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Coronavirus And The Broads


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MM, they still have the recent insured flood risks which happened to settle up for. They will have other reasons too I’m sure, I don’t doubt premiums will not fall and could even rise along with mean sea level and taxes. I for one am looking at what I can do to keep something aside for a much needed break on the broads as I think the virtues of such a holiday are obvious, isolation opportunities in beautiful surroundings and quiet save for the wildlife.... going down to one car would have its challenges in our household but that’s what I’m planning for, bus and bike!

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11 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

The full toll will be payable on any hire boat if it is used during the season

I have been saying this, over and over, on several different threads, for the last two weeks and more but no-one seems to want to believe me.

I have only been in this business for most of my blasted life, after all!!

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At the moment the main priority is keeping ourselves and loved ones safe and healthy, many are going way beyond this to help others not just the professionals but the vast voluntary efforts  being made both individually with the volunteers and some businesses providing meals etc.

Because of my circumstances I am unable to do anything practical so the least I can do is make whatever financial contribution I can, once this is over many businesses will close many will be unemployed despite all the good efforts being made by the government to support us all, it is going to cost all of us financially for some considerable time years not months to get the country back on course, surely it is better to support as much as we can now rather than try and resurrect what has been lost in the future and if that includes paying tolls which most would or should have budgeted for anyway so be it.


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2 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

Should they consider some form of charge for those who burden the NHS through their own recklessness as a result of drink or drugs?

I have long thought this should be the case, I feel sure that being hit where it hurts ( in the pocket) might make a lot of people see sense. 

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11 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

Should they consider some form of charge for those who burden the NHS through their own recklessness as a result of drink or drugs?

My daughter works in the toxialogical lab of the forensic medicine department of the large university hospital in Hamburg.

Apart from her day job which is mostly analysing blood / urine samples from motorists etc. that the police have had reason to apprehend she has night duty (officially stand-by) a few nights per month.  Thereby they get "regular customers" - e.g. the 17 yr old girl who swallows various tablets then calls the emergency services to get rescued.  The costs for this fall on the community.

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I can't speak for Germany but I'm sure the same happens here. If mental health was funded and treated as part of and as well as, physical health it would be a great step forward. Sadly after the current crisis we are likely to return to austerity measures to pay for it all and that will never happen.

If there is one lesson to be learned from all this above any other it surely is that the healthcare of a nation supersedes all other considerations. The first duty of government is to protect the citizens.

This is in no way meant to be political, all governments of every colour should adhere to this principle and I criticise nor compliment any organisation and am looking forward, not back.

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I am a bit wistful this morning, on Good Friday, as Susie and I would normally have been making the final preparations to the boats before they went out for the first time today, and we welcomed the first customers of the season.  Last weekend would have been my last weekend off until the end of the season in seven months' time.  You don't get bank holidays, in the tourist business.

At Hearts, my mother always made hot cross buns for the staff tea break on Good Friday and all the boats went out with a jar of daffodils on the saloon table;  all grown in long beds in the woods on the island.  I carried on this tradition by ordering in the buns specially, for the team on our base in St Gilles.  They don't do them, in France!  I also made sure there were daffodils in the reception office, to welcome the customers.

I can't help thinking of all my friends on the yards right now, both in Norfolk and in France, as they must be feeling the same as I do.

If it doesn't sound silly, I wish you all a happy Easter, wherever you may be.

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Thank you Vaughan.  That is a wonderful picture you have painted for me with the jars of daffodils on the boats.  Next year, I will put daffodils on Luna in the spring.   And it doesnt sound silly at all. Happy Easter :)

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17 hours ago, BroadsAuthority said:



I have just returned from my shed, after a good ponder and enjoying the sound of silence. Not absolute silence though, those blessed bees and cooing pigeons were quite noisy, plus the whistle of the boiling kettle!  

I'm not writing this seeking argument, although I don't doubt that the usual combatants will respond but hey-ho, that's forum life.

As one who can no longer walk any distance in reasonable comfort I am seeking an alternative form of exercise, considering either rowing or 'paddling my canoe/kayak'. Only I can't, the BA says so. I could go running, walking or get my bike out, the government says that I can, but physically I can't. Now, just in case anyone misunderstands me, I am totally supportive of social distancing. I have a daughter that is directly involved with treating Covid 19 patients thus I do have every sympathy with the NHS and the risks that we are all faced with. No, my issue isn't so much now, it's tomorrow and the days after.

