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A Spring Tale


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Enjoyed seeing your piccies and reading your holiday tale as always JF :default_beerchug:

Incidentally I'm in 100% agreement with you re dogs. In my experience dog owners who go in pubs are invariably responsible people with well behaved dogs. Why Wetherspoons are happy to accommodate bored, screaming ill behaved kids running riot yet don't allow dogs baffles me. We don't have a dog ourselves but Mrs N always has a few gravy bones in her bag (or a box for the Ferry) :default_norty:

Pubs that don't allow dogs are missing a trick I think particularly in a tourist area such as the Broads. 

Incidentally doing food is not a valid reason to ban dogs eg the Bridge as you mentioned 



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1 hour ago, NorfolkNog said:

Enjoyed seeing your piccies and reading your holiday tale as always JF :default_beerchug:

Thanks Mr Nog 

1 hour ago, NorfolkNog said:

Pubs that don't allow dogs are missing a trick I think particularly in a tourist area such as the Broads.

Absolutely, it takes a lot to make me not give a pub my custom but it seems Wetherspoons have managed it.

1 hour ago, NorfolkNog said:

We don't have a dog ourselves but Mrs N always has a few gravy bones in her bag (or a box for the Ferry) :default_norty:

You want one? :default_biggrin:


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On 01/06/2019 at 15:10, Jayfire said:


***mini rant coming up***

Now I get that some people don't like having dogs around inside, even though the flea bags aren't causing them any trouble or bother whatsoever and most other pubs manage to keep everyone happy elsewhere, lets say for example......The Bridge Inn at Acle.

Anyway to a degree I get that, but outside who is being bothered by a dog, sat under my feet whilst I have a beer? It's in the fresh air, she is behaving and nobody is being troubled her.

It's perfectly alright to be sat outside having your lungs filled by carcinogens as some inconsiderate person blows their smoke into your face, it's ok to have a rabble of kids running around screaming and bumping into you, almost spilling your Stella, whilst their parent's are too busy talking to their friends to bother calming them down, it's fine that the local p***heads and druggies roam around shouting and swearing across the street to each other, or falling over themselves as they are too drunk to control themselves in public, but a poor little dog, sat under the table minding her own business is too much to deal with.

Well I didn't give them my money and won't be in future so I headed off to the much nicer Bear And Bells anyway.

***mini rant over***


Absolutely spot on Jay, I tend to work on the basis if you dont want my dog then you dont want my money!

Having seen some of Wetherspoons clientele, I'd rather watch my dog eat and drink!  :default_wink:

I avoid pubs that dont allow dogs even when I dont have Lottie with me!

Also imo the best pubs on the Broads (and not just the Broads) are the ones that love dogs eg Surlingham Ferry!

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2 hours ago, tim said:

Also imo the best pubs on the Broads (and not just the Broads) are the ones that love dogs eg Surlingham Ferry!

... and The Ferry Inn, Stokesby, one of our favourites and a "must stop" point of every cruise.

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Yes love the Ferry at Stokesbury, didn't get there last year so didn't want to say them and find out they'd changed

Pleased they are still pro dogs, crossing South to North at 9.30am ish, early July so planning lunch and a few beers on the way through

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Weatherspoons banned dogs after a member of staff got bitten.

So, ONE member of staff from the huge chain gets bitten and they ban ALL dogs from EVERY venue?

Stupid - Why not just ban / sue the idiot dog owners that allowed it to bite a member of staff?

You couldn't make it up


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Enjoyed reading about your long days Jay and the photos are great. I like covering plenty of river mileage also although I have to admit not quite so many miles as yourself. I'm also with you on the dogs issue. We have a dog for the first time this year and on my recent trip I appreciated being able to take him in The Lion at Thurne. 

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Thanks Jay. Loved the Weatherspoons rant. I so much agree with you about their anti dog policy. Have ‘voted with my feet’ the last few years and avoid their pubs like the plague.

Sorry, I meant to have posted about our early May County Durham holiday in the members section before now. Have got slightly distracted as we’ve gained an allotment!


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Thanks everyone for your comments :default_smile:

7 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Sorry, I meant to have posted about our early May County Durham holiday in the members section before now. Have got slightly distracted as we’ve gained an allotment!

Get it written Helen, don't have to make me tell you again :default_biggrin: 

Are you managing to grow anything then Helen? I have to say I'm not the best when it comes to gardening and such things, although I do like to get my hoe out in the garden and do some forking.

Sorry Grace, I really shouldn't call you that :default_biggrin:

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I love you people who love dogs and pubs which allow dogs. I will not frequent any dog-unfriendly establishment even if my hounds aren’t with me. :55c8f94984577_default_AnimatedGifDogs(127):

Cap’n - Your boat is blue and white, what’s with the yellow one your pooch is gracing?? Has he/she jumped ship??

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22 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Cap’n - Your boat is blue and white, what’s with the yellow one your pooch is gracing?? Has he/she jumped ship??

I dumped her on a random boat to get rid of her but took a photo for memories sake before making a run for it.

Unfortunately the owners found me and brought her back :default_rolleyes:

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18 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

Weatherspoons banned dogs after a member of staff got bitten.


Yet they welcome large groups of youths and young ladies? resulting in mass brawls and large police and ambulance attendance .

The Wetherspoons Regal in Cambridge is one of the largest pubs in the U.K. and every weekend there is a need for heavy police attendance due to drunken behaviour by young men and women, when I was a publican my licence would have been revoked if I had permitted similar behaviour .




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4 hours ago, Jayfire said:

I dumped her on a random boat to get rid of her but took a photo for memories sake before making a run for it.

Unfortunately the owners found me and brought her back :default_rolleyes:

She’s a sweetie, now what’s the real reason? 🤔

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21 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Yet they welcome large groups of youths and young ladies? resulting in mass brawls and large police and ambulance attendance .

The Wetherspoons Regal in Cambridge is one of the largest pubs in the U.K. and every weekend there is a need for heavy police attendance due to drunken behaviour by young men and women, when I was a publican my licence would have been revoked if I had permitted similar behaviour .




Perhaps Tim Martin has the 'ear' of the authorities...

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3 minutes ago, vanessan said:

She’s a sweetie, now what’s the real reason? 🤔

She's the devil dog. I was visiting someone on another boat :default_biggrin:

Why do you ask?

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1 minute ago, Jayfire said:

She's the devil dog. I was visiting someone on another boat :default_biggrin:

Why do you ask?

Now that’s a good question and I haven’t actually got an answer! Makes a change from trying to guess which pub you were in I suppose - which boat is my dog on? 🙄

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1 hour ago, vanessan said:

Now that’s a good question and I haven’t actually got an answer!

Really? Well I have an answer for everything :default_smiley-taunt014:


Makes a change from trying to guess which pub you were in I suppose - which boat is my dog on? 🙄

Well you aren't very good at it, you don't know what boat it is :default_smiley-taunt014: :default_smiley-taunt014: :default_smiley-taunt014:

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In reply to Jays post about 11 hours ago...gave us a chance! We’ve only just taken over the flipping allotment last weekend. Have already done a few stints of digging though and hoping to get something planted this next weekend. Found some strawberry plants struggling among the weeds and cleared some space for them. Have also inherited some raspberry canes and some red/blackberries (not sure which yet). :default_biggrin:

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