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Loddon Staithe


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I think regular visitors to Loddon will understand the point that Wyndham is making, and the introduction of a mooring fee could be seen as one way of surmounting the "problem", as indeed it might at other locations too.

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7 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

As one of many I have absolutely no wish to plug into the mains electricity so why should I have to pay a premium to moor just because there is an electricity post there? 

Because hopefully the charge will stop the "very" frequent moorers from wanting to moor there, thus leaving room for those that appreciate that moorings are a scarce resource and one that shouldn't be abused constantly. I believe that is the inference anyway. It in many ways goes back to the reasons I believe the BA took a short lease for Pyes Mill from SNDC. Whilst SNDC has designated these moorings as 24hr visitor moorings they do, or at least did not have any byelaws to back this up. Once the BA are responsible for a mooring, either through ownership, or lease, the BA 24hr byelaws apply and there is a legal method available to deal with those that abuse them, albeit a slow and somewhat costly procedure it would seem. With no byelaws in place I think all SNDC could do was apply to  a court under the laws of trespass. Costly and takes time and the redress for the claimant is often not worth the hassle.

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ECIPA, I don't disagree with your reasoning but as I wrote, I wouldn't wish to pay over and above just because a power point is available. Let those that want them pay for them. Personally I believe that mooring fees should be for overnight only, not for casual daytime moorers.

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Difficult to police that one Peter. How much do you charge someone who say's "I'm off in an hour or so, Not here for the night" ? How often do you send a "rent collector" round the mooring? etc etc.

I do understand your point but can't see how it can be efficiently achieved.

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4 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I do understand your point but can't see how it can be efficiently achieved.

A number of places already have that policy so it can be achieved. Free mooring until 18.00 hrs for example. Beyond that send the heavies round at midnight!

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2 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

A number of places already have that policy so it can be achieved. Free mooring until 18.00 hrs for example. Beyond that send the heavies round at midnight!

They used to do that at Thurne dyke, free mooring during the day, but pay for overnight.

I`m also sure they used to do that elsewhere, Salhouse Broad comes to mind?.

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1 hour ago, Seagypsy said:

We were charged £2.00 for half an hour at Salhouse last year we only stopped to make a drink and sit for a few minutes instead of drinking while travelling

Personally I'd have suggested that the person demanding the two quid go forth & multiply! Politely though.

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58 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I have not moored there for a numbers of years .We carry on to Wroxham or Horning 

Us too, though unfortunately for you Ian, the best moorings in Wroxham are through both the road and rail bridges and to your right. I think they`re called "Hoveton Viaduct Moorings". Beautiful surroundings, peace and quiet, and good fishing too.


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3 hours ago, Seagypsy said:

We were charged £2.00 for half an hour at Salhouse last year we only stopped to make a drink and sit for a few minutes instead of drinking while travelling

I think i would have untied, moved 50ft out, and dropped the mudweight, then turn round and give the guy two fingers.


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As a family of 4 who visit the Broads twice a year spending £100 over the two visits on mooring fees is not becoming uncommon.

Of course it is our choice to visit the places that charge upwards of £10 a night to moor but to offset that cost we eat onboard on occasions when we would otherwise have eaten out.

Swings and roundabouts.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network

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1 hour ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

I think i would have untied, moved 50ft out, and dropped the mudweight, then turn round and give the guy two fingers.


He was a tallish guy with a beard, helped us to tie up then asked for £5.00 said we were only having drink so he asked how long I said no more than an hour so £2.00. I find Acle good pay your money eat in Pedros get your money back

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21 hours ago, Wyndham said:

No need to be sorry Speedy, my thinking is not "logical"

You "shouldn't" pay more to moor at a staithe with electric posts BUT a case could be made for introducing a charge.

Electric posts are few and popular, I'll leave it there.

Unfortunately if you moor at a place that has electric posts, these come at a cost that has to passed on to anyone that moors there.

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1 hour ago, KaptinKev said:

Unfortunately if you moor at a place that has electric posts, these come at a cost that has to passed on to anyone that moors there.

I believe the cost of the posts come out of the navigation budget, no doubt someone can confirm that. The cost of the electric is just that, it’s not bumped up to recuperate installation costs. That is prohibited. 

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I recall Salhouse has 3 charges being 1 hour, daytime and overnight. I don't think that's unreasonable and it's clearly signposted. It's around £9 for overnight though which seems steep given absence of facilities except a few water taps with heavy, leaking hoses. 

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1 hour ago, vanessan said:

I believe the cost of the posts come out of the navigation budget, no doubt someone can confirm that. The cost of the electric is just that, it’s not bumped up to recuperate installation costs. That is prohibited. 

I would have thought the posts would be paid for by the charge on the cards.  I think if you were to find out how much the unit charge is, i think you will find it`s way way more expensive than the average charge for the electricity in our homes. You can easily work that out when you see how long they last with things like fan heaters going, along with electric kettles etc. add to that the wifes hairdryer and straighteners, and a £1.00 card won`t last long. Yet you work out the cost of running your home, with central heating, fridge freezers, light bulbs, hair dryers, etc etc, and the costs in comparrison are much lower.  

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My best unit charge per kWh via the comparison sites is just under 16p. I believe that's what BA posts are set to? A kWh is the same wherever you are, you'll use the same kWhrs if you had all that running indoors, you just wouldn't be so aware of what it's costing!

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