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5 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Rant time. 

I have had to accept there are no illegal or economic migrants in our country. Every media outlet I watch or listen to state on any topic of any visitors here illegally that they are - asylum seekers, every single one.

Why can’t the media outlets just speak the truth? I can take it, I can


The truth is out there! https://fullfact.org/immigration/scott-benton-small-boats-economic-migrants/

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We moan about the cost of living, the cost of holidays and tolls going up etc and rightly so but by god haven't we got it good compared to those poor people in Turkey and Syria. Whole families wiped out. Watching the news is gut wrenching.

My children and I have spent the morning sorting out stuff to donate, even an old tent in the garage, sheets, tinned food etc, not a lot in the grand scheme of things but we felt we had to do something

How fortunate we are to have our families and to be safe and warm x

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57 minutes ago, Gracie said:

We moan about the cost of living, the cost of holidays and tolls going up etc and rightly so but by god haven't we got it good compared to those poor people in Turkey and Syria. Whole families wiped out. Watching the news is gut wrenching.

My children and I have spent the morning sorting out stuff to donate, even an old tent in the garage, sheets, tinned food etc, not a lot in the grand scheme of things but we felt we had to do something

How fortunate we are to have our families and to be safe and warm x

And luckily no major faultlines under the UK, we do get the odd earthquake but very minor and rarely any damage, turkey is a bit of a tectonic crossroads.

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8 hours ago, Ray said:

With respect, that is not the truth. The website is called "Full fact", it's just a name. It doesn't state what is the truth it just says there is no evidence. It then says, "Research suggests...." again, not stating the truth, just another platform for someone else's opinion. 

I usually look at internet based channels like GB News and Talk TV for alternative views, but take none of them as gospel.

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I wonder how our buildings and infrastructure would fare in such a huge quake? I know our building standards are not required to be quake proof, but what could stand in such a strong shock? If those towns are ever rebuilt, could they be made proof against such quakes in the future? Doesn't bear thinking about - we are SO lucky to live in such a stable environment.

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In 2007 Folkestone Kent suffered the effects of a 4.3 earthquake, relatively minor in comparison.

Damage was mainly limited to cracked walls and toppled chimney structures but affected a large number of properties.

The Turkish earthquake was approximately 2000 times stronger than Folkestone. Both were relatively shallow.

If it had been 8.7, it would have been 15,500 times bigger.

Were we to experience anything over about 7, we would suffer similar widespread damage and be in a similar situation as far as rescue and recovery are concerned.

Thankfully we live in a more stable area and are in a position to offer emergency help to those who need it.


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10 hours ago, Regulo said:

If those towns are ever rebuilt, could they be made proof against such quakes in the future?

Quite a lot were fairly recently built and SHOULD have been to earthquake standards I believe, the back handers are likely a lot cheaper than the right specs in some of those cases, when schools collapsed in a chinese quake killing the occupants a while back some builders were sentenced to death over ignoring quake proofing for more profit.

Much the same as grenfell towers cladding is probably safe with the right fire breaks in place, short cuts are common place the world over unfortunately, it's the poor sods inside that pick up the tab in the worst possible way.

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I remember the folkestone earthquake, I was sitting in a chair and there was a rumble like a big truck passing in the road (we are a dead end so trucks shouldnt have been passing) and the chair just felt as if it had lightly bumped the wall, I thought nothing of it until I read later that there had been an earthquake.(in kent earth tremors are more likely to be caused by mines collapsing than any other cause.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little trip today for Marina and I.First time since December to Norwich. Little book brought. A very good book on wine by Fred.Ive lots of wine books,this is good at cutting through on bull.






























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