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Star Seen In Horning


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1 hour ago, Bobdog said:

To imply that those of us who do not share your obsession with the issue of the use of the term Broads National Park are in any way less interested with the long term well being etc of the Broads is disengenuous at best, if not offensive.  You have a strongly held opinion.  I respect your right to hold it, even though I profoundly disagree with it.  I do not question your commitment to the Broads, do not insult me by questioning mine.

Fair enough, I will quote all of it then.

Moderators, I think I had better leave this one to you.


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Please everyone since I have a real interest in this topic, can we revert to the actual story and not the politics

 I am told that they are using an Arthur Ransome theme to the filming and we all know the BA didn't exist then when the books were written. Liz

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Non of us can predict the future of The Broads with any great certainty, but we can look to the recent past, last ten to fifteen years for starters, and come up with educated or astute guesses. History and Parliamentary record are good allies for us doubting Thomas's!  Me, I have the added bonus of having attended numerous meetings and had conversations with relevant people at BA HQ. I don't appreciate folk trying to devalue my opinion, that does rankle, especially as my comments are based on fact or comment from the horse's mouth.. 

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Just now, w-album said:

Please everyone since I have a real interest in this topic, can we revert to the actual story and not the politics

 I am told that they are using an Arthur Ransome theme to the filming and we all know the BA didn't exist then when the books were written. Liz

Thank you, Liz. 

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Just now, Gracie said:

Well said Liz, please let's all respect Liz's post and keep this delightful topic on the right track

As for Simon's comment about wine, I shall deal with him later :default_norty:


Thank you Grace. My spies tell me Acle tomorrow and then the south. WR is somewhere on the Ant at the moment. They all got drenched today. Due to other commitments as mentioned in a previous post she stands down tomorrow. I am told the producer loved her and asked to come on her!!; All good fun I hope when seen on TV

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3 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Hi Simon,

Are you trying to get on the wrong side of Grace, no supping wine indeed:default_norty:

To be honest I quite like their programes.



I like the programmes too Alan, as I said before. I think my reference to the wine supping was a wrong choice of words. Of course there's nothing wrong with wine supping and I'm partial to it myself, I was just hoping for some proper boaty action as well. Alas Pru may not be able to manage boat piloting or rope tying now. 

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Forget to add I believe she was a lot better today. Yesterday was probably very confusing but today less as the routine was more stable. Their day for 2 x 80+ years old is gruelling and they didn't finish til gone 8 in drenching conditions

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Does anyone know when this will be on TV?

Sure I heard somewhere that they used to travel from theatre to theatre along the canals when they were working.

I may be confused though.

Can't look at Pru without hearing " Basil"  "Basil"

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I think enough has been said on the political side of things and all opinions have been respected, if not agreed with. We all love the broads - that is important.

It's good to see the thread back on subject - so please let's keep it that way.

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5 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Rightly or wrongly I heard that scenes are or have been filmed with one of the Wherries, possibly on Decoy Broad.  Now, where does the skipper work? No, can't remember! Am I right or does any one know better?

I thought it was the Michael Portillo railway programme that was filming some pleasure wherry footage, about two weeks ago.  And yes, one of the volunteer skippers on the wherries happens to work for the BA; but what he chooses to do on his days off or with his annual leave is his own business.  

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12 hours ago, w-album said:

 I am told that they are using an Arthur Ransome theme to the filming and we all know the BA didn't exist then when the books were written. Liz

Pray goodness they wont be cruising with the radio on loudly, a wind up gramaphone competing and raising a wash to bring the banks down - also praying to goodness they dont try to emulate the Margolleta on breydon by ramming a post.

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What I like about the "Tim & Pru" programs is that they show a couple who have decades of boating experience still able to laugh and accept that their boating skills aren't quite perfect.

We could all learn a lesson or two from them.

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Oh Smelly, I so agree and they are such a lovely couple, I don't think any of us can honestly say we haven't got into difficulties or hit something or another along the way. If they ever get to read this thread, I hope they would feel they are warmly thought of and respected for their water way exploits, I am so looking forward to watching

My Dad is a huge fan of Faulty Towers, I've watched them often and can honestly say what a legend the lovely Pru is


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I see on FB that they were down at Acle today with the Broads Beat.  WR is back at Horning - but she had her moment of fame.

I am quite relieved that if they do go across Breydon, she isn't involved as I am not sure that the camera crew and producer fully understand the complexities of currents and to be honest WR isn't rugged enough to cope with their whims and ideas.

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16 hours ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

This will make great tv..... watching Tim and Pru stuck on a Mud bank on Breydon drinking wine and Tim saying "sorry Pru".... :default_norty:

I know that Tim loves to take the opportunity of reenacting scenes from plays he has been in, I can just imagine Tim taking on Humphrey Bogart, with the scene from "The African Queen" as he hauls his boat, with a rope over his shoulder through the mud of Breydon. Peeling off the leaches, with a glance at Pru... "You know Pru, these leaches used to be the main medical cure for many illnesses, and they are making a comeback..."

"Oh Tim...   I didn't know that!"

I wish I could write the script lol... You have to remember that both Tim and Pru are actors, and this is their main role in the programme, they have lines to learn, and basically they are still working, earning a living, and incorporating a hobby that they both enjoy. 

I admire them greatly. It has been said that in her younger days Pru was a stunner, take a close look at her complexion, for her age and following years of outdoor pursuits, she still is. 

I wish I had 30 years of boating in front of me, following early retirement on health grounds, what a great life they have had, and are still having. 

Best regards,


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