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Hire Boats Stuck In The Yards Tomorrow?

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It was a Saturday afternoon, 3 years ago, when we were stuck onboard Fiday Girl at Acle bridge with strong winds gusting up to 35 mph. At about 4pm a hire boat from Wroxham struggled past us and then turned to come in nose to nose with us.... The elderley couple were already distressed and I attempted to shout helpful instructions into the howling wind but they couldn't hear. A few minutes later, with our bow roller hanging half off, we managed to tie them up.

So what tomorrow? From 10.00 - 17.00 the wind forecasts are for SW 25/26mph and gusts to over 45mph. I wouldn't personally take my own boat out in those conditions.

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45 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Best put a reef in the sail!

Wise words, John. Don't think they will deter folk though.

But will the yards let newbies out in those conditions, Peter? Imagine the potential chaos at Ludham Bridge for starters.

(P.S. Mods, what happened to over 2300 of my posts? Peter still has his).

Edited by Hockham Admiral
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40 minutes ago, Hockham Admiral said:

But will the yards let newbies out in those conditions, Peter? Imagine the potential chaos at Ludham Bridge for starters.

I'd lay odds that they do let them out. I have seen it many times in similar  conditions. I guess to disrupt the routine in the big yards causes them a lot of logistical problems with staff rotas etc.

How do you do an instructional run then put the boat back in it's berth and tell the punter he can't set off. Bit of a fine balance.

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The first time Karen and I took Lightning out was in October 14. Our first stop was Loddon, then WRC. That night, the wind really picked up quite severely, and I was up.in the early hours re-tying Lightnings mooring lines, but this time side on. The following morning, we headed for Beccles in gales, and were "crabbing" up river most of the way. The worst thing was when the wind was gusting, we were being blown to an almost standstill. 

Never ever underestimate the strength of the wind, even a large broads cruiser can be effected by even I slight breeze when mooring up. 

Enjoy your cruising / sailing everybody, but above all, stay safe. 

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Whilst I am sure it is going to be windy, especially in the gusts we have to be a bit careful to talk about not letting hire boats out - that IMHO is probably going a bit OTT. I think the few sailing yards may probably suggest they remain tied up until it eases, but I am not sure its necessary to stop boats going out! Some hirers will be experienced and able to cope - others may be less so. However the worst seems to be in the middle of the day and it would seem by early evening the worst will have moved on.

Yes its going to be a summer gale, but they have happened before and we have managed to survive! The Northern Broads generally have a lot of cover and whilst I accept that the Shipping Forecast is F6 to 8, possibly F9, that is in the open sea, and with the wind from the SW, some of the sting will come out of it coming as it is, from over the land.

Breydon will probably be closed as with the wind coming straight up from the SW, on the flood, it is likely to produce a nasty chop - but its not going to last.

Whilst I can see the logic in cancelling the music bit down in Newquay with stuff being on an exposed cliff open to the SW, I was quite surprised to see Houghton Hall being cancelled with it being in a more wooded setting, well inland. Did they not have contingency plans to limit perhaps, the use of the larger structures for a limited period but has everyone else with marquees etc  up throughout the UK cancelled just in case? Perhaps it is best to be safe not sorry, but forecasting accurate wind speeds is notoriously difficult and I get the impression that they have begun to err too much on the side of caution - but then they would say it is just too risky to take the risk!!

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44 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

The first time Karen and I took Lightning out was in October 14. Our first stop was Loddon, then WRC. That night, the wind really picked up quite severely, and I was up.in the early hours re-tying Lightnings mooring lines, but this time side on. The following morning, we headed for Beccles in gales, and were "crabbing" up river most of the way. The worst thing was when the wind was gusting, we were being blown to an almost standstill. 

Never ever underestimate the strength of the wind, even a large broads cruiser can be effected by even I slight breeze when mooring up. 

Enjoy your cruising / sailing everybody, but above all, stay safe. 

Hi Neil,

A few years ago we were travelling towards Brundal from Beccles The gale was so bad that we were crabbing up the river past Reedham, I decided that we would head into Loddon as a safe haven, the wind made the normal hour journey take almost double that time, needless I was wet through by the time we moored at Loddon, wind and rain was blowing through the unzipped from canopy screen.



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55 minutes ago, Melvyn said:

We are hoping to go from Stalham to Ludham bridge or Acle tommorow, If allowed.

Any advise on mooring in strong wind ?, is it best to moor with the wind or against it  ?


Is this your first trip or have you been before? What boat will you be on?

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1 hour ago, Melvyn said:

We are hoping to go from Stalham to Ludham bridge or Acle tommorow, If allowed.

Any advise on mooring in strong wind ?, is it best to moor with the wind or against it  ?


Hi Melvyn, welcome from me too. 

If you're going from Stalham, I'd recommend staying upriver on the Ant where it's sheltered. OK, you won't be travelling far, but somewhere like Wayflord Bridge, or Gayes Staithe or Neatishead, Sutton Staithe is also nice, but only 20 minutes from Richo's. The Ant is pretty much tree lined and narrow above How Hill, so with the exception of Barton Broad, should be relatively sheltered. If you:re used to boating, there's also the opportunity to pick up a wild mooring beside the trees in the lea of the wind. Jus pick your spot and check for depth and underwater obstructions. 

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We always found that if you stick to the top of the Ant there are lots of informal moorings in the trees and it always felt not quite as windy as being out in the open countryside.       Paddy's Lane is a good option , you are off of the main river and it is a bit sheltered there.   You will be fine.   I am sure other people will help you as they have us in the past.


I have just read Speedtriples post, it is almost identical to mine.    Great minds think alike.

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1 hour ago, marshman said:

I was quite surprised to see Houghton Hall being cancelled with it being in a more wooded setting,

Maybe that’s why they are erring on the side of caution, the fear of falling branches etc. Organisations do all they can to avoid compensation claims these days, it can be too expensive!

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Picked this up on Facebook from the Broads Authority. 

Urgent boating news – Severe weather warning – The Met’ Office have issued a severe weather warning for this weekend. Very high winds with gusts of up to 50MPH are expected on Saturday along with a risk of thunderstorms. These conditions will pose challenges for even the most experienced boaters on the Broads. Inexperienced boaters should seek advice from their boat hire yards and Broads Authority advice is that you should stay securely moored to avoid getting into difficulties.

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