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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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Arrived at Loddon at 1800, that nearly eight hours underway in one hop. 

Of course we did Gya & Breydon all wrong. Against tide to Gya, then arrived bang on high tide but berthing was a breeze. No charge due as we were waiting for the tide, 6ft on the board

Witnessed  again the river flowing in whilst the level dropped. 6ft6” and we were off, punching the tide across Breydon which we had to ourselves. Reed ham was busy but still some places available. We pressed onto Loddon. 

On arrival the staithe was full, well that is to say it would have been if boats had budged up !

I asked a chap to move his boat over (more of a gentle instruction tbh) and we were in

Dinner onboard then a walk up the village. I couldn’t find the path to the Pyes moorings?

A mate on another boat said we were lucky to get in as boats had been arriving, turning & leaving, luckily for us none of them had requested a budge up then. 

Time to get my rid out I think. Purdey got me up at 0615, she is now sleeping again of course 





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45 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

. . . . . . . . . . . . I couldn’t find the path to the Pyes moorings?


The permissive path through the field to Pyes Mill is now closed, due to the farmer withdrawing permission for it to be used.  You can still get to Pyes Mill by walking through the churchyard and down the pathway to the end, turn left to the end and left again, which brings yo into the Carl park at Pyes Mill moorings.  Takes about 10 minutes.


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The usual reasons - lack of respect for the countryside and other folks property, I suppose. Littering, upsetting the cattle with dogs unleashed, that sort of thing. If I owned that sort of land, I certainly wouldn't want the general public anywhere near it.

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Friday 16th.

Sailed from Loddon in the forenoon up river to Brundall against tidal flow again. The clouds from yesterday are away, clear skies and warming up fast

Brundall was our intended stopover, Brundall Bay mariner to be precise. ‘B.A’ has a fully paid up berth here till March next year (Thanks ‘Indy’) 

On arrival there was a fly bridge cruiser on our berth, not good, we had to go alongside it which stopped the man onboard jet washing. 

Phone call to Robin & I trooped off round t office. 

Long story short, the office were taking advantage & were surprised to see me / ‘B.A’  bit naughty of them imho. Annyroadup, we dropped the fly bridge aft and got ‘B.A’ alongside. All was well. The  owner of the very nice fly bridge turned up - a very nice man he is too  Apologies (no need) and gave our girly crew two bottles of wine! :default_beerchug:

We went off to The Yare pub for a DTS in the blazing sunshine 







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We sailed mid afternoon for Brammerton which on arrival was toppers. About turn class leader, back to Surlingham Ferry pub. We were berthed up for about 1600. 

A lovely afternoon / evening spent on the lawn. Early lights out by 2230




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I knew there was something I forgot to do. I knew you were in the area and I was going to say I'd be looking out for you and listening on channel 4.

We also had our Son's lovely cocker, Lucy with us. She's the one featured elsewhere on the forum covered in mud.

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Sat 17th July

Purdey got me up before 0700 yet again, after her walk I did a spot of fishing, not a single bite but that was to be expected as I wasn't using the correct gear / set up

The previous afternoon / evening we didn't eat at the pub (Surlingham Ferry) or for that matter use the bar facilities either.

This was making me feel proper guilty what with having taken a mooring for yesterday afternoon / overnight.  So I trooped off to the bar and offered £10 as a self imposed 'Fine' / mooring fee, they did try turning it down but I insisted.

After topping up with f/w (And putting a £1 in the box) we sailed up river yet again against tide to Thorpe Green, arrived before low water, easily cleared the rail bridge and got oursens along side the Reedcutter pub for a DTS in the sunshine.

We then sailed yet again against the tide, this time for Reedham,  I rang ahead and secured a mooring and an outside table for dinner.  The wx was yet again stinking hot all day long




BA NBN 1019.jpg

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Sunday 18th July

A lie in!  Purdey dog left me till after 0700.  We walked up t hill to the local shop for the Sunday paper milk / bread as one does.  I had been looking at the tide times and at last today we would be cruising with the tide for probably the first time since we crewed up.

We sailed about 0930 just above tickover we were managing 6mph as we approached Berney Arms I knew we would be too early at Gya bridges so we berthed up, gave the dogs another run, sat and read the papers to while away some time

Crossing Breydon in glorious sunshine once again, Breydon this time was busy with plenty of craft making the crossing as we were approaching Gya at low water, up the Bure and we arrived at Acle Bridge Inn with a garden mooring available.  Bonus as we got to watch the F1 live, first time this year for me

We sailed late afternoon, destination was to be Salhouse - Never made it, came across a space at St Benets abbey moorings, we were in.  BBQ on the bank and at last the day started to cool down



BA NBN 1020.jpg

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2 hours ago, Meantime said:

Was that N942, if so hired that when it was in the Anchorcraft fleet. Lovely boat.

Ah Anchorcraft, Silver Anchor was the second boat we hired way back in 1985 I think it was. Followed by Crystal Anchor twice and then Coral Anchor. A great boatyard - happy days!

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5 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Ah Anchorcraft, Silver Anchor was the second boat we hired way back in 1985 I think it was. Followed by Crystal Anchor twice and then Coral Anchor. A great boatyard - happy days!

Thinking back now it may have been N742, It was Golden Anchor we hired. Certainly a very good yard.

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2 hours ago, Meantime said:

Thinking back now it may have been N742, It was Golden Anchor we hired. Certainly a very good yard.

It is indeed N742, ex-Golden Anchor. I'm a fan of low level dual steers and it's stood the test of time well, I feel. It has very nice woodwork all through. One or two things could do with updating now like the manual toilets and the flooring but they're minor niggles.


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Bridgecraft do seem to like their lino!

I'm a fan of the Lowliner, too. How would you say it compares with Contessa in terms of space, Simon?

You lose the interior space above the engine because of the low air draft but is it a biggie?

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First time we hired GA it wouldn't go under Wroxham bridge. That year Connoisseur were putting blue barrels of water on their boats to get them under the bridge and back to the yard. The next hire and we were lucky, not only Wroxham bridge, but Potter bridge as well. Don't suppose it goes under that often now.

The real benefit for me of the dual steer over centre cockpit is when it rains. Put a waterproof coat on and stay outside steering. With centre cockpit you are forever putting the roof up and down when it drizzles.

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