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Broad Ambition - The Model


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Big ocean-going yachts will have their cabins entirely below deck level, with just a skylight on deck to provide light and air. To give more headroom on a smaller yacht, there will be a central structure with side windows, under a coach roof. So would this area be the coach house, of a cabin? And is this why, on motor cruisers, we always call them cabin sides? I had never really thought of it before.

If a cabin is below deck, then the underside of the deck which forms its ceiling is always called the deckhead.

These are the terms my father always used, so they are good enough for me!

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Just to add to the confusion the raised portion of the cabin on this sailing boat is often referred to as a 'dog-house', a place that I often frequent! Coincidentally this boat is a Vertue, a real little ship if ever there was. Some friends and I sailed one from Cuxhaven in Germany back to Lowestoft, largely in a full gale plus. We passed through the North Sea fishing fleet hove-to on the Dogger Bank. We didn't walk fore and aft along the cabin sole, rather we walked along the bunk sides! A few days later I popped into a friend's wet-fish shop and and a fisherman was telling all and sundry about his last trip and these mad ***kers on a sailing boat who had sailed through the fleet! I pointed out that we weren't ***kers, just that the owner wanted his boat back by the weekend! 


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Absolutely a "real proper ship" from the pen of the great Laurent Giles. When it comes to passage making you just can't beat a long keel. Always loved the Virtue, the nearest I got was a Nordic Folk boat. Mine was built in Poland in clinker. 



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I think I am right in saying that the Vertue was later built in GRP on the Thames. I also have a feeling that there were larger versions built and That Susan and Eric Hiscock of all the "Wanderer" Yachts. Made a number of circumnavigations in boats with these lines.

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On 29/05/2020 at 13:04, JennyMorgan said:



As it is a quiet Sunday morning I have been having another look at this photo.

The roof over the front cabin where the mast is stepped is clearly the coach roof. The area with the larger window forms more of a cuddy, which shields the cockpit and the main companionway into the cabin, from the weather. So this could probably be called a coach house roof.

So now, having imparted that little gem of maritime memorabilia for your delectation I will go away and get on with some railway modelling.    :default_coat:

By the way, I like the little "arsesprit" which supports the standing backstay!

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no pictures as there isnt a lot to see, but the rubbing strakes and a lot of the rest of the timber has today recieved its first coat, 25% varnish, 75% turps, both sides have been done, and its drying really fast in this heat. the front cabin battens have had the white removed and received their varnish, and the decks and top rail have received a coat too. the cockpit interior was also given a once over.

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Another day, and after finishing work this afternoon i have given one side  of the model its second coat of varnish, 50/50 varnish / turpentine, i will give that an hour or two to touch dry before turning the model around to do the other side.

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Griff, the most important question, did she get her cuddle with the newest grandson while his dad was off playing bikes?

No, as the guidelines are saying we still have to be anti social.  His Dad was out for hours, His Grandad managed an hour late on in t afternoon.  That for me was bliss.  I so wanted to ride down to 'B.A'  One day hopefully


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