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My Life In The Kitchen(s).


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Can't remember if I was 20 or 21 years old and I had a stabbing pain in my back.Turns out I was suffering from a lung blister (A partial haemothorex).I was told to rest it would heal its self in time as I was young.As I write this I have a stabbing  pain in my back now.This time due to my operation. 

Following  our wedding on July 2 1977.We honeymooned  in what was then West Berlin.Mother in law came from Berlin.We stayed with friends  of the family.We had a great time.Berliners knew how to have a good time,suppose that was due to living in a divided city.We crossed over to East Berlin to visit Mother in laws old boss.Even though  we only spent a day there.Was not easy took an hour at the boarder crossing into East Berlin. Was an eye opener once you moved away from the hype in the city.In the outskirts it was quite bleak.

August 8 1977 I moved from the Berkeley  Hotel to Nat west Bank.I enjoyed  my time at the hotel and was sad to leave.A week after me Marina joined the Bank.I worked in Undershaft in the City of London.Workinging in  Directors  dining rooms.I worked with Hank head Chef who had served with the RAF.And butlers,what a group of characters. Big Jim a lovely Irish man  who liked he's G and T.Jim what do you think of that.Thats for you to know and me to find out.No Jim you've got it the wrong  way round.Tony Italian, dont tell pork chops,no Tony dont tell pork pies.Many of our customers, had bird names think someone saw the funny side,they all worked together. Mr sparrow, Mr Nightingale, Mr Blackbird.Big change from Hotels I was on a 35 hour week,employed by the bank with all the benefits  that went with the job.Was there for three years then we moved into the new Nat West Tower. 

Tips when cooking green veg such as French beans,stick beans,runner beans,Broccoli. For best results  once prepared leave in cold water for at least an hour.Cook in a pan of boiling water with a little salt,dont over cooked. They will retain  texture and colour. 

In french mise en plus. (Preparation).In pro kitchens we spend large parts of the day doing prep.Just the same at home.Worth spending time doing as much prep as possible. None more so then at Christmas.

Wednesday moving to The Nat West Tower.And becoming a father.

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I've  never used it,but like flavoured oils,best for salads and finishing dishes. I wouldn't use for frying.Like all extra virgin oils.To good for cooking.Try with  Rocket, tomatoes Sliced Avocado ,thinly sliced fennel and dressed with Avocado oil.Simple quick to make salad.

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35 minutes ago, vanessan said:

For high heat cooking I have been using Rice Bran Oil for many years. Mild in flavour it is excellent for stir frying and is extremely low in cholesterol (apparently). 

I 've been using this for many years too  having been advised on it's advantages by the practice nurse at our GP surgery. I agree, it's very good.




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1 hour ago, addicted said:

I 've been using this for many years too  having been advised on it's advantages by the practice nurse at our GP surgery. I agree, it's very good.




I introduced it to my cousin in Australia and she has been using it for years now too. I have only seen it in .5 and 1 litre bottles here but in Australia she buys it in 5 litre drums and decants it, sharing it with her two daughters.

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After three years working for the bank we moved into the new Nat West tower. We were on the 40th level.Which formed the kitchen,store rooms , wines,catering offices and staff rooms.On the 38th level two dining rooms,39 level six dining  rooms,41th level four dining  rooms.Each dining room could seat 10/12 Directors.Or opened up for a canape party.This time of year we would  be very busy.We looked after International Banking.Over the years we cooked for most members of the Royal family, heads of states,sports men and women,charities, school children. You name it we hosted ,cooked and looked after them.We also looked after Gibson hall.A lovely  restored Banking hall,that became a banqueting hall and kitchen.We could seat about 150+ or buffets/ Canape party's for 300,400 guests.Our food was classical French food ,Traditional British. Nearly every thing was prepared and cooked on site.Washed down with the very best wines available. I was lucky  enough  to try many of the very best available.Marina left the bank,when  In 1980 Nicola was born,Alan was born in 1982.Marina and I loved to travel.In the beginning we went on day trips to France and Belgium. Then coach and camping to the south  of France.Work was hard but no way as intense as Hotels,plus the money and rewards were better.All in all enjoyable. 


Tips.Kitchen aids.I've got a stick blender.Great for soups,sauces.Food mixer ,for cakes and food processor. Again prices and quality varies widely.Pick what's best for you.

Some starters for Christmas. Wild mushroom soup.

One medium sized onion cut into four,one washed stick of celery into slices.sweat off in a little veg or corn oil and butter. Add one litre veg stock,bring to boil,add one large peeled washed potato, cut into  six pieces. Tray of assorted wild mushrooms. Check to see theres no dirt.If so brush  off,but dont wash.fry off in a little  oil,add to soup.Once potatoes and veg cooked are cooked blend, check for seasoning add a little double cream.

