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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

The lid almost fits , and only falls off if you sit on it. A cushion hides all the places where things don't look quite like they should

Two solutions,

 Cut some strips from the scrap and put around the edge of the lid to form a lip on the topside so it looks like it is there to stop the cushion sliding off,


Cut strips to go inside the box on the top edge to give extra support to the lid.


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On 16/04/2023 at 14:48, MauriceMynah said:

If the bridge gauge suggests 7ft 2ins or more, then perhaps Coltishall might be Tuesdays target.

Is Nyx actually 7ft 2ins?  or is that just what the plaque says?  Mine states 7ft but I've been through Wroxham at 6ft 9ins with a couple inches to spare.

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The classic AF centre cockpit boats do have quite a high sheerline so they probably are that little bit taller given that the superstructure is not as sleek as some.

7'2" sounds about right from last time I hired one from the Stalham emporium.

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  • 3 weeks later...


for totally foreseeable disaster.

I have a major rot problem in the cabins aft of the cockpit. This is being dealt with by my friendly boat builder. However, my booze storage has to be moved to the forward cabins while the work is in progress.

Now, how often have you heard the phrase "Well, it's not worth saving that little bit" ?

Well, it wasn't !

I now seem to have twice as many bottles to move, though that has to be set against my appearing to be opening them two at a time.

This is turning into a much longer job than I was expecting. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I now have a jigsaw, a reciprocating saw, a multi-tool saw and a circular saw. I also have a piece of wood with cutting lines marked on it. I have no idea which saw I'm supposed to use,  so I've poured myself a small libation and decided I'll cut the wood tomorrow, probably with a hand saw I've had for years.

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7 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

 I'll cut the wood tomorrow, probably with a hand saw I've had for years.

Before cutting, measure the wood again, then again, then once more to be sure the Elves haven't moved the cutting lines overnight. You can never be sure..

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Much to tell you all about so I'll get on with it.

Whenever I use my cordless circular saw,  the cockpit fills with smoke, I have to push down on the saw to stop it riding up and it seems to me that staying on the line I've drawn is next to impossible. I mentioned this to a friend who laughed pointing out that I was useless.  I showed him the saw, he looked at it for a moment, scratched his head, laughed and said, "the blade's on back to front... but you're still useless. "

I turned the blade round and made my next cut. WOW, this thing cuts like it was made to do it. And no smoke !!!

The box I've just made is exactly the correct size to hold all the tools I bought to make it, so now I've got to make another one but only when I remember what I wanted the first box for in the first place.

Now, here I sit in Bridgestones having had their full Englist. Several points, some good, some less so. But, on the whole, I will add my name to the list of people recommending it.

Problem. I'm sitting at the front, facing a display of cakes that defies description.  This is going to be expensive  !!!


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So, as they say, "it is what it is". Breakfast was £8.95, but an extra egg and some black pudding  put it up to £12.85. Coffee was extra, and I had two cups at £2.80 each so a grand total of £18.45 

Make of that what you will. I also purchased £11.85 of cakes so my breakfast trip cost £30.30.

As I said, "It is what it is."

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18 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

So, as they say, "it is what it is". Breakfast was £8.95, but an extra egg and some black pudding  put it up to £12.85. Coffee was extra, and I had two cups at £2.80 each so a grand total of £18.45 

Make of that what you will. I also purchased £11.85 of cakes so my breakfast trip cost £30.30.

As I said, "It is what it is."

I won't be taking the wife then - it would be more than £36 - just go on my own!  :default_smile:

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It is 03:20 and I'm enjoying the peace and tranquility that Wroxham Island affords the boater who moors away from public houses ( I am reliably informed that they sell alcohol in such places )

Well it would be peaceful and tranquil except for the disco that's been going on all night somewhere in Wroxham/Hoveton. 

They had the decency to turn it down a bit at 02:00, before which it was very loud, now it's just loud. 

Even as I am typing this, they've turned it down again, now it's just a bit loud, but I'm sure it'll creep up again. 

OH WELL now I'm in grouchy mode I might just as well carry on.

I ate one of the cakes I bought from Bridgestones. It was lightness itself, as finer piece of cake I've had since the meet (yeah, not quite as good as the cakes at the meet but getting there) then I reached the topping/filling. I'm not saying it was too sweet, but all my teeth fell out, my brain rotted and my skull imploded, all in 7 seconds.

Many will like that, but not for me.


As I went from Potter heigham to Wroxham,  I had to travel through the Thurne mouth regatta.  Realising I was fast approaching a race, I slowed down and got as close to my right hand bank as advised. 

Now, those tacking, I was overtaking, but there were two half dockers, heading straight towards me on "MY" side of the river. Had I not taken evasive and gone into the bank there would have been contact.

It appears that nobody has told them the advice we've been given.

Well, it's nearly 04:00 and the music ( music ? ) has been turned down a bit more. I might even be able to sleep at it's current level.  Nighty night !

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4 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Well it would be peaceful and tranquil except for the disco that's been going on all night somewhere in Wroxham/Hoveton

That was the second night of disturbance with fireworks at midnight as well. And I was also awake at 02.00. Not impressed. The thud of electronic dance music. There’s been posts on a local FB group about it. Apparently it’s a rave at a local somewhat large private property that I won’t name. Someone did call the police to report it. And all I can say is that I sincerely hope that it doesn’t go to a third or fourth night as it’s ruining the peace around here. And with the weather finally having warmed up we’re having to keep the windows closed. Equally tired and grumpy person here too. 😠

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