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1 hour ago, psychicsurveyor said:

The RSPCA were saying the other day that they have no evidence of transmission to pets,  I wonder if they will need to review this. 

Worrying development. There have been moves to exterminate badgers because of TB concerns. Where on earth would we start if it is transmitted to animals? Will the famous Number Ten cat have to be put down because it slept on Boris's bed?  

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I cannot find the link or the news story now, but in the early days there was a report from a British man living in Wuhan who had contracted the corona virus and was in lock down. He did a series of webcam interviews with the BBC news station. He mentioned that he had befriended a stray cat during his time there and that the cat spent a lot of time in his apartment. The man fully recovered from the virus, but the cat died and he assumed as it had a cough, that it had died from the virus. Corona Virus's are generally Zoonotic meaning they can jump from animals to humans. The reverse is not so well proven.

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

Worrying development. There have been moves to exterminate badgers because of TB concerns. Where on earth would we start if it is transmitted to animals? Will the famous Number Ten cat have to be put down because it slept on Boris's bed?  

Boris has a dog called Dylan, I doubt there is a cat now. 

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Several big cats at the Bronx Zoo in New York have been showing signs of Corona Virus, and one animal, a Tiger was tested and found to be infected.

There have also been reports of dogs in both Hong Kong and South Korea which have contracted Corona Virus

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Worrying about the news about Boris, hope he’s okay (and I say that as someone who isn’t a Conservative supporter...but we can still wish that every individual is safe). However, can we please stop all the gossip about unfounded animal transmission theories. That’s just scaremongering.

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7 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

However, can we please stop all the gossip about unfounded animal transmission theories. That’s just scaremongering.

Pardon? These are not gossip, but reports from reliable media sources such as the Guardian on cases confirmed by the authorities in the countries concerned.




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since when have newspapers suddenly become reliable sources for news, I stopped reading them donkeys years ago because of the distortions in their reporting, the news media are the worst ones fro spreading disinformation out there, many years ago I developed the theory that news sources on a daily basis had to find a more sensational or something that was worse than the previous days submissions just to keep on an even keel readership wise.

Until I hear otherwise from the government or a reliable source such as the RSPCA or WHO, then I will remain sceptical (but still thankful that my cats are indoors cats).

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8 hours ago, Paul said:

Pardon? These are not gossip, but reports from reliable media sources such as the Guardian on cases confirmed by the authorities in the cwountries concerned.




While I have no idea if this has been scientifcly  proven or not I dont regard any media sources as being totally reliable other than information coming directly from official sources, this may seem cynical but even some of the stuff on TV is just wild speculation.


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30 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Watching;BBC breakfast. They keep asking silly questions about BJs health. We all know he is very unwell however some of the questions are almost stupid.Think the press and TV often goes over the top.

Shades of various forums there! 

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57 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

While I have no idea if this has been scientifcly  proven or not I dont regard any media sources as being totally reliable other than information coming directly from official sources, this may seem cynical but even some of the stuff on TV is just wild speculation.


So how do you get that information from official sources Fred? Are they in direct communication with you?

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That's a very good point Paul. The media is not reliable, none of it. However, it's the only source we have.

What can we do? I suppose the best thig we can do is take the least unreliable source. Sadly I think that rules out newspapers. All of them!!!  At times like these the Guardian or Telegraph both rate right up there with the EDP for accuracy and journalistic sensationalism. Sad but the problem isn't necessarily the newspapers fault.

It has often been said (or rather written) that the written word can be misinterpreted because there is no emphasis, no facial expressions and no intonations to add to the actual words being written or quoted. It follows therefore that the television stands a far better chance of being correctly interpreted by the viewer.

I honestly don't think it matters if one watches the BBC or one of the independent stations, you need to watch the Ministers or Medical experts and listen to what they are saying, They are the best chance we have of finding out what is going on.

We will only be told what they want us to know, but it's the best option available

All the above is of course just my opinion, but equally, that makes it undisputed fact. :-) 

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1 hour ago, Paul said:

So how do you get that information from official sources Fred? Are they in direct communication with you?

Quite simple really I watch the official broadcasts from the government and their advisors and ignore the rest, they may or may not get everything right but are doing their best under difficult circumstances and not just trying to justify their own existence or even worse make capital out of very distressing times.


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by the way the main point of the letter (apart from washing hands) was "STAY AT HOME" 

so for anyone who says how are you getting accurate information- not from the news or the media, the government sent me a letter.

and the advice it gives could not be any clearer.

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I think the problem  is.Most of the news is correct. What is annoying is constantly  keep dragging out an answer. This happened over more then half an hour, regarding Boris Johnson going into intensive care and being on Oxygen. Fair enough he is far from well,and needs like many in his position a high level of care,but to keep asking the same question is point less. The only ones who can give a up to date answer to his current health is his Doctors, other then that is just guess work.

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4 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I think the problem  is.Most of the news is correct. What is annoying is constantly  keep dragging out an answer. This happened over more then half an hour, regarding Boris Johnson going into intensive care and being on Oxygen. Fair enough he is far from well,and needs like many in his position a high level of care,but to keep asking the same question is point less. The only ones who can give a up to date answer to his current health is his Doctors, other then that is just guess work.

My heart sinks when Robert Peston starts asking questions after the daily Coronavirus Briefing. After a few minutes of his waffling I lose concentration and find I have no idea what he’s actually asked. Heaven only knows what he’ll find to ask today as Boris is now in intensive care. 

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