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9 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

....if anyone fancies checking the Land Registry that would provide the definitive answer. Its been a pub for over 100 years.

according to the Land registry the land is not owned by Brooms.it is owned by two individuals whose address is given as the pub and has been since last November. the land comprises the pub and the pub car park. prior to that it may well have been owned by Brooms and leased.

If anyone wants further details, then I suggest you do your own search and stump up your own 'pint' for the information.

the fact that a transaction was done just last November, would seem to indicate to me that the current owners are not about to pull out, or be enticed by a large bundle of cash in the near future.

there is quite a large tract of land behind the car park that appears on the land registry as unregistered (ie there are no titles registered to it) despite the fact there are buildings and woodland (and I see horse paddocks from google street view) in that plot. this doesnt mean it is not owned by someone, just that the land registry cannot locate a title to it.

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I really am never surprised about any development in the Broom saga - what the new owners have never done is put any real new money into the business and bit by bit they continue to strip value away - after all at the outset they were seen as venture capitalists.

What they bought was an established boatbuilder with an outstanding name with all the ancillary equipment manufacturers operating on site, a flourishing marina and sales service backed by a workforce with world renowned, and admired skills. Does that sound like the Brooms of today??

At the time of purchase the plans were to build a new factory up by the roundabout by McDonalds and I believe, they own, or certainly control some land up around that area, which, surprise surprise, has new plans for housing!!

The Forums were full of peoples belief was that this whole exercise was  probably a "front" to do exactly what they have actually done, or rather continue to do, and I see this episode of the Yare merely further confirmation of the trend. The continued process of downsizing will be maintained as will the absence of further investment other than necessary. 

This is a sorry tale but its well known along the rumblings on the Rhond - presumably the Co Accounts will show handsome profits but eventually it will be down to development, if they can, of the whole site. After all by that time, they will be able to point out how unsuccessful the yard is and development is the only way to continue the operation - current BA policy is the yard will have to be kept, but only in name only and a shadow of its former self.

Well thats my personal theory and has been from day one - I wonder if thats correct?  We shall see......!

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10 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

What will JF do???

I'll always find somewhere to park my backside and enjoy a pre departure pint, dont you worry about me :default_biggrin:

It will be shame to lose another pub if true though, and if it is indeed owned by Broom then I would only be able to envisage the worst to be honest with the way they seem to be going.

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15 minutes ago, marshman said:

I really am never surprised about any development in the Broom saga - what the new owners have never done is put any real new money into the business and bit by bit they continue to strip value away - after all at the outset they were seen as venture capitalists.

What they bought was an established boatbuilder with an outstanding name with all the ancillary equipment manufacturers operating on site, a flourishing marina and sales service backed by a workforce with world renowned, and admired skills. Does that sound like the Brooms of today??

At the time of purchase the plans were to build a new factory up by the roundabout by McDonalds and I believe, they own, or certainly control some land up around that area, which, surprise surprise, has new plans for housing!!

The Forums were full of peoples belief was that this whole exercise was  probably a "front" to do exactly what they have actually done, or rather continue to do, and I see this episode of the Yare merely further confirmation of the trend. The continued process of downsizing will be maintained as will the absence of further investment other than necessary. 

This is a sorry tale but its well known along the rumblings on the Rhond - presumably the Co Accounts will show handsome profits but eventually it will be down to development, if they can, of the whole site. After all by that time, they will be able to point out how unsuccessful the yard is and development is the only way to continue the operation - current BA policy is the yard will have to be kept, but only in name only and a shadow of its former self.

Well thats my personal theory and has been from day one - I wonder if thats correct?  We shall see......!

Sounds about right, probably wont be the last either given modern trends, Sandersons being another example if you look into the history of the current site owners and relevant documents of their application.


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I wonder why Brooms would have built up their hire fleet to such an extent if their intentions were always to build houses on the land. Looks like they currently have 20 cruisers to hire. That's alot to dispose of and lose money on from new if this is true.


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During the recent work on the level crossing station car park was closed. the railways must have made arrangements with the pub to allow parking in their car-park, for the duration of this arrangement a generator and lighting rig was used to illuminate the car park for all users.

If Broom's are thinking about building houses/flats on the site when the sheds are pulled down, they may be difficult to sell because of the 90 plus trains a day that have to sound their horn for the Brundall Gardens railway crossing, if a when the Brundall crossing is eventually made into an unmanned crossing then the horns would have to be sounded for the Brundall crossing. 

The costs involved with this plan do not make any sense and will be never be cost effective.



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49 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

During the recent work on the level crossing station car park was closed. the railways must have made arrangements with the pub to allow parking in their car-park, for the duration of this arrangement a generator and lighting rig was used to illuminate the car park for all users.

If Broom's are thinking about building houses/flats on the site when the sheds are pulled down, they may be difficult to sell because of the 90 plus trains a day that have to sound their horn for the Brundall Gardens railway crossing, if a when the Brundall crossing is eventually made into an unmanned crossing then the horns would have to be sounded for the Brundall crossing. 

