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Boris Says We Can Go Boating!! - (Not sure he did we must wait clarification (edited by Maxwellian)


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I've reread the RYA press release a couple of times now and it does nothing for their credibility.

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) warmly welcomes a return to the water following the Prime Minister’s announcement today [10 May 2020]

and we understand that this will include all forms of boating.

The RYA will review the Government guidance due to be published on Monday, 11 May.

In other words we are hoping we can return to boating and are interpreting it that way and will let you know more when it is made clearer.

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From the Broads Authority:

"The Authority understands that the Prime Minister's public address yesterday evening was not entirely clear regarding access to the Broads (and nearby areas) for boating and recreational purposes.

The Government has promised to provide additional guidance today at 2pm. We are asking individuals to please await a further update from the Authority this afternoon if they have any questions. Thank you."

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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

From the Broads Authority:

"The Authority understands that the Prime Minister's public address yesterday evening was not entirely clear regarding access to the Broads (and nearby areas) for boating and recreational purposes.

The Government has promised to provide additional guidance today at 2pm. We are asking individuals to please await a further update from the Authority this afternoon if they have any questions. Thank you."

So not a National Park - when it suits them :default_gbxhmm:

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This episode draws attention to the fact that we have totally and utterly  lost the ability to assess risk - people seem to forget we do that all the time, every minute of the day, without thinking about it! Thats what life teaches you to do from a very early age!!  Every time we get in a car there is risk attached to it - but do we stop and think about it? Previously when we got on a boat, there was even more risk, but did we stop and think - I suspect not! Every time we open the fridge door looking for a snack, there is a risk we will become obese, (with the exception of those who already are! ) but again who sees any risk? Every time we go on holiday abroad we have to fly, and worse still we quite happily go to areas in the world intrinsically less safe than here - does it stop us? No of course not , we subconsciously make a decision that its safe to do so.

Teachers Unions want everyone deloused before going in to school, but science will show you that young children rarely catch it,  train drivers are frightened of getting in their cabs but who else is in the cabs with them, and people use every excuse they can find, where they cannot understand the risk. Take away the furlough payments and that might focus a few minds!

A vaccine won't help this mentality - it is unlikely to be 100% reliable and perhaps even after vaccination perhaps one in 10000 will still catch it? There is living in Norfolk nearly 1 million people so will that eradicate the risk?  No 'cos people will have assessed that the risk is modest and worth taking.

And as for the BA looking at the situation again, don't forget they have already told us the rivers are open, simply because they cannot shut them. Observe the 2m distancing rule and just go out - I would like to see any virus transmitting to someone else outside today in this breeze!!!!

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I agree with all that Marshman. The government messaging and the media attention has put everyone into a state of fear. Eventually, the government will stop the furlough payments, and at that time, people will have to reassess their own personal risk versus what will happen if they don't return to work. Clearly, guidance and regulations need to be in place to protect people from unscrupulous employers, before that can happen. I can quite understand why the messaging was so hard, but the preoccupation with what could happen, now needs to be put alongside stories of the many thousands of people who have contacted the virus, and at worst, were laid low for a few days. Waiting for the government to come out with a ruling for every scenario in life, is just not going to happen. 

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9 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

I agree with all that Marshman. The government messaging and the media attention has put everyone into a state of fear. Eventually, the government will stop the furlough payments, and at that time, people will have to reassess their own personal risk versus what will happen if they don't return to work. Clearly, guidance and regulations need to be in place to protect people from unscrupulous employers, before that can happen. I can quite understand why the messaging was so hard, but the preoccupation with what could happen, now needs to be put alongside stories of the many thousands of people who have contacted the virus, and at worst, were laid low for a few days. Waiting for the government to come out with a ruling for every scenario in life, is just not going to happen. 

Agreed.  Both my wife and I have had what we believe to have been relatively mild doses of the virus, having suffered raised temperatures, coughs, headaches, feeling utterly lethargic afterwards and in my case, a total loss of my sense of taste (and I don’t mean that I suddenly enjoyed Radio 1) for about two weeks.  Neither of us has been able to get tested (no surprise there), but the symptoms matched what have been described in the media.  
As Marshman has said and as I did in an earlier post, we need to do our best to mitigate the risk, but at least try to get the country moving again.  There is not going to be a quick cure.  It will take months to develop and more importantly test a vaccine, by which time the UK will be bankrupt.
Social distancing will be part of our lives for months to come, but at some point, we will need to spend time with our relatives.  My mum is nearly 88 and in poor health anyway, having spent much of 2019 in hospital or rehabilitation. I haven’t seen her since 23rd March when lockdown was imposed.  Could I forgive myself if anything happens before we are permitted to see her again?   
These are difficult and unprecedented times for us all, but at some point reality must kick in and a new ‘normal’ be achieved.  It may be years before life as we knew it is restored.  We all know the risks and how best to mitigate against them.  We might as well get on with it now, work and socialise as safely as we can and be thankful for what we have got.

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Gives an insight into what to expect I suspect.


Update: Monday 11 May

Last night the government announced the first steps in lifting restrictions on outdoor activities and is now allowing people to drive to spend time outdoors with members of the same household. Based on this decision, from Wednesday 13 May we are lifting restrictions on boat owners visiting their boats.

At this stage general navigation still isn’t permitted and boats should only be used for minimal travel, for example for essential services or repairs. Where visiting, people should expect to return home the same day. We will be reviewing when we can restore navigation in light of the new government advice. In the meantime, mooring exemptions are extended by a further two weeks until Saturday 23 May.

