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27 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

My poor wife is going through it! Now she has galloping shingles, the pain and irritation is really getting her down. Every two hours I need to put drops in her eyes, but that turned out to be an unexpected bonus this morning. Six o'clock and looking out of our bedroom window revealed a real bonus feature! A gorgeous dawn highlighted a deep mist over the marshes and the river. From our bedroom we look down onto the mist, despite the shingles a grand start to the day! The Broads at their very best.

Your post needs both a sad face and a ‘like’ Peter but I can’t do both! Hope your wife improves soon, I know shingles can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. I didn’t know until recently that there is actually a vaccine (?) against shingles. A bit late for your poor wife though. 

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5 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I didn’t know until recently that there is actually a vaccine (?) against shingles.

There is indeed, I was offered and accepted it when I turned 70. My wife regretfully wasn't, perhaps because not long after her birthday Corona Virus reared its head. For most folk that I know who have had it it has been relatively localised,  Lynn has been very unlucky, it's in her hair and right down to her feet, she's covered. 

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Guest Jayfire
46 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

My poor wife is going through it! 

Sorry to hear about your wife JM, I hope everything begins to improve for you both soon

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Shingles is horrible. Having seen someone suffer it I always had an absolute dread of getting it a and was very relieved to be offered a vaccination against it a few years ago. Your poor wife has my extreme sympathy. It's often brought on by stress.




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We have a dwarf breeze block wall in our back garden around the bbq area.  It used to be dressed with slate.  Last year under orders I removed it.  We got an estimate for someone to come and render it with coloured render - about £600 - Wow and wow again and there is only about 9 x m2 in total.  Stuff that, way to expensive.  So now was the time.  After cleaning / scraping off  I had a go at it mysen but what material to use? - Frost proof flexible floor tile adhesive, the polymer porcelbond stuff would have to sufffice.  On it went everywhere, allowed to cure, scraped flat, DA sanded, then dressed again. DA'd and hoovered off which is where I am at now.  Next stage is the textured masonry paint 1st coat which I will apply today.
Yesterday I also got the gutters cleaned out inside and out, along with the facias and soffits all round the house / conservatory / garage, they are all upvc and now look sparkling

A good tip I’ve found is not to render with your notched trowel.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network
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A good few years ago now, our local council came along and 'Painted' with hot tar all the paths around in our village, well smart they looked too

Then a certain clown (Not quite the same high standard as MM but in the same league) put petrol in his Vivaro van at a filling station in Donny.  Said Vivaro van was diesel powered.  Got it towed home then cleaned out contaminated fuel before putting fresh diesel in.  Disaster averted.  However some fuel got spilt onto the path directly in front of said clowns house.  This resulted in some of the tar getting lifted, it looked and was a right mess.  He dressed the area with floor tile adhesive which arrested any more of the substrate getting lifted but it remained an eyesore.

How to deal with it?  Getting the council out would be a fortune not to mention a telling off.  Getting the 'travellers' (Fish that sounds like as Pike) in might result in getting ripped off and the hovel cased.  It would just have to be lived with.

This morning - Ta Daaahhhhh,  Brainwave (A rare one)  Last year the gas board people renewed the gas mains in our village.  This has left 'New' patches of tarmac on the paths (There were always going to do that after paths has been refreshed)

Mr clown has just been out this morning with the same black weathersheild masonry paint he used for below the DPM around his house and has painted a 'Repair' along the path.  Now for all intents and purposes it just looks like a council repair.  It should weather in.  Perfect it is not but it does look a damn site better.  Just what the neighbours thought of said clown this morning remains to be discussed

Plus MrsG hasn't seen it yet and it's her reaction that is awaited with much anticipation




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Guest Jayfire
14 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Red hot news update:-

The lady of the house has just gave me a verbal  'Well Done' - Result

Don't get too excited just yet, you've still got all day to screw up and undo all that good work :default_biggrin:

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

There is indeed, I was offered and accepted it when I turned 70. My wife regretfully wasn't, perhaps because not long after her birthday Corona Virus reared its head. For most folk that I know who have had it it has been relatively localised,  Lynn has been very unlucky, it's in her hair and right down to her feet, she's covered. 