So, why am I worried? In a nutshell it is the slowly changing face of the Authority. Make no mistake, I totally agree with & support the dissemination of advice and information but we are now being told that if we are naughty boys and girls the Rangers will report us to the Police. Some of you will probably think or say, why not? To be honest, I wouldn't blame them but I still feel uneasy about this change of roles. We have certainly witnessed a creeping and sometimes unwelcome change of ethos at BA Towers.

It is not the role of the Rangers for one thing although it's arguably reasonable. I've long regarded the Inspectorate/Rangers as my friends, having been on first name terms with many of them over the years. Decent people, generally fairly laid back but there if and when I have needed them. Directives have been issued in the past frowning on fraternisation but largely these have pretty quickly been forgotten, at least seemingly so, friendships have continued. The Rangers are the face of the Authority, and largely the friends of the boating community. Advise us, yes, perfectly reasonable but reporting us to the Police, not so sure. An unwelcome change of ethos, possibly? 

I well remember the debates at the time of the creation of the Authority, questions being asked about the title. Authority in name but how far should that role go? I don't know about you but I always feel a degree of unease/distrust when talking to police officers, don't know why, but I do. I should hate to feel that way when talking to a Ranger.

This is very much a personal response. Very clearly the present situation will change our country, I do have my concerns. I would like to see the Broads at least return to its old self as soon as possible. I just don't want to see the Ranger/Public relationship being damaged. 

Argue if you must, but that is NOT the purpose of this posting. I just hope that the Authority takes heed and questions its role, just how far should it go?

I would hate to witness the historical repore between the Rangers and stakeholders being damaged.  The Rangers themselves are a pretty wise bunch, not so sure about their boss though! At the moment it does seem that there is a determination by the Executive to further distance itself from us 'Little People'.  Got that off my chest, enjoy your Easter.

Vaughan, wonderful post, thank you. 

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Vaughan's posting brings back good memories. My father loved his daffodils and come the Easter Holiday we picked bunches which would be placed on the tables in his restaurant and on the table in the boats. It was the start of the season, along with Coldham Hall Regatta, a way of life. Dad's grave has several clumps of daffodils celebrating both his life and, like the cuckoo, welcoming the summer season. For so many years the summer season being our way of life. Like Vaughan I don't welcome the threats to that way of life albeit I am no longer directly involved. I haven't heard a cuckoo yet, worrying, where are they?

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Guest Jayfire
24 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I would hate to witness the historical repore between the Rangers and stakeholders being damaged.

I'm not arguing JM but the BA have said that the rangers will make welfare calls on liveaboards etc to make sure that everyone is doing ok.

Anybody else who is taking a holiday on the Broads and travelling around, or canoeist's/kayakers etc are all risking putting a strain on services which already have enough on right now or that just should not have to attend to incidents and thereby increasing the risk of spreading this virus by coming out and rescuing or treating them/their boats.

What the rangers are doing is not grassing up to the police, it is a duty imposed on them, not by the police force but by both the government of the country and a moral decency in trying to deal with what we are facing right now, and so they very much should be reporting anybody who is going against the very clear and very simple instructions that have been given out.

I can't see how anyone would feel the rangers rapport with the users of the Broads system will be ruined in any way by this, after all nobody should be reported in the first place as nobody should be travelling on the rivers at this point in time.

If 8000 deaths and rising isn't enough to convince people to stay at home and off the river, then I think their relationship with the rangers is the very least of their troubles.

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Good post JM ( on the changing face of authority). The Rangers as a whole are 'good eggs' . There are undeniably a few badones .

However I must confess to a growing concerh of the tactics being exercised  and the threats issued by some Senior Officers in the public media. One yesterday on BBC East was very beligerently suggesting that we shoud all do as HE says (what he is saying being nothing more than HIS interpretation of the Government's regulation). For example that we should only shop for essentials, lest his force should have to check the contents of our bags as we leave the shop. Where is the government's list of 'essentials' that 'his' officers will be working to? 