The costs involved with this plan do not make any sense and will be never be cost effective.



Brundall Level crossing will have barriers and CCTV so no need to hoot with the operator sitting in the dry in Colchester.

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The tale I was told by a local, is to build a new pub in the car park opposite the Yare.

Then demolish the current Yare pub and build a leisure complex with flats above.

I am not qualified to say if the ground would support a substantial building there.

Just think could  you buy a dwelling with your own train set, boating lake and keep fit at the same time, then quench your thirst.


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About the time when Billingsgate moved from Upper Thames Street to the Isle of Dogs in the early 80s they used to say you could not build on the isle because it was silt and marsh and that is why the new market was only single story.


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1 hour ago, ranworthbreeze said:

 . . . . . . If Broom's are thinking about building houses/flats on the site when the sheds are pulled down, they may be difficult to sell because of the 90 plus trains a day that have to sound their horn for the Brundall Gardens railway crossing . . . . . . . . . . . .

Just look around, Alan.  Houses are being built next to motorways, dual carriageways and railways all over the country.  We live about three quarters of a mile from the M1 and there is planning in place now to fill the farm land between our estate and the motorway with additional housing, the closest of which will be less than 50 yards from the southbound carriageway.  The noise from 90 trains per day passing would be far less than the sound of motorway traffic passing 24/7. 

I can easily imagine desirable properties being built on the site with river frontage, possibly owners moorings, too.  There would certainly be a great deal of value to any kind of residential accommodation.  With improvements to the road and rail network, easy access to the A47/A11 and the trains, they would make a great base for commuters.

Again, what I heard regarding Broom being bought by property developers is only hearsay, but it came from the owner of a Brundall based boatyard, so I can only imagine that there is some truth in it.  Property developers aren’t going to invest in an area of land that size, without some sort of future plan.  The hire business, should it continue, could easily relocate, should it continue, clearing the way for substantial redevelopment of what is a largely redundant site.

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I suspect the hire fleet was all about keeping at least the moulding shop going and a small specialised core of boat builders around - the rundown continues to be measured to maintain some core value and thats what all the hire fleet is probably about. Couldn't have some staff idle as they slowly contracted so they got them to build some hire boats!

They now have an asset which they can sell on to another operator without the new people having to add many, if any staff. Clive could add them without batting an eyelid and so could others I suspect - when I have no idea but I suspect they will at some time!

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I had a couple of slow pints there this afternoon and as there was only Paul and myself in the games bar I took the opportunity to ask. The pub was built in 1857, it isn`t a listed building and going by his reaction it is a load of bull. That said if it does turn out to be true then I`m never playing poker with him! :default_icon_e_biggrin:

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8 hours ago, DAVIDH said:

I wonder why Brooms would have built up their hire fleet to such an extent if their intentions were always to build houses on the land. Looks like they currently have 20 cruisers to hire. That's alot to dispose of and lose money on from new if this is true.


I haven’t hired one, but have seen pictures of the interiors.  They look to have been built to a ‘private’ standard and no doubt would sell for good money if they came onto the market.  They wouldn’t have cost a retail price to build, either and there is obviously income from the hires over the years they have been in the fleet.

I think the losses would be small compared to the potential profit to be made from developing the site to residential properties.

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I'm not sure the trains run all night? Not enough to disturb my sleep at the Gardens anyway, and I'm a light sleeper!

Having stayed at Windermere Marina Village in Her Majesty's Lake District, I can see the appeal: You build a load of "apartments" with all the latest gadgets as standard. Then you sell them to rich people who watch "Homes Under the Hammer" but don't want to get their hands mucky. You include possibly a gym and a place where you can eat vastly overpriced food off a piece of slate.

Make sure you stay on the top floor though, otherwise you hear the sound of someone's poo whistling past your ears at 7 'o clock in the morning when the flush!

Form an orderly queue here.

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1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

I haven’t hired one, but have seen pictures of the interiors.  They look to have been built to a ‘private’ standard and no doubt would sell for good money if they came onto the market.  They wouldn’t have cost a retail price to build, either and there is obviously income from the hires over the years they have been in the fleet.

I think some of the earlier ones have already been sold. 

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47 minutes ago, floydraser said:

I'm not sure the trains run all night? Not enough to disturb my sleep at the Gardens anyway, and I'm a light sleeper!

Having stayed at Windermere Marina Village in Her Majesty's Lake District, I can see the appeal: You build a load of "apartments" with all the latest gadgets as standard. Then you sell them to rich people who watch "Homes Under the Hammer" but don't want to get their hands mucky. You include possibly a gym and a place where you can eat vastly overpriced food off a piece of slate.

Make sure you stay on the top floor though, otherwise you hear the sound of someone's poo whistling past your ears at 7 'o clock in the morning when the flush!

Form an orderly queue here.

Me and my business partner used to have two cottages that we had time shares in up to the time when the aged owners decided to let the Windermere Marine Village have them back because they feared that they would no longer be able to pay the increasing management fees, we voted against the motion and lost our investment.



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