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Dog Pub Bans Large All Male Crews And Stag Parties.


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I think when the younger generation refer to shots they commonly mean the Jagerbomb, this is where you get a shot of Jägermeister and a pint of beer, the shot (including the glass) is then dropped into the beer . Sometimes the beer will be replaced by a glass of Redbull and the shot dropped into this.

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I think when the younger generation refer to shots they commonly mean the Jagerbomb, this is where you get a shot of Jägermeister and a pint of beer, the shot (including the glass) is then dropped into the beer . Sometimes the beer will be replaced by a glass of Redbull and the shot dropped into this.

In the interests of accuracy the Jägermeister actually dropped into a glass of energy drink commonly RedBull they are quite delicious. I've never heard of it with beer.


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1 hour ago, Londonlad1985 said:

In the interests of accuracy the Jägermeister actually dropped into a glass of energy drink commonly RedBull they are quite delicious. emoji12.png I've never heard of it with beer.


Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app




Dropping Jägermeister into beer was always the original way of drinking it, not surprising as it's a fad that started in Germany, Redbull is just another modern variation. 

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Marina mum was from Berlin.When I first went out with Marina,her mum had a bottle of Jagermeister in the cupboard.It was like cough medicine. Then a few years ago someone  had the idea of adding red ball.The rest is history. Is a shot of red eye,a poke in the eye?:default_biggrin::default_drink_2:


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Dropping Jägermeister into beer was always the original way of drinking it, not surprising as it's a fad that started in Germany, Redbull is just another modern variation. 

That's very interesting i never knew that! Would ruin a good pint for me!

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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I'm kind of split on this one. I don't like to see people who can't handle their drink causing trouble.

On the other hand, when I was in the Forces we would hire a couple of day boats, and en-mass go on a day out. Drink played a large part ( except the designated helms )

Yes we got loud, but were always respectful of others. One year I recall well, only one pub wouldn't let us in ( middle one of three :10_wink: ) maybe when one chap fell in going ashore it put them off. Fact he was the helm, sober, and couldn't swim ( as we found out ) might have contributed to things, or possibly they saw us hosing each other down with water pistols as we approached.

Point being this high spirit was between colleagues, and the discipline inherent in the group kept a lid on things. However, the fact that such a group could well now be turned away purely on sight, when the next week they could be fighting for us makes me see red.

Remember, we have Light Dragoons at Swanton Morley. If I see them in a pub, and if they are just back off ops, and they are letting off steam in a controlled manner, I'd buy them a pint. :default_beerchug:

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I was managing a pub in Cotgrave just outside Nottingham in the 90s I forget exactly when.I had a local girl helping me with the bar when she told me one of the guys was dealing drugs in the back room. I went round to see what was going on having told the girl to call the police. I was face to face with obviously off his face individual. I realized something wasn't right when armed police turned up mob handed. It  turns out I just fronted up to a guy just out of prison after a 12 year stint for stabbing someone. It was about 2 months later I had my first stroke. Give me drunks every time, far less stressful.

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Strange that SpringSong in the mid 90's my daughter was having problems with a bloke my age she was about 17 at the time. In clacton a young very good artist had not long been murdered. The DCI in charge of that was one of our customers, at the time i never thought much about why he was spending so much time in our shop chatting away by the window. Well day daughter gets off bus out side his house and out he comes I fly across the road fronting him, he backed down. about a week later his house raided mob handed arm police the lot. The DCI walks in and says i couldnt help you out with your daughter the other day cos it was him... Well he got life in Norwich ..... but it turned out his brother was also a murder. small world aye


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Just now, springsong said:

Indeed Charlie, are you sure the brother didn't move to Cotgrave.

No he wonder the lottery and is now a big property owner around Clacton and Beirut..... life just aint fair really at times is it both of em now out free living it up


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On 7/24/2017 at 11:40 AM, NorfolkNog said:

Geoff and Lorraine run an excellent pub and I'm sure that such a decision would not be taken lightly. It's a traditional family friendly pub and really not the place for large groups of Stella swillers. I applaud their courage and it will indeed be interesting if others do follow suit - the Lion springs immediately to mind. 


