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Look what I picked up today, 4 x coaster mats for mugs  / glasses etc.  These will get taken down and put onboard 'B.A'

Never seen em like these before, two ladies that do the button / scoring have started producing them at our local clay shooting ground



BA NBN 942.jpg

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This evening,we had a knock on the door. It was two chaps with a box and a letter.They moved in early January. We have said the odd good morning  etc.In the box was six very nice home made cupcakes.and the letter was to say Hi and to introduce themselves. They did the same to a number of houses around them What a nice thing to do.

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Through my 'Office' window and cctv monitor I see this morning there has been a ground frost overnight, plenty of frosted car windscreens and garage roofs but it's proper bright and sunny, currently not a breath of wind.  Clay shooting this morning for four hours-ish it'll be 'Bang On' when its warmed up slightly


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Today we've got the ball rolling. This morning, Marina and I tidied up.I did little painting jobs and we had the Estate agents round. So the house  will be on the market. We look forward to the next stage  of our life.

A few photos before and after our bay window. 





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53 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I'm now retired, even though  I've not worked since March last year.

Snap, officially, sort of semi retired as of Friday, although I do have rentals that take some time up.

I now consider myself retired, although I have done very little actual work, other than oversee the closure of my main surveying business, since March last year.

I am adapting, painfully, to doing physical tasks that I would normally avoid but can't justify paying others to do.

Good luck with the house move.

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1 hour ago, psychicsurveyor said:

Snap, officially, sort of semi retired as of Friday, although I do have rentals that take some time up.

Likewise, pretty much "in the same boat", pardon the pun. 

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Both of us had our 2nd jab today. We were lucky as Tony's appointment was  10.00am and mine wasn't until 5.20pm, but  I went in with Tony and asked if  could  have mine done at the same time and  and they said that  as mine was due on the same day then it would be fine. Job done.



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Happy to report no side effects from our 2nd jabs (Pfizer) other than an  increase in the amount of tenderness in the area in which it was administered. But  still relatively small just a slight bruised feeling and minimal stiffness in the muscle



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Further to my last post, Tony had a very sore head that came on about 6.00pm last night, it was not a headache as such just very sore to the touch a bit like neuralgia, it's better this morning but not totally gone. a couple of tablets sorts it out. Paracetemol or similar.




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Well...my yesterday anyway. Not the best day. :default_badday:

Graham and I had been intending to drive to Bournemouth and back on Friday, as Alec doesn’t think he’ll be getting any face to face teaching at Uni this year and has decided he may as well pick up his stuff. However, on Thursday we got a call from my father-in-law’s neighbour to say that Dad was complaining of not feeling well and that he was looking very weak and had lost weight. We haven’t seen Dad since before the lockdowns and it’s almost impossible to get him to answer the phone. We have been resorting to send him cards through the post asking him to phone us. He promises each time to phone us regularly but never does. Last time we saw him he admitted he was having difficulty remembering things.

So, we ended up going to Holyhead instead and had rather a shock when we got there. There as hardly any food in the house for a start. Just some bread and milk. I won’t detail the mess we found. Shortly after we got there phone rang. It was the surgery asking Dad to go in for his second Covid jab that afternoon. We suspect that, like us, they hadn’t been able to contact him. Whilst Graham took him to the vaccination clinic I did what I could to clear the worst of the kitchen mess, then we got Dad away for the journey back to MK by shortly after 5pm.

Today he keep saying he must get a train home and that he’ll be fine at home...it was just that he hadn’t feel feeling well for a few days. (The mess we found was more than a few days worth). Which leaves us in a quandary. We really don’t think he can look after himself any longer and think he should stay with us. We understand that he wants to be in his own home though.

Its so worrying. I think the best we can do is to phone social services and the Dr’s on Monday to ask for advice.

We are feeling immensely guilty that we stuck with ‘the rules’ and didn’t check him out earlier. 

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