Following government advice, angling and canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding for exercise, can resume from Wednesday 13 May, but this must be on your own or with members of your household, and shouldn’t be for long distances as navigation is still restricted. In all instances, social distancing must be maintained at all times, keeping your distance from both other people and moored boats.

Towpaths have remained open throughout the pandemic, with people required to observe social distancing rules and taking extra care on narrow sections. As more people return to work and are encouraged to avoid public transport, we could see an increase in the use of towpaths. Please keep moving, don’t congregate and stand aside to allow others to pass, using the full width of the towpath. Once again, keep your distance from other people and moored boats.

If you are a cyclist, please be aware of our towpath code. Remember that pedestrians have priority, so always take it steady and be ready to slow down to give way to pedestrians. Consider using an alternative route away from the towpath for your exercise, especially as traffic on most roads is much reduced.

Overall, our plea to everyone thinking of visiting our canals and river navigations is to be mindful of others and act always with consideration and respect.

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25 minutes ago, JawsOrca said:

Based on this decision, from Wednesday 13 May we are lifting restrictions on boat owners visiting their boats.

At this stage general navigation still isn’t permitted and boats should only be used for minimal travel, for example for essential services or repairs. Where visiting, people should expect to return home the same day.

What a sensible way forward. Perhaps the BA could follow suit? Baby steps. 

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But the BA won't go it alone and will do anything it seems to  stop people using or visiting the damned things- if you can go on a paddleboard, canoe on them, or fish ( which you can't yet!) why can you not use your boat? Limit use to local people by all means and I promise not to stay on it overnight but by not allowing it, is totally nonsensical!!

I knew they would get themselves into this hole but they would not listen - now look where its got them and they will continue to lose respect of even their most loyal supporters - its NOT the same as the CRT so the BA need to make their OWN minds up! I bet they chose the wrong path!!!!!!! Hire boats, sadly, need to be treated in a different class and until travel restrictions are relaxed a bit more, so do private owners living over say 100 miles away at least in the very short time ( sorry chaps!) but penalising the local private owner is wrong wrong wrong whichever way you look at it!!!!!!

PW - where do I sign up?????

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12 minutes ago, marshman said:

But the BA won't go it alone and will do anything it seems to  stop people using or visiting the damned things- if you can go on a paddleboard, canoe on them, or fish ( which you can't yet!) why can you not use your boat? Limit use to local people by all means and I promise not to stay on it overnight but by not allowing it, is totally nonsensical!!

I knew they would get themselves into this hole but they would not listen - now look where its got them and they will continue to lose respect of even their most loyal supporters - its NOT the same as the CRT so the BA need to make their OWN minds up! I bet they chose the wrong path!!!!!!! Hire boats, sadly, need to be treated in a different class and until travel restrictions are relaxed a bit more, so do private owners living over say 100 miles away at least in the very short time ( sorry chaps!) but penalising the local private owner is wrong wrong wrong whichever way you look at it!!!!!!

PW - where do I sign up?????

In this case it is not up to the BA at all. They are only repeating, or relaying the governments message, remember they haven't closed the Broads and they are not stopping you going to your boat. This is all getting very strange now, me defending the BA and you not siding with them! :default_rofl:

It's also not a case of distance anymore. The government have now said you can travel to exercise, visit parks or beaches etc. I can and have done in the past a flying visit from home, there and back in a day, so could very easily do so again to check on things.

The current restriction for me, is the marina is closed. It is treated currently (that may change once the 50 pager is published) in the same category as caravan parks which are businesses that have to remain closed.

Depending on where you moor your boat, marina or river bank, you may be able to visit from Wednesday.

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Personally as an ex-competitive sailor of Lasers, Contenders and other "Dunking" classes I think the RYA have acted and put out a statement without thought.

The wearing of a wet suit or dry suit is a must with many racing dinghy classes. I won't go into the unsavoury aspects of the changing/locker/wet rooms of sailing clubs but social distancing is pretty much impossible and the showers are not the most hygenic of places as they are often  used to not only clean the person but also the inside and outside of the wet suit and others are waiting to jump in as soon as you are out. 

There is no person to take the helm when you want to use the "heads" when travelling like this:- if you get my drift! 



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25 minutes ago, marshman said:

But the BA won't go it alone and will do anything it seems to  stop people using or visiting the damned things- if you can go on a paddleboard, canoe on them, or fish ( which you can't yet!) why can you not use your boat? Limit use to local people by all means and I promise not to stay on it overnight but by not allowing it, is totally nonsensical!!

I knew they would get themselves into this hole but they would not listen - now look where its got them and they will continue to lose respect of even their most loyal supporters - its NOT the same as the CRT so the BA need to make their OWN minds up! I bet they chose the wrong path!!!!!!! Hire boats, sadly, need to be treated in a different class and until travel restrictions are relaxed a bit more, so do private owners living over say 100 miles away at least in the very short time ( sorry chaps!) but penalising the local private owner is wrong wrong wrong whichever way you look at it!!!!!!

PW - where do I sign up?????

Can I just say that I think the BA is doing a sterling job, JP in sole charge seems to be the way to go, and I do hope the tolls are trebled next year, so that they have much more money to waste spend.

Well, someone's got to stand up for them, now that MM has joined the ranks of the 'little people'

Welcome aboard  :default_biggrin:

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3 hours ago, marshman said:

Every time we open the fridge door looking for a snack, there is a risk we will become obese, (with the exception of those who already are! )

I'm adjusting the curve - I'm social distancing myself from the fridge

I also read an article on binge drinking whilst under lockdown, frightened the life out of me, so that's it - no more reading for me!

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