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Where to leave waste on The Broads?


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Waste Bin Sites.


Acle Bridgecraft Hire Boats Only-General waste /Recycling bins      
  Acle Bridge, NR13 3AS                
  Horizon Craft Hire Boats Only- Waste/Recycling bins-        
  Acle Bridge, NR13 3AS Bottle bank at Pub            
Beccles Waveney D C                
  Yach Stn, The Quay, NR34 9BH General Waste bins            
Brundall Alpha Craft Hire Boats Only - General waste skip        
  Riverside Rd, NR13 5PS                
  Broom Boots General waste and recycling          
  Riverside Rd, NR13 5PX                
  Silverline Marine Hire Boats Only-Waste, Recycling, Glass/Bottle       
  Riverside Rd, NR13 5PL                
Burgh St Peter Waveney River Centre Hire Boats Only- General waste and recycling        
  Burgh St Peter, NR34 OBT                
Coltishall Broadland DC General Boat Waste bins          
  Kings Head PH car park,NR12 7EA                
Geldeston South Norfolk DC General waste bins            
  Top of Locks Lane, nr34 OHS                
Great Yarmouth Broads Authority General Boat Waste            
  Yacht Stn, Tar Works Rd, NR30 1RD                
Horning Ferry Marina Hire Boats Only -General waste/ recycling         
  Ferry Rd, NR12 8PS                
Irstead North Norfolk DC General Boat waste bins/Bottle bank        
  Irstead Staithe, NR12 8XT                
Langley South Norfolk DC General Boat Waste            
  Langley Dyke, NR14                
Loddon South Norfolk DC General waste bins            
  Pyes Mill, NR14 6DS                
  South Norfolk DC General waste bins            
  Loddon Staithe Car Park, NR14 6NA                
  Maffett Cruisers Hire  Boats Only-             
  Pits Lane, NR14 6NQ facilties at road frontage          
  Pacific Cruisers Hire Boats Only -Waste, Recycling,         
  Pits Lane, NR14 6NQ Glass/Bottle facilities          
Neatishead North Norfolk DC General Boat Waste            
  The Staithe, Grays Landing                
Norwich Broads Authority General Boat Waste            
  Yacht Stn, Riverside Rd, NR1 1SR                
Oulton Broad Waveney DC General Waste bins            
  Yacht Station,Bridge Rd, NR33 9JS                
Potter Heigham Great Yarmouth BC General waste /Litter Bin          
  The Staithe,  NR29 5JE                
  Great Yarmouth BC General waste /Litter Bin          
  Repps Staithe, Bridge Rd, NR29 5JQ                
  Herbert Woods Hire Boat Only - Waste, Recycling Bin,         
  Broads Haven, NR29 5JF Glass/Bottle Bin            
Ranworth Broads Authority General Boat waste Bins          
  The Staithe, NR13 6HY                
Reedham Sanderson Marine Hire Boat Only-General waste bins        
  Riverside, NR13 3TE                
  North Norfolk DC General Boat Waste            
  The Quay (Nelson PH), NR13 3TE                
Rockland South Norfolk DC General Boat Waste            
  New Inn Hill, NR14 7HP                
Salhouse Other providor General waste/recycling/bottle bank        
  Salhouse Broad Car Park                
Stalham Richardson's Hire Boat Only -Waste, mixed recycling,         
  The Staithe, NR12 9BX paper/card and glass/bottle bank          
Thurne Great Yarmouth BC General waste /Litter Bin          
  Thurne Dyke, NR29 3 AP                
Upton Eastwood Whelpton Hire Boat Only -General Waste Skip         
  Upton Yacht Stn, Boat Dyke Rd, NR13 6BL              
Wroxham/Hoveton Norfolk Broads Direct Hire Boat Only-Waste, Recycling,           
  The Bridge, NR12 8RX                
  Barnes Brinkcraft Hire Boat Only-Waste, Recycling,           
  Riverside Rd, NR12 8UD Glass/Bottle Bank            
  Royalls  Hire Boat Only -General Waste             
  Riverside Rd, NR12 8UD                
  Summercraft Hire Boat Only - Waste, Recycling,         
  Brimblerow Rd,NR12 8UJ Glass/Bottle Bank            
  North Norfolk DC General Boat Waste bins          
  Riverside Rd, NR12 8UD                
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That doesn't seem as bad as I was expecting - especially for hire boats. Jolly handy post young Hylander.

I am surprised that WRC only provide waste facilities for hire boats though? I would hope if they provide visitors moorings that they charge for they would accept said boats waste?

Also good to see Brooms Boots are now embracing the Hull accent (see jokes section).:party:

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The person at the BA did say that the list can vary and often does,  however it is a

 guide and made me feel a lot better.


As for WRC ,  when we owned our own boat we used to take a small carrier bag of rubbish up to the bins when getting water.



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The 'reinstated' remark in respect of the Bramerton bins was from the BA Navigation Committee meeting minutes for December 2015. If they are correct, the bins would have been put back fairly recently I would think. I really hope they are back as Bramerton must be one of the most visited moorings on the southern rivers, not just by boaters but by people in cars too. 

