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Just Had A Surprise

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Had two huge spiders inside in  the last month like 2 1/2 - 3 inch across and another outside the same size  , lord knows where they are coming from but as much as I don't have a spider problem they look pretty mean to me :44_frowning2: , oh n don't bother with the old wife's tail of hanging up Conker's iv seen a spider sat on a conker , it doesn't work :default_biggrin:

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Just now, Ricardo said:

Had two huge spiders inside in  the last month like 2 1/2 - 3 inch across and another outside the same size  , lord knows where they are coming from but as much as I don't have a spider problem they look pretty mean to me :44_frowning2: , oh n don't bother with the old wife's tail of hanging up Conker's iv seen a spider sat on a conker , it doesn't work :default_biggrin:

Thanks Ricardo, I put conkers on the boat and in my daughters bedroom here at home, as I have had around 3 in the bath, 1 in our bedroom and now 2 in the living room. In the house, they are taken outside, enough if I have to do it myself :default_2gunsfiring_v1:.


Marina :default_stinky:

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This was a discussion I heard/read somewhere recently, apparently the conkers must be drilled in order for the conkers to "work". I have no personal knowledge apart from being quite good at bluffing the family that I have evicted spiders when in fact, they escaped my clutches.

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We've got a few different types this year, the old daddy longlegs not seen for many years and a black type in the house 2 - 3 inch.

I went in my office/den the other night and one was sat high up on the wall, normally Henry vac normal has a word with them but at 23:45 it was plan be a flipped sticky tape on brush handle. bloody failed and it fell of the wall. not happy.

I can't stand them and keep checking for it to show itself.

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Ugh , one thing I hate about this time of year, I know they are only out and about looking for a mate but if I see one its going to get squished, sky remote, phone, shoe, whatever is to hand, I can't stand the things I have been known to sleep in a different room if there was one spotted but can't be found, don't mind anything other insects or crawly things but house spiders give me the creeps.

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To my surprise the other day , walking calmly across my kitchen sink (obviously walked in through the window)  came this thing like a Tarantula ,   I nearly died,  it then kept walking towards the hob of the cooker.       I screamed and hubby came to the rescue,    saying what on earth would you do if I was not here.    Well I haven't got a clue about that one.       Ruddy thing was enormous and hairy.

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Argggh spiders, now I know they are good for the environment and all that but they scare the hell out of me. I often wonder if there is a God and when he created Earth, Woman (and Man) he must have an amazing sense of humour to create something that is good for our existence but which has eight legs, hairy, scary and can make me move like I have never moved before :default_norty:

Londonlad that's the first time in my entire life I have ever know something that is so scary and of tarantula proportions described as beautiful lol :facepalm:

We never kill them though, if im indoors is around it's the glass trick if he's not, shut the door and leave the room for about a week


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1 minute ago, Gracie said:

created Earth, woman (and Man) he must have an amazing sense of humour to create something that is good for our existence

Well darlin, it was done just so that women would never be out of training for the 100yd sprint. It also keeps women from snooping into the Man caves lol

Charlie :default_hiding: 

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Charlie my darlin, you do realise that man caves were invented by women to get them out of their hair and the house :default_norty: It's a bit like fishing......buy a man fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and you get rid of him for the whole ruddy weekend :default_party0010:

Ok, I'm off now before I get into trouble, the topic started about spiders and now fish, sorry Marina :default_icon_kiss:


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Loads on the boat, making horrible black spots on my cream cockpit upholstery, absolute murder to get off.

However we should not complain, I had a WhatsApp Comms this morning from my youngest son, he and his fiance were jogging by the river in Melbourne and had to turn back because there were a couple of Eastern Brown Snakes basking on the path.

The saying goes " if one gets you, go and have a smoke you won't finish your ciggy"

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Some years ago I had a call from No. 1 stepson, a 6' tall hairy bottomed docker who can crack walnuts with his eyebrows, "Andy, can you get my socket set from the shelf at the back of my garage?" "Sure Pete, where do you want it taking to?", thinking he was broken down somewhere. "I'm in my front garden - there's a $€¥¥¢¢¢¤ tarantula sitting on it looking at me!" He is only a mile away so I rescued him willingly - not let him forget about it though! 

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I used to be quite literally terrified of all spiders, didn't  matter what size althoughbreally big ones were more frightening obviously. To a great degree boating cured me in that my reaction to seeing a spider was always to absence myself and clearly when on a boat in the middle of a river that isn't an option so I gradually became less paranoid. Even so large ones do give me the creeps. I went to put a cistern block in the loo cistern at home once to be greeted by 2 of the largest hairiest blighters I'd ever seen, they'd set up home in there just above the water level which explained why I'd been finding teeny little spiders in the bathroom for some time. The lid was firmly replaced to await Tony's attention. 








replaced   to await Tony's  arrival. Unbelievably, he just picks them up! My mother used to do this too but she was terrified of mice, which don't bother me at all.I find conkers definitely do work.




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