Not quite prawn cocktail. Frozen tiger prawns. Allow  to defrost. Make sure the track is clean. Coat in sweet chilli sauce with one inch grated fresh  ginger. Can be done night before use.Quick fry.Dont overcooked otherwise will be tough.Serve with saute bean sprouts in soy sauce and rocket.

Next time mid eighties and I have other interests in the local community. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Things were going well in the tower,often busy and we became the number one unit in the bank.In 1986,Maggie  decided to get rid of the GLC.Thamesmead where we lived,was part of the GLC.It was decided that a company was to be set up .Thamesmead Town Ltd. To be run by the community elected by the people,with a full time Chairman, CEO and others, There was nine elected members(unpaid).I stood runner up.Also a second  tier Thamesmead Advisory Forum. I became Chairman. We were also made up of most of the community groups.We would help the board in some decisions regarding the town.We debated among  other matters London city  Airport.I managed to meet the CEO and he attended  some of our meetings  regarding  the airport. I developed a good working relationship with them,managed  to arrange a demo flight.We took.about 20 members to the airport, they did a figure of eight .I pulled r

ank and went up twice.In talks and visits we managed  to slightly alter the flight path over the town.This was a time I learnt the art of juggling. Father,Chef and Community Chairman.Dont know how I did it.Was lucky my work was 35 hours,still at times tricky. 

Tips: Turkey. Would suggest you take the wish bone out.This will make carving easier and produce more meat.Please don't put stuffing in the cavity. Put inside  between the skin and the breast. You can if you wish put butter there also. Remember to get the Turkey out of the fridge allowing it to get to room temperature.Try to keep in a safe animal free  place. I'm not keen on Brussels. You can add thinly cut strips of bacon.Cook sprouts, dont over cook.fry off bacon add sprouts,add black pepper. Or chestnuts,add little stock and teaspoon of marmite,black pepper.

Next year,remaining years at the Tower.Feeding Prince Phillip. 

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Cooking for Royals at the Tower.Over the years we cooked  for many members of the Royal  Family.We cooked for the Queen twice.This brings with it massive security.Prince Phillip  many times.He was Patron of the playing field association. The bank sponsored the charity.And would host a lunch each year.Think we used to do the Buffet at Fishmongers hall,London Bridge.I have recounted this story before,but I think it's funny.Some of our butlers were a bit like Del boy.They looked the part,very smart,but a poor knowledge of the trade.The buffet was always in the middle of summer, we always had a selection of hot and cold food.One day Prince Philip was being served by Del boy stand in.What would you like sir,Lobster he replied. Mayonnaise?yes please. The following  year same Buffet.The Prince is  in the hall,I'm setting up the Buffet. He turns to one of, party."I dont think I'll have the lobster this year".last year Del boy stand in gave him sweetened cream instead of mayonnaise. Princess Ann,often visited the Tower.One time we did a Buffet,hot and cold food.The cold food was highly decorated. What no one told us was it was for a blind charity. We also had some back up food under the table, which some of the dog's found. The dogs also used the lawn as a loo.which had recently been layed.Which had to be re done.We also cooked for Heads of states,MP,s Prime Ministers. Sports men and Women.

And yes PP can feed himself. 

Tips:left over Turkey, besides of soup,and served cold with salad and pickles. Try a few of these:

Stir fry bean sprouts match stick size of carrots,shredded  bok choy,spring onions.

Coat in the following:About 2 inch of peeled fresh Ginger,cut into thin match sticks,One small sliced onions,two or three tablespoons of each,light soy sauce ,Sweet chilli,plum sauce, black bean sauce. Cook off onions and carrots allow  2 to 3 minutes Add ginger and book choy.Add wet sauces bring to the boil,add strips of turkey.Serve piping hot with noodles. 

Turkey parcels: Filo pastry, melted butter.

Chicken or Turkey stock about one litre reduce  by half. A peeled and finely diced shallot cook off in a little  butter,Ask Gracie for a glass of white  wine,add to shallots back to the boil,good splash of double cream,reduce  slightly, add stock, back to the boil.Thicken with cornflour. Add a little unsalted butter. This will give it a gloss.check for seasoning.allow to cool.Cut Turkey into strips.Once cooled,coat the Turkey with some of the sauce.You will need two sheets of filo pastry. Cut into four.Brush with melted butter overlap the sheets.Place mixture  in the middle then bring the pastry up so it covers the mixture. Coat with butter.allow about 15 ,20 minutes in the fridge cook in hot oven 180c for about half an hour.I would suggest veg such as french beans,stick beans,spinach  or carrots. Boiled new potatoes  or mash and with some of the sauce.

Next time into  the nineties. 

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Loving the tips and tales, thanks Ian.  I wonder how many "Director's Dining Rooms" there are nowadays?  I experienced a few in the 1980's and early '90's, having been invited in as a guest or sometimes as a potential customer, but by the time I was entitled to dine there on a daily basis, my company had abolished it. Probably for the best given my waistline. :default_smile:

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My last unit The new Goldmans Sachs. There were lots,insure how many,but they could  cater for 500+.Most fine dining  units I worked in, in the last ten years, three to four dining  rooms.30 to 40 people. Even though  I've not worked since March,I know due to covid my old company have stopped  fine dining until further notice.

