 

So expect more fly tipping at unobserved quieter spots, which will be very expensive to remove.

The private owners are already paying more pro rata than hire craft with the proposed increases for the new season, hire craft can often use other hirers yards, so with the private craft having to pay more, are they going to provide suitable refuse facilities within say... Private Boatyards, and Dykes, that only private craft can access, as no hire craft are allowed?

Would we want "strangers" acessing our marinas, and trying to do 21 point turns lol, and would hire craft abuse these facilities?

The BA could place open top floating "skips" at say strategic locations around the broads, for people to "Aim" for....

Expect a few misses... and an increase in vermine. 

PS don't place them at public mooring sites as we need these as they are in short supply, and they will smell to high heaven, but place them so Joe Public can't reach them by land.

During the season, the BA could publise the location of these, as in the winter months only a few would be needed, say one at Thurne mouth, one near Wroxham, we have one at Irstead, but two moored boats and they are inaccessible doh... that's most of the Northern Broads covered...

Do a similar thing in the South, say at the Yacht stations with a pontoon next to the skips, with a free stay for 4 minutes only to deposit the waste.

Problem solved...

The BA in my opinion, have really lost the plot on this one, I do wonder, how many at the BA other than the rangers have actually been on a boat, and how many have been on a boat for a week or more and tried to search for facilities. 

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Three days later I had a reply back from North Norfolk council. My message has been passed onto the environmental department. I'll reply advise as soon as I hear .. I can't wait to hear their reply. I suspect it will be.. "Sorry it's the marinas problem, go away"...

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Viking 23, you forgot to say that, if you pack your waste into heavy duty construction waste bags, as has been suggested on here, and they miss the BA's open top floating skip,  they may be robust enough to eventually wash out to sea before bursting open and spilling their contents.



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56 minutes ago, JawsOrca said:

Three days later I had a reply back from North Norfolk council. My message has been passed onto the environmental department. I'll reply advise as soon as I hear .. I can't wait to hear their reply. I suspect it will be.. "Sorry it's the marinas problem, go away"...

Hi Alan,

I got a reply as well today they have passed my message onto the relevant department that now has 28 to respond.




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I do not see this as a Broads Authority problem, it's a council problem be it local or county. The BA could however earn itself a few much needed brownie points by putting pressure on the councils concerned. It is after all a government department and would know exactly who's backsides to kick. If Dr Packman were to solve this mess I for one would start thinking far more sympathetically towards that gong we all know he's after. Looking after what he's got rather than trying to change it would be far more gongworthy.

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56 minutes ago, marshman said:

Please please Viking stop blaming this issue on the BA!!!

Whilst I know they CAN solve the problem the costs will go on to your tolls and it is local authorities that have statutory duties over waste disposal NOT the BA 


Well let's look at what we have here, we pay our tolls to the Broads Authority, we have come to expect the BA to provide us with a Navigable waterway, and maintain its beauty. How the BA do this, well we tend to let them get on with it, as we have done for many years as far back as I can remember, we allow them to negotiate mooring leases locations with local land owners, to provide a navigable waterway, and to provide waste disposal sites. 

Surely it is up to the BA to find a way to continue to provide these facilities, it is not up to us to campaign the suppliers of these services and go over the heads of the Broads Authority, surely the buck starts and ends with them.

OK if my comment looks as though I am blaming the Broads Authority, then I appologise for the way I wrote it.

But can we both agree that the BA should be responsible for ensuring we have a waste disposal system in place. Maybe I am a little biassed having spent quite a few years on the inland waterways, administered by "British Waterways" during my time on the canals. 

The Canals and Rivers Trust (Formally British Waterways) on most of the canals, provide Waste disposal, toilets, water and Elsan disposal at many sites around the UK all included within their equivilent of a Toll, which is a licence.

They also provide free showers and low cost washing machine and Tumble drier usage at many sites.

At some sites, where they charge for mooring, electricity is provided free of charge.

So if you can explain to me, while it might be outside the control of the BA, that they are still not have overall responsibility, and it is up to them to source a way to put this back in place.

I see they now have a new barge, hmm that is built to contain dredgings and waste from the river.

Pity as I said in an earlier post, a few smaller floating skips could be handy lol. I guess they could be unmotorised barges.

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Interesting document here on the waste problem presented to the Navigation committee Waste Disposal Policy nc27021. It appears the Broads Authority already supply a substantial amount of cash to North Norfolk Council for the collection of waste. North Norfolk were also trying to 'sting' the BA for waste charges backdated to 2012, hardly surprising with a Tory and UKIP controlled authority. The greedy, chinless and gormless in charge of the sanitarium. 

Here's an idea though... Skips that are roughly 3.5 ft wide by 7 feet long by four feet tall.About the same dimension of a settee. According to North Norfolk's own waste charges tariff they will collect 7-9 of these bulky items for £56!

So according to the council it costs £6,000 a year for one skip to be emptied 26 times a year yet my idea will only cost £3304 per year with skips emptied weekly.


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33 minutes ago, Timbo said:

Interesting document here on the waste problem presented to the Navigation committee Waste Disposal Policy nc27021. It appears the Broads Authority already supply a substantial amount of cash to North Norfolk Council for the collection of waste. North Norfolk were also trying to 'sting' the BA for waste charges backdated to 2012, hardly surprising with a Tory and UKIP controlled authority. The greedy, chinless and gormless in charge of the sanitarium. 

Here's an idea though... Skips that are roughly 3.5 ft wide by 7 feet long by four feet tall.About the same dimension of a settee. According to North Norfolk's own waste charges tariff they will collect 7-9 of these bulky items for £56!

So according to the council it costs £6,000 a year for one skip to be emptied 26 times a year yet my idea will only cost £3304 per year with skips emptied weekly.


Oh that's just what we need, common sense clouding the issue!

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4 hours ago, BuffaloBill said:

Likewise me too. NO reply or acknowledgement from Norman Lamb though! Very disappointed in that.

BB if you do not receive a reply from the MP, you may contact The Speaker and ask why no reply. If he is your MP, he is duty bound to reply, or else he would be in hot water! I have had several dealings with Westminster, speed of reply is but a snails pace!


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I have been reading a few history books and there are a couple of really bizarre practices that used to occur in this country.

Did you know that there was once a time when public toilets didn't exist, people would just use the nearest tree, wall or alley.

Many years ago, before people new much about rats and the spread of disease (plague, rat bite fever, leptospirosis, murine typhus), instead of having rubbish collections people  would have pits at the bottom of the garden where rubbish would pile up and rot.

I know such things couldn't happen in the 21st century, but just imagine how hard it must have been for your ancestors, isn't it good to live in a more enlightened era.

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My marina are struggling to provide waste collection because of height restrictions on the access road.  

For the last three years we have separated into recycled  and general waste. 

The recycling is washed and compressed by me and the general waste is collected in small bags,  tied and put into a normal black bin bag.

We take it home  with us at the end of the break. 

I don't think we have ever used any riverside sites. 

I am always surprised how little room it takes up even over 10 or 12 days.  

I have never had a smell or vermin problem  but it is always in the bl##dy way. 

Its not ideal storing it but it is better than it floating down the river or dumped on the bank. 

I do wonder if more people could separate and compress before filling up the waste points.  :hardhat:

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