These individuals should remember that they work with the PERMISSION and COOPERATION of the public. They shoud take care not to damage the trust ( already weakened) , since they will continue to need it once this is over and normality returns.

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35 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I have just returned from my shed, after a good ponder and enjoying the sound of silence. Not absolute silence though, those blessed bees and cooing pigeons were quite noisy, plus the whistle of the boiling kettle!  

I'm not writing this seeking argument, although I don't doubt that the usual combatants will respond but hey-ho, that's forum life.

As one who can no longer walk any distance in reasonable comfort I am seeking an alternative form of exercise, considering either rowing or 'paddling my canoe/kayak'. Only I can't, the BA says so. I could go running, walking or get my bike out, the government says that I can, but physically I can't. Now, just in case anyone misunderstands me, I am totally supportive of social distancing. I have a daughter that is directly involved with treating Covid 19 patients thus I do have every sympathy with the NHS and the risks that we are all faced with. No, my issue isn't so much now, it's tomorrow and the days after.

So, why am I worried? In a nutshell it is the slowly changing face of the Authority. Make no mistake, I totally agree with & support the dissemination of advice and information but we are now being told that if we are naughty boys and girls the Rangers will report us to the Police. Some of you will probably think or say, why not? To be honest, I wouldn't blame them but I still feel uneasy about this change of roles. We have certainly witnessed a creeping and sometimes unwelcome change of ethos at BA Towers.

It is not the role of the Rangers for one thing although it's arguably reasonable. I've long regarded the Inspectorate/Rangers as my friends, having been on first name terms with many of them over the years. Decent people, generally fairly laid back but there if and when I have needed them. Directives have been issued in the past frowning on fraternisation but largely these have pretty quickly been forgotten, at least seemingly so, friendships have continued. The Rangers are the face of the Authority, and largely the friends of the boating community. Advise us, yes, perfectly reasonable but reporting us to the Police, not so sure. An unwelcome change of ethos, possibly? 

I well remember the debates at the time of the creation of the Authority, questions being asked about the title. Authority in name but how far should that role go? I don't know about you but I always feel a degree of unease/distrust when talking to police officers, don't know why, but I do. I should hate to feel that way when talking to a Ranger.

This is very much a personal response. Very clearly the present situation will change our country, I do have my concerns. I would like to see the Broads at least return to its old self as soon as possible. I just don't want to see the Ranger/Public relationship being damaged. 

Argue if you must, but that is NOT the purpose of this posting. I just hope that the Authority takes heed and questions its role, just how far should it go?

I would hate to witness the historical repore between the Rangers and stakeholders being damaged.  The Rangers themselves are a pretty wise bunch, not so sure about their boss though! At the moment it does seem that there is a determination by the Executive to further distance itself from us 'Little People'.  Got that off my chest, enjoy your Easter.

Vaughan, wonderful post, thank you. 


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9 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

 canoeist's/kayakers etc are all risking putting a strain on services which already have enough on right now or that just should not have to attend to incidents and thereby increasing the risk of spreading this virus by coming out and rescuing or treating them/their boats.

I'm really rather tired of this argument , whilst nothing is said about cyclists who are riding in some cases tens of miles for 'daily exercise'. Do they not have accidents requiring the attention of emergency services, the NHS etc ?  We are told not to make 'unnecessary ' car journeys for the same reason.  The distinction is odd.

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Guest Jayfire
9 minutes ago, Poppy said:

I'm really rather tired of this argument , whilst nothing is said about cyclists who are riding in some cases tens of miles for 'daily exercise'. Do they not have accidents requiring the attention of emergency services, the NHS etc ?  We are told not to make 'unnecessary ' car journeys for the same reason.  The distinction is odd.

Well not really, if we are talking about something such as a heart attack then the emergency services will be needed regardless of what the person is doing and that is what we are here for, but it is about minimizing these requirements.

Exercise is vitally important for both physical and mental health, hence why allowances have been made so people can continue to do so, but in a sensible manner for a limited period. 

Should a cyclist for example snap a chain, or pull a muscle, they are able to stop and make their way back home on foot. Should you get into difficulties on a boat, it isn't always going to be quite so simple to get yourself to safety without requesting help from others, who are then brought into contact with people they didn't need to be and risking spreading the virus once again.

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