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So yesterday  I gave a few ideas using filo pastry. What to do with the rest?

You can make some parcels for canapes. Two sheets of filo.cut some carrots into strips,leeks,two inch of peeled and grated fresh ginger.Sliced chestnut mushrooms. Shredded bok choy.Provided all are cut thin,no need to cook.Coat in equal measures of light soy sauce, sweet chill,plum sauce and a little  black pepper. Cut filo,about two and a half across,brush with melted butter.Place a small amount of the mixture on the filo fold over making a trangel, repeating a trangel using all the pastry. Brush with butter,chill in the fridge until  ready  to use.You can deep fry of oven.Serve with soy sauce, sweet chilli.You can make mincemeat parcels,using two sheets,buttered.Mincemeat in the middle pinch up the sides, chilled then cooked in a hot oven 180c dust with icing  sugar.

More canape ideas next time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Towards the nineties and Christmas's. During  my time at the Tower,Christmas  was always busy.We would have lots of canape party's, Dinners.Starting from October up to a few days before Christmas.We worked up to Christmas eve.Because we were a Directors unit,we only on standby, in case a Director wanted a breakfast or sandwiches.In fact in all my years perhaps only did three or four requests each year.Most of the time we would have a good sort out and clean up.Then the manager would give us a little  drink, then often we'd go for a drink in the pub.A number of pints later would  go home,then prep for Christmas lunch.Looking back now,I dont know how I kept all the balls up in the air.When the kids were younger. We waited until they went to bed,then Finnish wrapping,and put out by the tree.One year,think Marina and I went to bed and 01.00,only to be woken up at 03.00 by the kids "he's been" Yes good now go back to bed for a few hours".For a number of years I would cook at the vice Chairman of the bank at he's house. The Earl of Harrowby.lovly couple, always good to me,but Lady Harrowby was more right wing then Maggie.I would cook at there house  once a week,just for them,and  sometime Dinner parties. I worked for them for about Five years I think.Nealy all I food was prepared from scratch, with little prepared food.So work involved making canapes,three,four or five course  lunch on Dinners was a lot of work.The end result  was always worth the effort. 

Tips:I know for many of us this Christmas will be very different.Sadly no big get togethers that normal years.

That said a few ideas for canapes even if only a few of you.

Deep fried breaded Scampi (shop brought  ones)Nothing  wrong  there,serve with tartare sauce.

Home made:using a blender or food mixer.Two egg yolks a good spoon of Coleman's mustard(or local mustard).Blend until start to go lighter.Slowly pour in veg,or corn oil,mix until nice dropping consistency.Add salt and pepper to taste,add a  good handful of capers and gerkins and chopped parsley. You can use readymade mayonnaise, homemade is much better.

What we call croutes using a round cutter about the size of a 50p concur out brown bread sprinkle a little oil salt and pepper,brown in oven about ten minutes until lightly browned. Once cool pipe or spoon cream cheese adding a little  mayonnaise or yogurt add a little fold of smoked salmon.add cracked black pepper.

For a veggie option:Using smoked cheese,cut rounds of cheese the same size of the bread.Finnly dice cucumber, pickle in a good vinegar such as white wine,or cider,a little sugar, add chopped chives,Add a little mixture to the cheese.

Good old cocktail  sausages coated in honey and grain mustard, serve with mustard  of your  choice. 

Other ideas,mini cottage pies.Many shops now have pre cooked mini tartlets.Of course sausage rolls.Cheese and onion turnovers.

Wash down with some good English fizz.Some of South England  sparkling wines out perform Champagne.

Next time,into the nineties and a bomb makes us homeless!

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Chocolate  mousse. 

One pint,(500g) double cream.

Three eggs,separated. 

75g castor sugar. 

200g dark chocolate, go for 70%.

Break chocolate into pieces place in a bowl,sit on top of a pan of bubbling, but not boiling water.

Beat cream until soft peaks,easy to tell just lift cream with whisk.It will not drop off.

Whisk egg whites. When you separate eggs make sure theres no shell or yolk,if will spoil results. Whisk until theres a good volume, then slowly add sugar. Its an old trick,just tip the bowl over a partner head,if it stays in the bowl,its worked.If not start again.

Now combine all the ingredients. You can add a shot of espresso or strong coffee,if you want.

Slowly add the chocolate to the cream,then cold coffee if required, gently fold in the egg whites.If you want also a shot of chocolate liqueur or Brandy. Fill glasses with mixture, allow to set .Then to serve grate some white  chocolate on top.

Below was infact my chocolate  brownie cheesecake I made just before lockdown at work.

It appears  to be a bit of work,but the results are worth it.

Happy Christmas  Ian.


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