I only found out about the vaccine very recently from the nurse at our doctor’s surgery. She mentioned that pneumonia and shingles vaccines were available and I should seriously consider both. I certainly will! I have never bothered with the flu jab so I suppose I should really think about that now too. 

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Back to my day yesterday.  Each day under the current lockdown, I try to take a local walk.  I am very lucky that the countryside is on my doorstep but I can fully understand for others this isn't possible.

However, others on here will know I have 'an interest' in butterflies and moths and there is one moth the EMPEROR moth, where the male flies during the day in search of females (that fly at night) and the male search for the female using pheromones.  A pheromone has been developed that will attract the moth and many moth enthusiasts use it to record the moth.  So yesterday afternoon in the glorious sunshine I tied the 'plug' on my washing line and waited and waited and at 4.25 this manic moth arrived in my garden.  I don't usually use a net to catch anything but I have one and finally after a lot of rushing around my garden I was able to restrain, calm it down and get a photo (in fact 100s) before it flew off to continue its business seeking out a real female.

So photos are of the moth and some pictures of my local walk near the River Rib in Hertfordshire

Happy Wednesday







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My day,sorting out our shed.Started it yesterday. Hope to get fairly  straight today.Some stuff cant get rid of until recycling re opens.Tomorrow I may clean the oven(that will bring on the rain).Funny I clean ovens in work every day.At home its different. 

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1 hour ago, w-album said:



Lovely photos, thanks Liz.

It reminds me of Gray's Elegy again :

Save that from yonder ivy - mantled tower, the moping owl does, to the moon complain -

of such, as wandering near her secret bower; molest her ancient solitary reign.

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If I remember  rightly, To qualify to receive the shingles vaccination, your birthday had to fall between certain years I qualified but Tony didn't. Apparently there was no particular rationale, in that the dates were significant it was just a way of saving money!




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The rendering work continues, I flatted it back with a sharp scraper, sanded it down then applied first coat of textured masonry paint, allowed to cure, dressed / sanded 1st coated same few areas that required attention.  Today 2nd coated the lot, final coat tomorrow, why three coats? - Cos I have plenty of paint and time.

The S/steel garden lights six in number are not 316 grade hence some surface rust was apparent, mind you they have been in situ now for years n years.  0000 gauge wire wool with some Mer sorted them out back to their best.

What else did I achieve? - cleaned out gutters facias and soffits of next doors garage and the two garages at the back of ours.

Tomorrow I will also clean out gutters / fascias / soffits of the lady behind us.  She's single and not a spring chicken so I will walk the ladders / cleaning gear round to hers

Then to make a start on the raised area for our bbq.  Deep cleaning the slate floor prior to a re-grout / slate seal




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Griff, what do you use to deep clean the slate, i have acres of chinese green slate patio, pressure washer has worked well for the last 12 years but it is looking a bit tired and has some ingrained mildew.

I did try a clear resin coat years ago, big mistake, it clouded after 2 years and was a pain to get it off.

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If jet washing isn't doing the trick then you have two options.

1)   Most professional Tile suppliers will sell a product that is designed to remove / strip entirely any sealers and impregnators.  Its a chemical cleaner that has to be used by hand, it takes hours n hours but does do what it says on the tin. I have used it many times on slate / travertine etc for clients.  Snag there is it isn't cheap and the tile suppliers are all shut - or should be

2)  The method I will be using.  Green nylon pads with warm water and 'Flash'' microfibre cloth and elbow grease, plenty of rinsing off afterwards and drying using said microfibre cloth.  After drying an application of a 'Slate Sealer'

I'll do a couple of before and after phots

Hope this helps



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