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From https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2020/04/whats-the-difference-between-a-pandemic-an-epidemic-endemic-and-an-outbreak/

Let’s start with basic definitions:

AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.

A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.

ENDEMIC is something that belongs to a particular people or country.

AN OUTBREAK is a greater-than-anticipated increase in the number of endemic cases. It can also be a single case in a new area. If it’s not quickly controlled, an outbreak can become an epidemic.

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2 hours ago, Poppy said:

Professor Chris Whitty is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession.

When the government couldn't ignore people's worry about Aids anymore, a government health spokesman said on television: "Heterosexual people cannot catch Aids".

DavidH said:

"We now have to adjust to living with Covid for many months until a vaccine is available".

Scientists have being looking for a vaccine for HIV for 40 years without success.

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1 hour ago, webntweb said:

DavidH said:

"We now have to adjust to living with Covid for many months until a vaccine is available".

Scientists have being looking for a vaccine for HIV for 40 years without success.

But isn't HIV successfully treated by other medication, so a vaccine isn't necessary in the same way that it is for Covid 19.  And for that matter, there has been no deaths from SARS for 20 years, which makes the race for a vaccine for it, a little less urgent?

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1 hour ago, webntweb said:

When the government couldn't ignore people's worry about Aids anymore, a government health spokesman said on television: "Heterosexual people cannot catch Aids".

DavidH said:

"We now have to adjust to living with Covid for many months until a vaccine is available".

Scientists have being looking for a vaccine for HIV for 40 years without success.


5 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

But isn't HIV successfully treated by other medication, so a vaccine isn't necessary in the same way that it is for Covid 19.  And for that matter, there has been no deaths from SARS for 20 years, which makes the race for a vaccine for it, a little less urgent?

And you don't get aids by catching a bus or being within a metre of a person sneezing.

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11 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

But isn't HIV successfully treated by other medication, so a vaccine isn't necessary in the same way that it is for Covid 19.  And for that matter, there has been no deaths from SARS for 20 years, which makes the race for a vaccine for it, a little less urgent?


Which company do you think is going to continue searching for a vaccine when it isn`t needed then, these labs take serious money to operate hence why some meds can cost a lot!

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I have been out today in my car for the first time in 7 weeks. I drove through Overstrand, Cromer, Sherringham, and on to Blakeney. Lost count of folks not following the rules.

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They are still trying to find a vaccine for HIV.

It is treated by a combination of 2 or 3 drugs usually taken in one tablet. There are about 25 different drugs that can be used in combinations to reduce the virus to undetectable levels in the blood.  It doesn't cure the virus but stops it replicating.

Not only are they looking for a vaccine for Covid-19, but looking at combinations of drugs as well.

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41 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

Which company do you think is going to continue searching for a vaccine when it isn`t needed then, these labs take serious money to operate hence why some meds can cost a lot!

Either I have misunderstood you, or you have misunderstood me. I wasn't saying there was no need to search for a vaccine for Covid 19. I was saying it was not required for SARS. The country/company which discovers this vaccine, is in line to make a lot of money. Who will pay for the research? Depends on whether an agreement comes forward that it will be offered on a not for profit basis or not. If agreement is reached, then the governments of the world will fund the research, and lets face it, when you see how much this has cost the world so far, I'm sure all countries will contribute. It is after all, an investment. If agreement is not reached, then companies across the world will race to find a viable vaccine, as the one that discovers it will make a lot of money with direct manufacture and with licensing agreements across the world. 

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6 minutes ago, webntweb said:

They are still trying to find a vaccine for HIV.

It is treated by a combination of 2 or 3 drugs usually taken in one tablet. There are about 25 different drugs that can be used in combinations to reduce the virus to undetectable levels in the blood.  It doesn't cure the virus but stops it replicating.

Not only are they looking for a vaccine for Covid-19, but looking at combinations of drugs as well.

Agree with all of that. It's just there is currently no effective (it seems) treatment for Covid 19, where there is with HIV, so you can see the necessity to move fast on this. If HIV sufferers are in effect stabilised, the big med companies are going to see less of a return on their investment in finding a vaccine. 

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45 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

Either I have misunderstood you, or you have misunderstood me. I wasn't saying there was no need to search for a vaccine for Covid 19. I was saying it was not required for SARS. The country/company which discovers this vaccine, is in line to make a lot of money. Who will pay for the research? Depends on whether an agreement comes forward that it will be offered on a not for profit basis or not. If agreement is reached, then the governments of the world will fund the research, and lets face it, when you see how much this has cost the world so far, I'm sure all countries will contribute. It is after all, an investment. If agreement is not reached, then companies across the world will race to find a viable vaccine, as the one that discovers it will make a lot of money with direct manufacture and with licensing agreements across the world. 