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On 14 January 2016 at 4:22 PM, Vaughan said:

I heard on the radio years ago when Sir John Betjeman addressed the House of Commons.

He said :

"We will be remembered by future generations for our monuments - and not for our blasted efforts to save money".

I'm sorry but the first time I read this I wondered what it would sound like if Churchill had said it... 

We will be Remembered ......

By Future Generations......

For our Monuments....

And Not....

For Our Blasted Efforts...

To Save Money....


Just my warped sense of humour lol...

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One of the biggest waste bin sites on the broads at Ludham Bridge is not even on the list so I would take that list with a pinch of salt and if hirers/private boaters have got to put their rubbish in litter bins they better expect to empty them at least twice a day.


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I really don't think the list should be taken with a pinch of salt, the fact that one of our members took the time to investigate and make the list is admirable. Thank you for pointing it out though, I'm sure it will be amended in due course

Nice one, Monica :clap


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Here's a reply I got from: North Norfolk Council.


Dear Mr Hathaway


Thank you for your email.  North Norfolk District Council currently provides 16 bin compound areas across the North Norfolk Broads.  However, due to changes in the legislation affecting the classification of this waste and an associated increase in disposing of the waste collected from these facilities, combined with the scale of misuse which goes on at the facilities in terms of deposit of unauthorised waste and the poor physical condition of many of the structures, we have taken the decision to remove 13 of the 16 facilities.  We plan to implement this change by the end of March 2016, removing the bins and associated structures, unless agreements can be reached with relevant landowners and/or other public bodies to take over the running of the facilities.  


Since the change in legislation in 2012, Council officers have worked with the Broads Authority, the other Councils in the Norfolk Waste Partnership (NWP) and representatives from the Broads Hire Boat Federation to develop and implement a Norfolk-wide approach to the provision of waste facilities for users of the Broads.


Within the NWP, a position was agreed to ensure that a consistent approach could be taken across all of the Councils currently providing Broads boat waste collections.  The NWP agreed that Councils should not pick up the entire cost of waste collection and disposal and that other public and private landowners, including The Broads Authority, The Environment Agency, The National Trust and others, should be expected to make arrangements for provision of services on their land.


Similarly, Council waste facilities should not be provided at commercial moorings, unless the landowner enters into a commercial contract covering the cost of both emptying and disposing of the waste.  The providers of these moorings often make financial gain from both mooring fees and commercial services, such as food and drink sales and the existing service is an effective subsidy to their businesses.


This approach has been accepted by all Councils and already implemented in some areas.  Great Yarmouth Borough Council removed all of their waste facilities in 2014 and as of April 2015, Broadland District Council reduced their waste disposal provision to just two sites.  Colleagues at the two Councils have indicated that the impact of this change has been minimal and in a report to the Broads Authority Navigation Committee in December 2015, it was stated that Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites.

We are currently contacting the local town and parish councils and the organisations and landowners where facilities are currently provided to see if they are able and willing to take over the services.  A full list and map of the remaining waste disposal points across the broads, is available on the Broads Authority website at http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/waste-facilities.  In addition, a number of premises offer waste disposal facilities as part of their mooring fees, however, we are not aware of a comprehensive list of these areas. 


Kind regards



Scott Martin
Environmental Services Manager
+441263 516341

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I note the comment about misuse of facilities. As one who has seen people taking advantage of such bins to dispose of non household rubbish in the past I can sympathise with the council on this one. However, if my local waste disposal facility is anything to go by then I do sympathise with those who dump waste on these bins rather than risk the abuse from some job's worth. The sheer bloody mindedness of some of the staff at my local depot does little to enhance all the good done by the understanding and helpful staff. Not just my opinion, I hear it again and again.

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27 minutes ago, JawsOrca said:

Colleagues at the two Councils have indicated that the impact of this change has been minimal and in a report to the Broads Authority Navigation Committee in December 2015, it was stated that Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites.

But when it does start to mount up and tourism declines it will be to late !!!

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1 minute ago, imtamping2 said:

But when it does start to mount up and tourism declines it will be to late !!!

 We plan to implement this change by the end of March 2016, removing the bins and associated structures, unless agreements can be reached with relevant landowners and/or other public bodies to take over the running of the facilities.  

 in a report to the Broads Authority Navigation Committee in December 2015, it was stated that Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites.

If you put these two together do you get "three"?

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Head and brick wall come to mind! At least NNC responded, at the moment (apart from an automated response) I have not yet had the courtesy of a reply from the Broads Authority following my email to them on the subject.

I think it is going to take this year, and probably next, for the result of these cuts to become clear. When/if the fly-tipping starts for real, it will most probably be the BA who will end up clearing rubbish from moorings. Maybe then they will feel differently. If Bramerton PC have reinstated the refuse compound as believed, they must have done it for a reason. Fly-tipping, complaints, kindness or an ulterior motive? It would be nice to know. 

It is going to take a lot more than just a few of us voicing our concerns to the 'powers that be'. Whilst I accept that cost-cutting exercises have to take place in this day and age, I think this is a very short-sighted way forward. 