On 7/24/2017 at 11:56 AM, thingamybob said:

Groups of "Steller swillers is the last thing that The Lion needs. Rick needs to build the pubs reputation and is doing an excellent job of it. The last time I visited a few weeks ago the pub looks like a place for family dining and responsible drinking. A few locals are also using the pub which is always good for winter trade. Hopefully The Lion will follow suit.

Whilst we are on the subject, The Lion has a very quirky washbasin stand in the gents. Visit to find out!  

we are carefully monitoring the situation just as we have done previously at the white horse. in 3 and a bit years we have only had one large male group be unruly which resulted in someone throwing up everywhere but surprisingly when i thrust a mop into the hands of the groom he cleared it up no bother.

we are hoping due to our offer we don't really attract such large groups as firstly we don't sell stella etc and most rowdy groups come in realise we are focused on craft beer and ale, have a couple and then toodle off to somewhere a bit more mainstream such as the ferry at horning (no offence meant).

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I would simply say, don't ban them all -just learn to control the few. Everyone is usually on a well earned holiday and a blanket ban just pushes the potential problem elsewhere. There's good and bad in all of us, of any age and gender, given the right triggers.

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1 hour ago, Katie said:

I would simply say, don't ban them all -just learn to control the few. Everyone is usually on a well earned holiday and a blanket ban just pushes the potential problem elsewhere. There's good and bad in all of us, of any age and gender, given the right triggers.

100% in agreement but, and there has to be one of them, in regard to pushing the potential problem elsewhere, if the industry were to be less tolerant to those likely to cause the problem then maybe those of that ilk would be less likely to book a holiday on the Broads. In other words don't promote the Broads as being suitable for irresponsible louts. 

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On 25/07/2017 at 16:16, JennyMorgan said:

I can remember beer at 1/10p a pint when up North!

It was 1s 10d in The Cock at Sarratt, which was my first watering hole (legally) in 1967. Benskins Watford Brewery Best Bitter. 

The Landlord was Bert Moore and he would stand no nonsense.

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While there will always be different view points a couple of things should be kept in mind, when I was young and single we went out and enjoyed ourselves and occasionally got drunk it now seems the objective is to get drunk and maybe occasionally enjoy themselves.

As far as responsible landlords are concerned there will always be those that are and those who are not but in defense of the majority it should be remembered that these days the trend by those of any category who cause problems  is to consume as much  drink as possible  on their boats or in their homes and largely use the pub to eat, I would also suggest from memory that it was the least inebriated members of the party who would get the drinks from the bar.


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Sorry to have to drag this up again. Link for EDP report of BA meeting.


this is my posting from elsewhere.

Comments in the EDP. 

david gom 
a day ago 
In reality they are going to talk and do nothing. 

Sounds about right. Not the BA's job. We have enough laws and policy to deal with this. Just another waste of time and money within the BA. If you see ASB phone 101 and report it. If you feel threatened in any way phone 999. Let the BA get on with the dredging and moorings we need. 

Just my opinion the BA wasting money on something that's not their business.

Colin:default_winko: I'll go back to my bottle of wine then.

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I dont think it can be a bad thing that the BA are taking an interest in this issue.

Its all very well for a hire yard to turn a profit on a boat load of numpties (however rare) and then let the Broads Beat and the BA bare the cost burden of clearing up any mess left in their wake!

The signifigance of this issue seems to be a matter of differing opinion but it certainly isnt going to hurt sending out a very clear messege on the matter and I have to say for once the BA have my full support!

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As Broads users, we have many different interest groups involved, often individuals spanning many groups (boating, bird watching walking etc.) There is no one organisation that represents us in matters that affect us all to one extent or another. BA tried, I believe to sort out the rubbish problem, even though we were told it wasn't actually their responsibility. Now we have ASB (now gone up in the world, loutish behaviour has its own acronym). Some may feel that it isn't in their remit, but they are affected by it as well as others Broads users. If BA didn't get different groups together in some of these issues then who would/could?


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