I`m unsure if you read the link, there were efforts to find a vaccine for SARS -CoV 1 & 2 as they became known, it went as far testing on animals but was found to have side effects then SARS was stopped from spreading and disappeared all in quite a short period of time so any attempts for finding a vaccine were stopped.

Regarding the profit for who ever finds the covid-19 vaccine it is my understanding that countries around the world are funding researches as a joint venture and as such they will not allow this to happen. I believe in the past that drug companies go on to use the research findings in other fields where they can make a profit.

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2 hours ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

When interviewed Mr Waller said that I'm a little out of practise having been in lock down for so long, but I wanted to get out on the water before all those private motor cruisers started taking to the water again. :default_norty:

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15 hours ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

Having once owned one I would have thought that a Skipper dinghy was nigh-on impossible to capsize. The bloke must have done absolutely everything wrong all at the same time.  Twit and a half! ( replace the I with an A)

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There are a few things I am curious about regarding deaths.

How many have died:

'Of' ?

'With' ?

'Because of' ?

Also the percentage of older people, say over 75, compared to the remaining deaths.

This might all come across as a little callous but it helps to keep some members of society from going into complete meltdown thinking that you can catch it by looking at someone and then subsequently die.

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What makes me curious,  only 10% of test results are positive covid , what are the other 90% ? considering one is supposed to have symptoms to get a test done. Also couriers are photographing deliveres now instead of signatures so what happens to the photos?


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The one thing I know for sure. Is as someone with COPD, there are many  symptoms of my disease, that are similar to  symptoms of Covad- 19.High temperature, breathing problems (to a greater or lesser)extent I live with breathing problems always. Lack of energy, tiredness. To mention a few.If these appear,its a warning of a possible chest infection. 

Not sure what you mean about  the photos. 

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18 minutes ago, Poppy said:

There are a few things I am curious about regarding deaths.

How many have died:

'Of' ?

'With' ?

'Because of' ?

Also the percentage of older people, say over 75, compared to the remaining deaths.

This might all come across as a little callous but it helps to keep some members of society from going into complete meltdown thinking that you can catch it by looking at someone and then subsequently die.

The answers to some of your questions can be found in the following spreadsheet which is complied by the ONS (office for national statistics. Their figures are thought to be the most accurate, but take some time to collate hence being about 10 days behind.

What I can tell you from that spreadsheet is that for the 6 weeks prior to the week ending 1st May the five year average for that 6 week period is 61,851 deaths. This year the number of deaths for the same 6 week period is 108,345 or an increase of 46,494 extra deaths compared to the five year average. I chose the last 6 weeks because that takes us back to the start of the lockdown period. Off course as and when the figures are published there will be the period 1st May till today to be added to that figure.

The only thing to have changed over the last 6 years is that this year we have a pandemic which either directly or indirectly has been responsible for approximately 46,000 extra deaths this year till the 1st May. Taken against the population as a whole that might seem a small percentage. Around 0.07% currently. We will never know what that figure might have been if there had been no lock down. Which ever way you look at it that is still 46,494 deaths too many.

The spreadsheet contains a massive amount of data regarding breakdown of deaths into gender and age groups.


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My concern is  is why are deaths being put down to covid with no evidence whatsoever to support it ? 

Now they are pretty much putting all nursing home deaths down to covid. It's simple enough  to do do post mortem viral swabs to get an accurate test to see if the diagnosis stands up, but they are refusing to do so.  why?

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1 minute ago, EastCoastIPA said:

The answers to some of your questions can be found in the following spreadsheet which is complied by the ONS (office for national statistics. Their figures are thought to be the most accurate, but take some time to collate hence being about 10 days behind.

What I can tell you from that spreadsheet is that for the 6 weeks prior to the week ending 1st May the five year average for that 6 week period is 61,851 deaths. This year the number of deaths for the same 6 week period is 108,345 or an increase of 46,494 extra deaths compared to the five year average. I chose the last 6 weeks because that takes us back to the start of the lockdown period. Off course as and when the figures are published there will be the period 1st May till today to be added to that figure.

The only thing to have changed over the last 6 years is that this year we have a pandemic which either directly or indirectly has been responsible for approximately 46,000 extra deaths this year till the 1st May. Taken against the population as a whole that might seem a small percentage. Around 0.07% currently. We will never know what that figure might have been if there had been no lock down. Which ever way you look at it that is still 46,494 deaths too many.

The spreadsheet contains a massive amount of data regarding breakdown of deaths into gender and age groups.

publishedweek182020.xlsx 153.85 kB · 0 downloads

It doesn't however cover the excess deaths from conditions other than covid, resulting from people who were unable or too fearful to seek help for things like coronary conditions, cancer, sepsis to name just three serious problems. Iy's admitted that this has happened !

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