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My problem is the cost cutting – whenever I have seen figures banded about, it is not hundreds of thousands of pounds saving a year, but a few tens of thousands.

Truthfully, I think the Broads Authority and the Council’s are both going to be using 2016’s peak season as a test to see how bad (or good) matters pan out to be.  If they can show that at popular moorings there is not a build up of rubbish it will be seen as a ‘victory’ and that those good boaters are taking their litter home with them. 

I suspect what will actually happen is there will be littler left behind but it won’t be that bad to create a ‘blot on the landscape’ but the real losers in all of this are going to be the hire yards, whose bins will be used far more by their own customers and that of visiting boats and the emptying of these bins will go up, thus it is the very industry trying to provide people with holidays who end up footing an extra bill. 

If it does go pear shaped and you have piles of rubbish building up stinking to high heaven in the summer sunshine at places like Ranworth and Potter Heigham then I dread to think what will happen as it has been effectively stalemate at the moment legally over this.

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"If you put these two together do you get three ? "

John: I think the former of the two  refered to the further reductions that this council intends to make by March  2016 and  which has been referenced earlier on in this thread by location, whilst the latter by the BA refers to the supposed lack of   complaints received following the reductions already made during  2015. Not that his helps the case, but places the context.

Robin: If indeed the hire yards have  to empty their bins more frequently and incur the resulting  cost,  then you can bet dollars to donuts that a waste surcharge will ultimately appear on the  hire tariffs and the councils will think "job done"

As for  the pay per use moorings such as Salhouse  for eg where there is no bin on site but rather  only at the end of the public road  a good 10 mins or so away  (which some many neither  venture onto   nor know to do so)  then  it is not unreasonable for the owners  to support this type  of  service (and not at a extra charge)  as a commercial venture, after all it is one of the most expensive to use and  seems to have little investment put back  eg takes yonks to fill with water if you end with the "dodgy hose".

Having said all of that I agree,  the 2016 season will almost certainly be the tester  and dependent on how that goes we may  well see the true direction of travel on this subject . A  long Hot summer with an extended  busy season and lots of  smelly   rubbish to boot fouling the area  could  lead to  a  very different view and outcome at the end  of it  if compared to  a cool,  wash out,  short  season !      

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4 hours ago, JawsOrca said:

Here's a reply I got from: North Norfolk Council.


Dear Mr Hathaway


Thank you for your email.  North Norfolk District Council currently provides 16 bin compound areas across the North Norfolk Broads.  However, due to changes in the legislation affecting the classification of this waste and an associated increase in disposing of the waste collected from these facilities, combined with the scale of misuse which goes on at the facilities in terms of deposit of unauthorised waste and the poor physical condition of many of the structures, we have taken the decision to remove 13 of the 16 facilities.  We plan to implement this change by the end of March 2016, removing the bins and associated structures, unless agreements can be reached with relevant landowners and/or other public bodies to take over the running of the facilities.  


Since the change in legislation in 2012, Council officers have worked with the Broads Authority, the other Councils in the Norfolk Waste Partnership (NWP) and representatives from the Broads Hire Boat Federation to develop and implement a Norfolk-wide approach to the provision of waste facilities for users of the Broads.


Within the NWP, a position was agreed to ensure that a consistent approach could be taken across all of the Councils currently providing Broads boat waste collections.  The NWP agreed that Councils should not pick up the entire cost of waste collection and disposal and that other public and private landowners, including The Broads Authority, The Environment Agency, The National Trust and others, should be expected to make arrangements for provision of services on their land.


Similarly, Council waste facilities should not be provided at commercial moorings, unless the landowner enters into a commercial contract covering the cost of both emptying and disposing of the waste.  The providers of these moorings often make financial gain from both mooring fees and commercial services, such as food and drink sales and the existing service is an effective subsidy to their businesses.


This approach has been accepted by all Councils and already implemented in some areas.  Great Yarmouth Borough Council removed all of their waste facilities in 2014 and as of April 2015, Broadland District Council reduced their waste disposal provision to just two sites.  Colleagues at the two Councils have indicated that the impact of this change has been minimal and in a report to the Broads Authority Navigation Committee in December 2015, it was stated that Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites.

We are currently contacting the local town and parish councils and the organisations and landowners where facilities are currently provided to see if they are able and willing to take over the services.  A full list and map of the remaining waste disposal points across the broads, is available on the Broads Authority website at http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/waste-facilities.  In addition, a number of premises offer waste disposal facilities as part of their mooring fees, however, we are not aware of a comprehensive list of these areas. 


Kind regards



Scott Martin
Environmental Services Manager
+441263 516341

Hi Alan,

I have just received the same stereotype letter from Mr Scott, I was so glad to see that they took the time to put our individual names at the top of the emails.



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"Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites. "


In the light of this , (from Mr Matrin's email)  I have picked up bags of discarded rubbish from various spots on  the Broads for appropriate disposal on  a number of occasions last summer, and I know that other private boat owners have done also.

I for one will no longer be doing this, as it may have been disguising the true impact of these changes.

Others may wish to do the same !


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