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3 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Best to suppy ,chocolates,flowers,wine and agree with most or all instructions. 

After 42 years of marriage, she’s wise to all of those.  I need to be a little more . . . . . . . . . . how shall we say?  Maybe subtle? 😉

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26 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

After 42 years of marriage, she’s wise to all of those.  I need to be a little more . . . . . . . . . . how shall we say?  Maybe subtle? 😉

Beat you 46 years married.In all honesty some things do the trick,some on your 🏍 bike,lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well despite the weather (its mostly just been wind here) I managed to get out on the bike- rather late by the time I left yesterday, so encountered a bit of a scene in the middle of the road on my diversion round the closed section of the cycle route via the high street, a couple of lads who were obviously worse for wear were having a bit of a barney, ignoring cars and cycles trying to get past them. so it was out to Chartham and back with lights as it was starting to get dark.

this morning I woke at 4.30, so it was hop on the bike and out to blean forest for a cycle along the wider paths.

total mileage is now 528.8miles since i got the bike, and I am feeling better for the exercise. my 8.7 mile route is no effort at all any more, and I am starting to explore some of the wider side trails in the Blean. (most just loop back to the main trail after a mile or so.)

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I needed a different cockpit table for the Shetland, White Knight, as the one's supplied were too big and to small.

I purchased an old walnut cabinet for very little money last year and dismantled it into parts and timber.

For this project I used one of the doors and braced underneath to take the leg socket.

Youngest grandson, Knight, helped design, prepare and make it and suggested having a removable chess board insert. He has become very good at chess and always beats me now.

I found a 3d printed puzzle that formed the board complete with a 3d printed chess set for under £15 on ebay.

Lots of trimming, planing, sanding and varnishing later we have a completed project.




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I've just spent most of my day on a blustery sea front with 20 4/5 year olds who all behaved brilliantly but why oh why do we get a mile away from the toilets do they seem to all want to pee at once :facepalm:As much as I love it it's still quite nice to give the little ones back at the end of the day :default_biggrin:

6 weeks off soon and looking at last minute deals at Breydon Water Caravan Park so could well be on our way soon, yay


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We thought we'd head off to the boat today for a week or so. First thing  this morning  I dedided to do a routine bp check as it's been a bit erratic recently and I need to keeep an eye on it. It was sky high (108/79) so I went to the surgery to get it checked.  My appointment was for 10.30am but I wasn't called in until 11.45.  a delay like that is a bit counter productive under the circumstances, hence when  it wsas taken again it was (214/120) so she packed me off to A & E. Saw a triage nurse after 2 hours and a doctor after 4. He was  less than pleased saying he's written a strongly worded letter to the surgery as it was  the worst referral he had ever seen and the surgery had simply passed the buck. That it was high time they got to grips with it and for me to go back and tell them so tomorrrow. This could get interesting - watch this space.



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My doctor would do flips if mine was that!

It turns out after many tests mine is preprogrammed at 169/ 89 and rarely changes 3 weeks of monitering and that was the results.

Always remember high readings are better than none.


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My / Our day. As I am currently between contracts, I am at home getting under Fiona’s feet. Moving things she doesn’t want moved and not putting away things she wants putting away, basically rubbing against each other in a rather romantic 🥰 pleased I married you kind of way. 
This morning leaped out of bed at 06:50 to support Fiona as she let the Bosch engineer in to replace a ticking bearing on the new Series 6 Graphite Bosch condensing heat pump tumble drier ( for all techy nerds). 

He came fixed it then spent as much time looking at the new pond set up as fixing the drier. 




He was looking to move and was interested how speedy was the set up!

After he departed it was nip upstairs get kit off and jump on the scales. DOWN 10.3 kg or 1.6 Stone since May 11th after being told I was obese had ridiculous triglycerides ( turned out to be 1Mmol over threshold) and had fatty liver disease. Joy. So on the diet no booze at all since that day and this is the result.



As you can see huge improvement. 
So after a scrawny breakfast of gerbil food, which I can’t add sugar to make more palatable it was on to the shed door. 

Fiona and I assembled a 4x1m Cant roof shed a while back, but didn’t put the door on!!! Doh…..

So on with the door. After much swearing and screwing and lifting and pivoting on it went. 

The shed is very useful as it occupies the side bit of uselessness left by the builders.


It fits in all the garden gubbins Fiona doesn’t want in her potting shed

The potting (She Shed) is Fiona’s retreat to basically get away from me when I’m just “in the way” 


As you can see it has carpet, lights and a stool. I’m sure if she could get the coffee maker in there she would. 

Anyway after all that I sat and perused the forum where I chanced across this opportunity to while away some few minutes writing up my day so far…

The remainder of the day planned includes mackerel for dinner with Broccoli and wholemeal bread. Several litres of water, walking the doggies and repeating all that except the tumble drier and the shed door tomorrow. 

I have new blood tests next Thursday followed by a follow on visit to the doc who expects me to have lost 5 kg. However, hopefully by then it will be over 11kg and a BP under control that she will see ( last time it wasn’t). 

this is the new one. 


So fingers crossed she will give me another Q risk 3 score that doesn’t frighten the bejesus out of me! 

So life shez nous is a fun packed and as diverse as I could wish for.. 


See you all soon 



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7 hours ago, Malanka said:

Fiona and I assembled a 4x1m Cant roof shed a while back, but didn’t put the door on!!! Doh…..

I never knew you could get a shed of those dimensions. 

You must have some willpower to have done so well with your weight management. Hats off to you. 

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Pond looks cracking!

My day started calm at burgh castle,  traumatised the dog on a lumpier than expected trip down to southwold, had a lovely dinner in the red lion, wandered in the Lord Nelson to be greeted with "hello again, 2 stouts?", got quite drunk on quite a few more stouts, now back on boat checking the kraken is still up to scratch and got sodding hiccups...

I hate hiccups! (But love blackshore stout)

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My bad it’s a pent roof shed not cant lol. From Empire sheds ( direct from supplier) 

as you can see from their website I swapped the windows to be at the low edge so the water fell away from the house off the roof. 



Was fairly easy to put up apart from the area it was in was 1.5 m wide and we assembled a 1m wide shed 4 m long in it. Lots of squeezing. Adding the roof was tough, however the roof felt quality was superb. It has floor bearers so no rot issues. It isn’t a premium shed but it does the job of being a tardis very well. We added shelves and a wooden work bench started filling it up and it’s simply amazing how much we put in. I may at some point actually be able to put a car in the garage… woo hoo 


Thanks for the comments re the pond. Our latest wheeze is to drop price reduced water cress in to provide oxygen and eliminate the blanket weed we picked up with a pond plant addition. Works great.


the fish love it as well they hang around underneath and ambush the water boatmen from beneath in a huge splashy flourish.


we are using fish sticks now as it’s hilarious to watch the chaos at feeding time. 

See you all soon. Oh and down 10.5 kg now woo hoo, 11.3 kg left to go. The food to achieve this easy going and fun so I’m really enjoying eating and losing weight it’s amazingly easy. I have a programmed daily calorie deficit of 1000kcals. However with sufficient exercise ( dog walking and gardening ) this can go up to 3000kcals per day. Gives me a deficit of 7000Kcals a week which equates to 1kg weight loss. 

Lemon squeezy, the NHS resources are good. 


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