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My Day


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well today has been a bit of a mix, started off with shopping for the week ahead, then transitioned into fixing the car, the horn had not been as good as it should, and it suddenly stopped working, the replacements arrived the day I was headed for beccles so this afternoon I got round to fixing them, at first I thought the whole bumper would need to come off, but having released the top fixings and looking down I realised I could probably get away with unclipping the grill, this done it was a case of chopping wires to fit a new flying lead as the new horns didnt have the same connections, just 2 normal spade terminals, this was soon sorted and the horns now work better than they have for ages. then it was some tidying round the house to get a proper storage solution for the paddle board and bike trailer, time to get rid of some old cardboard boxes, unfortunately there are no free slots to book for today (yes we have to book every visit- an absolute pain.)

a quick bike ride is called for to blow away the cobwebs, and then it will be time for tea.

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Not so much my day, but a few days, if I’m honest.  Keen to finish my fencing job in the back garden, I went back to the suppliers to get the rest of the timber I needed to  complete it.  Back at home, I started digging the holes for the posts.  To be fair, none of them were easy, with some fine Norfolk clay and a lot of flint found where I was digging.  I’d dug four of the five holes and concreted in one of the posts as a guide before I started the last hole.

I’d also rewarded myself with another run out on my bike on Thursday to Wells Next The Sea, where I’d enjoyed some spectacular fish and chips, with a cup of tea (much to the wife’s chagrin) before riding home.  It’s good to have a reminder that retirement has some enjoyable benefits as well as time for odd jobs!



Now, I am aware that our bungalow is built on land that used to belong to the nearby church . . . . . . . . not a graveyard, I hasten to add, but just church owned land and that there used to be a walled cloister separating it from a public footpath behind.  I think, digging the last hole, that I found clear evidence of its existence!  Let’s just say I wasn’t happy.  I ran out of time last week before we headed to the boat for a relaxing weekend, but buoyed by some good weather and a very enjoyable time away, I decided to have a go at it this afternoon, when we got back home.

Not having the correct tools, I found a jemmy and lump hammer.  Accompanied by a few choice profanities, which I always find help at times like these, I succeeded in chipping away sufficient of the brickwork to allow the hole to be dug in the right place and deep enough for the fence post to be concreted in.  Just the rails to cut to length and fix and a gate to make now!

Oh, joy!



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To be honest , I doubt I have used my car horn more than twice in 40 years + of motoring , a vast majority of which were as a black cab driver . 
I come from the camp that believers that if you potter along as life takes you there is no point in expressing your displeasure in those that wish to live a little bit faster , let them get on with it .


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12 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

there used to be a walled cloister separating it from a public footpath behind.  I think, digging the last hole, that I found clear evidence of its existence!

Not sure you should have posted that on a public forum Malcolm, you’ll probably have the new YouTube Time Team (or similar) descend on your garden. 

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11 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Not sure you should have posted that on a public forum Malcolm, you’ll probably have the new YouTube Time Team (or similar) descend on your garden. 

They can dig away to their hearts content, Helen.  We have three yew trees in our back garden that are the subject of TPO’s.  If they want to investigate the bricks that I found, two of the trees are in close proximity and I’d hate to see anything happen to jeopardise them.  😉

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3 hours ago, Mouldy said:

They can dig away to their hearts content, Helen.  We have three yew trees in our back garden that are the subject of TPO’s.  If they want to investigate the bricks that I found, two of the trees are in close proximity and I’d hate to see anything happen to jeopardise them.  😉

Maybe you should ‘invite’ them in. :default_eusa_dance: 

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What a day! First my laptop screen decided to die. I have been pushing the darned thing on for the last 6 months or so through numerous faults and minor ailments. The case is held together with gaffer tape and bits keep falling off. I really should have replaced it when it first started playing up.

Next off, the footrest on my reclining chair decided that it wouldn't lock in the "down" position. I found a broken spring under the chair when I started investigating and have ordered a replacement. I hope it does the job.

Thirdly, the bifold doors on our under-stairs cupboard went on strike and I had to empty said storage area and spider sanctuary in order to investigate and fix it.

I had planned a quiet day, with perhaps a sedate afternoon of lawn bowls but the day turned into a repair-fest instead. The evening was spent with the laptop plugged into an old TV set that I was able to press into service as a monitor. At least this allowed me to recover my password database, photos and documents onto a portable drive ready for installing on my new machine when it arrives. What do they say about the best laid plans?

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well out on the bike a lot today, first a trip to the pharmacy for a INR (warfarin) test, then after I finished work I fitted the towing hitch to the bike, and loaded up the trailer with cardboard, took it to the tip and put it in the cardboard machine. Now our tip you are supposed to book a slot, however, without a registration plate this was not possible- you had to have a registration number to book a slot. well I went through their regulations for the tip, and it said no pedestrians, and cycles were not on the list of restricted vehicles, so I figured if they tried to stop me, they whould be getting an earful about how if you are trying to be green and recycle, and also not use a petrol or diesel vehicle, then they shouldnt be stopping me- however they took the blind eye approach and completely ignored me as if I wasnt there..

after cycling home i then took the trailer off and proceeded to cycle one of my medium 10 mile routes, so 15.5 miles cycling today, the trailer works well and has an 80kg capacity so thats all good.

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After 67 years of indifference for some reason I became interested in growing vegetables this year. I started with a small leftover tomato at the bottom of the fridge which I took the seeds from and an overlooked potato that had sprouted. The single potato gave the 2 of us enough for 4 meals each and the tomato is the gift that keeps on giving.

I've now built a raised bed and have carrots, runner beans and late crop potatoes coming ready and a whole plan for expanding next year.

Meanwhile here is a picture of the first ripe tomatoes just picked and all from that one left in the fridge.


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Well done Ray! I too became suddenly decided to become green fingered but realise I am not. So far I’ve managed to kill two spider plants, a peace lily and best of all, mint. As I understand it, all those plants are virtually impossible to kill but Ive managed it.  I had a brief successful few weeks with some other herbs but they are now giving up and so am I 

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4 minutes ago, Lulu said:

Well done Ray! I too became suddenly decided to become green fingered but realise I am not. So far I’ve managed to kill two spider plants, a peace lily and best of all, mint. As I understand it, all those plants are virtually impossible to kill but Ive managed it.  I had a brief successful few weeks with some other herbs but they are now giving up and so am I 

Sam, please come round to ours and tend to the bloody ivy.  I’ve used gallons of fairly potent weed killer on it and still haven’t quite managed to kill it off.  Perhaps your magic touch will do the job for me for once and for all!  😁😉

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2 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Sam, please come round to ours and tend to the bloody ivy.  I’ve used gallons of fairly potent weed killer on it and still haven’t quite managed to kill it off.  Perhaps your magic touch will do the job for me for once and for all!  😁😉

This could be the ultimate eco friendly business opportunity!  I’ll put a business plan together 😁


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