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Covid Increasing Again Locally It Seems

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Just a quickie - we are seeing a very large increase in covid again, new symptoms being with sore throat/laryngitis, then muscle aches fatigue and tiredness before a temp begins.. up until approx day three LFT negatives are widely being reported whilst PCR's are showing positive. details can be found on various sites.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Symptoms seem to match our current experience. We managed to avoid it from the beginning until this week. An anomaly is that we are instructed by the NHS app to self isolate for 11 days (9th April) - if I had only tested positive on April 1, the advice will be to avoid contact with people for 5 days (5th April). I guess we'll just use our common sense again.

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I know more people who have had or still have covid over the last 4 weeks than I did for the last 2 years

Thats the negative

The positive is all of them have felt a bit rough, reporting cold like symptoms, but otherwise they have been fine and it passed after around 5 days

So fingers crossed this will be the outcome for all

I do though smile when I see people walking alone in the fresh air with a mask..... especially when countries like Scotland force mask wearing still and have the highest rate in the UK...

I was forensic specialist, and I wouldn't wear a paper or cloth mask constantly....

And certainly not when alone or in the open air!

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Wife and I have just got over it. Although we've had all the jabs it was still very unpleasant for both of us. We will still carry on taking all the precautions we have from the start of the pandemic. Yes, cold like symptoms but a lot worse. To be avoided at all cost as far as we are concerned.

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Both the wife and I are recovering from something.  We both tested negative using LFT’s, the wife more than once, both had hacking coughs, runny noses and felt very lethargic, but neither of us had a temperature, or changes to our senses of smell or taste, although mine are still altered to a degree from when I first had Covid almost two years ago.  The wife has had it for more than three weeks and I’m now approaching the start of my third week.  No idea what it was, but it wasn't pleasant.

Were both beginning to feel more human again.  I guess that after almost two years of trying to avoid contact with others, mask wearing etc, our immunity to catching other virus’s may be reduced and we are now susceptible to catching whatever is around.

We just need to get on with it now.  The virus isn’t going away and our own immunity to it will possibly increase the more we are subjected to it.



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Husband currently has it!  I am still negative without symptoms.  We went to London on Friday to see Genesis but he was positive by Sunday morning.  We isolated for 7 days before the concert as we didn't want to miss the last opportunity (it was the fourth attempt to see them).  On Thursday he went shopping so when did he get it?

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I am in the position now of waiting to find out.

The home situation I have where I can never go out You would think would keep one safe from things.

Might not be covid of course as I have had all three injections.

However this Saturday morning I walked over to the local corner shop for a loaf of bread.   Only that short distance but I was using my stick.

All was ok and just as I was paying I suddenly felt sick and the next thing I feinted without warning.

Rather frightening at the time but customers in the shop helped me although I did have to force them not to call an ambulance.

I have to be available at home for someone who cant cope alone.

Managed to walk back home,

Did a blood pressure check around an hour later which was very high but did reduce somewhat throughout the day.

Could not face food on Saturday and have been left with a sore throat and laryngtis.

Felt better on Sunday and managed to cook a roast as usual but the other symptoms still persist combined with being very tired and muscles aching.

Might be something else but am concerned the virus may be involved.

Will know soon but if it is goodness knows where I could have picked it up.





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I am fortunate to have had the 4th jab.     It is apparently a full dose and was Pfizer once more,  so at least I have been consistent all the way through.     May be I am the odd bod out on here (so what's new) but I always wear a mask and in Morrisons in Beccles where I shop, they ask you to wear a mask.    In fact most places ask you to wear a mask in Beccles, from the hairdressers to the pharmacy.

Apart from a sore arm for 24hrs and the day after feeling 1 degree under there were no reactions to the jab.


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Hmmm, I had a weird experience this morning, one’s bod woke me up at 0330, found mysen retching down the galley sink for five mins. Went back to bed with a bowl next to me. Slept soundly through to 0715. Feel fine this morning. What woz that all about then?


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51 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Hmmm, I had a weird experience this morning, one’s bod woke me up at 0330, found mysen retching down the galley sink for five mins. Went back to bed with a bowl next to me. Slept soundly through to 0715. Feel fine this morning. What woz that all about then?


I had a sickness bug just over a week ago. I was wondering if it was something I'd eaten, but my son had the same symptoms about three or four days later (stomach cramps followed by sickness).

There are some strange bugs around at the moment.

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1 hour ago, RumPunch said:

The current COVID though, whether as a result of jabs or weakening of the strains as they evolve, is not the same COVID we were faced with 18 months ago.

Personally, having recently had it, I'm no longer worried by it

I think that due to media coverage (in part) and the fact that we were totally unprepared for the pandemic, the name Covid is now associated with a virus that can cause death or serious illness and is very fresh in peoples minds.

We’ve probably forgotten that ‘flu can and has had the same effects, causing many thousands of deaths annually for many years, but doesn’t generate the same fear factor in most people.  I certainly can’t remember people wearing masks during periods of winter flu, however serious we were told it was.

Assuming that our ability to naturally develop some sort of immunity grows, together with additional vaccinations that may be deemed necessary by the powers that be, maybe more folk will come to terms with the illness and regard it much as we have with ‘flu in the past.

One thing is for sure.  I can’t see queues of people waiting to buy lateral flow tests moving forward, as they are not being distributed free of charge to the majority of people.  

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On 30/03/2022 at 18:12, Tempest said:

I do though smile when I see people walking alone in the fresh air with a mask..... especially when countries like Scotland force mask wearing still and have the highest rate in the UK...

I was forensic specialist, and I wouldn't wear a paper or cloth mask constantly....

And certainly not when alone or in the open air!

The surgical masks that most people wear were never designed to filter out viruses. They are intended to intercept and divert exhaled micro-organisms  backwards to minimise risk of infection to the patient. They are not primararily about protecting the wearer.  I know this because I used to work for a company that manufactured one of the leading brands and was involved in testing their efficacy in the laboratory.  The primary benefit of wearing masks is to protect others, not yourself. A message which is probably too  counter-intuitive to get across to the public. 

People are justified in considering wearing a mask in the open air to be a waste of time.

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16 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Hmmm, I had a weird experience this morning, one’s bod woke me up at 0330, found mysen retching down the galley sink for five mins. Went back to bed with a bowl next to me. Slept soundly through to 0715. Feel fine this morning. What woz that all about then?


My bet would be on a dodgy pint 😂

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Well! it looks like I managed to pick it up.

More like a bad cold at the moment .

No more feinting but had a bad bout of sickness Tuesday evening.

Apart from general tiredness and aching somewhat the only other symptons I have not being able to taste things properly,

Was not sure on Wednesday when I cooked fish and chips and everything tasted very bland.

Last night I decided to put it to the test and made a curry.

A mild one for mother and a reasonably hot and spicy one fo mysellf.

Could hardly taste it.

Still eating normally though so that is a help.

As I very rarely leave the house I guess this thing is in the air anyway now and no amount of lockdowns and masks is going to make a lot of difference.

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Hope you feel better soon Arthur. In the last few weeks, more people that I know directly or know of on here have come down with Covid than at any time during the pandemic.  The virus in its new highly infectious but generally less dangerous form seems to be everywhere.

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Well it’s finally reached our house. Hubby has tested positive. He was out on a coach trip this week. Unfortunately someone else on the coach turned out to have it so that’s likely where he caught it. But that’s “living with Covid” and the new normal. Online shopping order now placed and we shall keep to ourselves for a few days. 

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