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Pubs We Remember

Hockham Admiral

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As promised I've found the pic of the Coldham Hall parrot. This was taken in 2007. The landlord was a star, I seem to think he was called Colin but I could be wrong. Mrs Nog and I were in there once, last in as usual. He didn't try to kick us out and even offered us another drink which we gratefully accepted of course. Very nice chap. I think the pub was sold not soon after and became the more gastro place it is today.


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1 hour ago, NorfolkNog said:

As promised I've found the pic of the Coldham Hall parrot. This was taken in 2007. The landlord was a star, I seem to think he was called Colin but I could be wrong. Mrs Nog and I were in there once, last in as usual. He didn't try to kick us out and even offered us another drink which we gratefully accepted of course. Very nice chap. I think the pub was sold not soon after and became the more gastro place it is today.


You are quite correct Howard Colin Barnes a smashing publican :default_icon_wave:

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The Cringles was in Potter Heigham. I think from memory it was on the road next to the post Office towards where the station was. Not sure if the building is still there.

I remember Ranworth Hall. They used to drop flyers on the boats moored at the Staithe. I seem to think they did meals, sort of Bernie Inn style and also bit of a pub cum nightclub. Very 70's.

Carol would probably know more about the history.

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13 hours ago, ChrisB said:

Closed in 1966 was the Eels Foot brew house at Barton Staithe better known as "The Hole In The Wall" as it was only licenced for off sales.

"The Trowel and Hammer" at Three Hammer Common

"The Eagle" in Irstead Road Neatishead.

If you walk round Barton Turf and Pennygate there are at least two buildings that were obviously pubs.

I would add all before my time.


Where is Three Hammer Common? 

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2 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Would love to know where this bar/hotel was , features 12:13 mins in 



From Historic England:

The Old Court House, Court Road, Rollesby, Norfolk

Photograph taken 02 April 2005 © Mr Michael Parker. Source Historic England Archive ref: 227708

This building was originally a workhouse. It was built in 1776 at a cost of around £2,300. It could accommodate 400 inmates. The architect was Charles Elder. In 1818 and 1834 it was enlarged, but in 1836 it was partially burnt down. In 1922 the rear wing was rebuilt. In the late 19th century and early twentieth century, part of the building was used as a courthouse. There is an inscription above the right hand door which provides evidence of the buildings previous use: 'For the INSTRUCTION of YOUTH, The ENCOURAGEMENT of INDUSTRY, The RELIEF of WANT, The SUPPORT of OLD AGE, And the COMFORT of INFIRMITY and PAIN'.

That's what it was, as for now I've no idea. Maybe someone on here has been to Rollesby ?


Old Court House.jpg

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10 hours ago, w-album said:

Ranworth Hall was the night club of bygone years! Was Cringles Herbert Woods home or am I wrong completely

Cringles was built by Herbert Woods as his family home. "Cringles" being how they make reef points in sails. When I knew it in the 70's it was a country club, that did great Sunday lunches. I see it is not there any more. I wonder what happened to it?

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You are also talking about some of the main places where I mis-spent my youth!  :default_drinks:

I was drinking with my mates on Saturday nights in the Trowel and Hammer on the Newmarket Rd, before I was old enough to drive.  This was even before the Mods and the Rockers and it was the great pub for the young crowd.  I could spend the evening in there with a group of friends, buy 2 rounds of drinks and a packet of 10 Gold Leaf for ten Bob.  50p to you!

I was just starting my first job, on leaving school and I was clearing £14 a week.  Paid in cash, in a pay packet.  No banker's orders then!  I paid my mother £2 a week for housekeeping and I didn't know what to do with the rest.  I have never been so well off again in my life.

I first went to Ranworth Hall with my parents in the late 50s when it was a country club but I can't remember the name of the owner.  It was then bought by Frank Potter, who had Potter & Co estate agents in Norwich, and was one of the founder members of the notorious Ranworth Yacht Squadron!  He made it into more of a night club, with a disco, run by John Clabburn.  John didn't have that many records, so we had to hear them several times a night!  Every time "Je t'aimes, moi non plus" came round again there was a loud groan from the crowd!  I am sure the best night I remember in there, was Tom Percival's stag party.  Frank had to re-decorate the whole bar after that, but he assured us he was going to do it anyway, so no harm done!

It was then bought by Jerry and Vivienne Reubens, who made a big success of it, including floodlit barbecues around the swimming pool in the summer.  The evening didn't really start until the pubs closed in Norwich and a lot us used to warm up first in the Town House club bar in Thorpe, which is where I met Christine Keeler. Another regular was John Walker, of the Walker Brothers. Pretty well anyone you knew from the boatyards would be there at Ranworth and every time the phone rang there would be an awful silence, while we all wondered whether one of our boats was in trouble!

It was then bought by Tony Sands but I don't know what happened after, as I had moved to France by then.

Happy days!

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Was it The Tavern at St Olaves long gone and now part of Anglian Yacht Brokers? I seem to remember it was keen to promote that it was a freehouse at the time with quite a selection on tap.

We nearly bought it when the whole lot was up for sale in the early 80's as a job lot. The old marina, the house next to the bridge et al but they wouldn't allow the moorings to be extended so we didn't go through with it. Just look at it now.. lol

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1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

Cringles was built by Herbert Woods as his family home. "Cringles" being how they make reef points in sails. When I knew it in the 70's it was a country club, that did great Sunday lunches. I see it is not there any more. I wonder what happened to it?

It was knocked down and I think a Care Home is there now?   Google Streetview isn't quite so clear - maybe a housing estate?

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1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

I first went to Ranworth Hall with my parents in the late 50s when it was a country club but I can't remember the name of the owner.

I think I have just remembered -

Lovell Batch.

Known, of course, as Lovely Batch.

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george borrow oulton broad

Anyone remember Andy and Sandy that ran it in the 70’s?
I used to stay there when assisting our local service depot (Kelvin Hughes - Battery Green Road).
That’s when Lowestoft had a fishing fleet.

I helped with the washing up at night and ended up with Andy & Sandy offering me a live- in job!
I was based in Hainault at the time and on a very different career path.

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
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Cringles, Herbert Woods home he built for his family is still there. Or it was a fèw weeks ago when I had been to Horning and was making my way to Martham. It was sold for development of the grounds and the house is once again private.



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