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My Day


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My No. 2 Granddaughter's boyfriend who she met at uni' , by coincidence lives in a tiny fenland village only about 10 mins drive from our home here in Cambridgeshire. He has been working for my daughter who lives in N. London and was staying there when the new covid rules were announced. He had to make the decision whether to go home and stay there or remain at my daughter's where he had been planning to spend Christmas. He opted for the latter. He phoned his mum Christmas morning only to find that his village was flooded.  It has happened  before but not during his lifetime. Scary!



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my day today, after ascertaining that an important delivery would not arrive today, i went back over to my parents today to repair their soil stack (as i know my 90 year old father would have an attempt if i didnt, as it happened we had to call my parent other support bubble member in as she (my sister) had anticipated the problem and had the key to the ladder which was chained up in their garage. anyway, with my sister supporting the base of the ladder it was up to the eaves for me and two new brackets were added to the top section of the waste stack vent pipe, this replaced the single bracket that had been held on with a single screw into the mortar between bricks, this had rusted through so the top 10 feet of the stack were waving in the breeze and at danger of separating and crashing through the conservatory roof. after this little 10 minute job i headed home again in the knowledge i wouldnt be called out to pick up the pieces if / when my father attempted the repair, he seems to have forgotten that he is no longer as young and agile as he was, and now has trouble balancing on a flat floor, let alone up a ladder.

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Our two cats used to do that too...wash each other very thoroughly until one (usually Susie) decided her brother was getting a bit carried away and then they’d have a brief scrap. Sadly, they’ve both gone over rainbow bridge so we just have our dog Seren now.

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It's been a busy weekend of milestones in the great scheme of things!

First daughter 2 returned to her flat with cat following her ongoing recovery from leukaemia. Second milestone is in the photo!

It's fair to say we are not doing a lot to celebrate!


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