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Are You A Hoarder?


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I admit it, I have to work hard at not being an excessive hoarder!

It all came home to me when I cleared my mum-in-laws house after she died. Oh dear, nine builder's skips of absolute rubbish. Perhaps not an obsessive hoarder but I could see me heading that way, just in boat projects and bits, fishing tackle and a vintage bottle collection. Time to stop.

My NHS daughter surprised me when she told me just how many beds were blocked in the hospital where she works by patients who's homes are too untidy for them to convalesce in or for carers to safely work in. Apparently hoarding is becoming something of an epidemic and costing the NHS dearly. 

Just watched Extreme Hoarders on TV, worrying stuff, perhaps I'll re-start on the garage tomorrow. 

It must be wonderful to be organised!


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6 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

If there’s a drawer or cupboard Katie isn’t happy until it’s full to the brim 

The wife’s the same.  I’m actually surprised that the cupboards on the walls in the kitchen of our current property haven’t fallen off, due to the weight of what’s inside them!!

The cupboard under the stairs is rammed and I’ve already reminded her that when we move into our bungalow, there won’t be one to fill up.  Not sure how she’s going to cope!!

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I used to live with my parents. Three of us in a 4 bedroom house. When they died, I had to move in with my sister. This involved a massive cull in the "stuff" I had accumulated over 60 years. When my sister died 5 years later, and I moved in with a friend of mine, another massive cull had to take place, this one far more stringent than the last.

My friends Mother will be 93 in May, and owing to her sons situation, is starting to go downhill quite rapidly so I am now likely to have to move "all my worldly goods" to a boat. Yes, it's a big boat but it's still a boat. If she predeceases her son Rufus, (quite probable) and Rufus is discharged from the nursing home (possible) then I'll be moving him onto the boat too, with all his "worldly goods". This would mean my having an even more vicious cull, and Rufus would have to have one too!

I have already started mine, so, Am I a hoarder? Well I was but not now.

If I can't eat it, can't drink it and don't need it for a job, I don't buy it. 

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I hate clutter. With the house on the market and the fact we are downsizing has made us go through absolutely everything we own and its so cleansing to get rid of stuff. We have been ruthless.  Just love it. What we have left is what we need with obviously some sentimental stuff but everything has a place. Amazing how more restful it is without clutter. The only area is the study. Old paperwork I’m not sure I should keep or safe to shred. 

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3 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

Oh dear. Full of shoes, vintage electronics and handbags. I wont say who is responsible for each :default_norty: 

Some of you might be surprised to know I am a bit of a shoe hoarder like Mrs N. The only advice I can give is that if somebody tells you you have enough shoes, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life :default_biggrin: x


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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

I was tiling a few weeks ago around the new outside BBQ area...

The tiles we removed from a bathroom in MK when we lived there... That was about 25 years ago,... 

So don't throw anything away it might be useful..

I've heard of people taking all the light bulbs when they move, but all the tiles too!!


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4 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Am I a hoarder? Well I was but not now.

If I can't eat it, can't drink it and don't need it for a job, I don't buy it. 

You and I! Wise words too.

I have a near neighbour who has had his fascia boards replaced, blow me, he kept the old, largely rotten ones! Presumably there might be some sound stuff that might come in handy one day, he's over seventy now so he'd better get a move on!

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Guest Jayfire

I'm a complete minimalist. A little like Eminem said if I can't run in it, eat it or drink it I don't need it and I'm not too fussed about the eating stuff either.

I'm so minimalist I keep losing things I didn't even want to lose too :facepalm:


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My Father in law recently passed away having lived in the one house all his married life, he was 91. The spiders in the garage are bigger than me. The dustment (refuse collection operatives) all have hernias and will have for months.

Any ideas for jokey things to plant for our kids to find when we're gone?

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Netgear switch stopped working a few months ago.

On Monday Broadband Hub gave up so they replaced it this morning with a new one that didn't have a separate router.

Was supposed to throw obsolete router in bin but had a look at power supply plug - turned out to be same fitting, same output 12v 1.25amp as the Netgear one.

Good job I didn't throw the switch away.

Mind you I have a drawer full of old power supply plugs that will probably never be of use again.

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Tony is a terrible hoarder. Me? Quite the opposite! i just love an empty cupboard or drawer. Having a good clear out is positively cathartic. On the odd occasion that Tony's reluctance to "Get rid" get's too much for me to bear I  threaten to get a skip and so terrified is he about what  I'll put in it it propduces an immediate tidy- up! 



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Mrs N and Gracie you could halve the shoe collection by getting rid of all the right ones so you only have half "left" :default_biggrin:

John has a habit of having a clear out and then within weeks needs something he has just got rid of :default_blush:

I just put things in cupboards works for me :default_icon_razz:

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I must admit that I am a champion hoarder.  Especially wood, fixings, electrical stuff, paint, tools, seeds, beermaking ingredients, old clothes, bottles, jars, cardboard boxes, in fact anything and everything that "might come in useful one day".  The last time I was seduced into throwing anything away, it was only 3 days before I wished that I hadn't.   

With the Covid crisis, we haven't been able to shop as freely as we did, so my "cushion" of stuff has been very handy as a source of material to use, recycle,  upcycle  and even give away to the kids at times of their need.

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