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Do You Still Wave?


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I wave if the people on the other boat are looking my way and I deffo return any waves that come my way. As to the Biker thing it's usually a nod or sometimes 'The invisible wink' rather than an actual wave. (this means I often nod instead of waving on the boat, if at close enough range).

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3 hours ago, SwanR said:

 ... we were on Bronze Emblem ......

I hope you waved at us :default_biggrin:

We always wave, but a nod is good to, like a grown up wave.

My favourite is the chain reaction wave when passing one of the passenger vessels. Someone on the lower deck waves to you, you wave back and someone on the upper deck spots you waving and waves back, thinking you instigated the wave and they're being polite returning your wave which wasn't aimed at them.:default_blink:

On the road I remember Sprite caravan owners having a wave to each other. (My parents, I have never owned a caravan:default_eusa_naughty:)

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Yep.... I’ve got my boating wave...

I’ve got my VW wave...

I still do my truckers wave when I drive one....

And now I’ve got my leaning on a shovel roadworker wave....

And my very last wave is when the rest of my fingers are tired.. and I only wave with one finger..... for some reason it’s always the middle one ha ha ha...


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LandRover owners (real ones) that are no longer produced:default_badday:wave at each other.

A nod of the head on my motorscooter

As to waving on the water I do if I've a spare hand which is not often when sailing, but normally when motoring...

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I always wave. Always. I wave at fellow NBN members, fellow Royall's boats, fellow woodies, hirers....I make a point at waving at those flapping things (they, above all, should be paying attention and communicating with boats around them, and if not then they are not 'proper boating'), I wave at Rangers, Broadsbeat, the pleasure boats, the picnic day boats...and anglers. Nothing makes an anglers day better than a boat going past, waving at him and asking 'have you caught owt?'! Dylan The Boats Beagle (DTBB) comes out to pose on the bow in his life jacket if he thinks there could be a public to appreciate his magnificence and Toby The Boat's Other Beagle (TTBOB) hangs his head out of the cockpit doors to flap his ears at passing boats. 

In the car...it's a different story. I'm more likely to mutter 'stop waving and get out of the way', or 'put the phone down and get over the crossing, strewth it's like the living dead, I bet you were an extra in Jackson's Thriller video'. :default_norty:

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We wave we also keep a tally of how may other peoples holiday photos we feature in. Last week had one guy blow us a kiss and say magnificent as we burbled past him. We have folks saying they love the dog , they love the boat.


When we moor we have the usual stock answers ready. 1953, 7 years and yes it is.


You can figure out for a prize the questions those answer. (no answers from woodie owners as I know we all get the same questions.)  


Last week we even had some chap asking then telling us the builder of the boat. Despite me twice informing him it was CJ Broom and Sons. We had a lovely week. waving chatting and showing off our new grandchild....(2 weeks old)


There "sneaked" that in at the last minute to see if any of you are paying attention.

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Congrats on the latest addition! I don' know,  sneaking stuff past Timbo, what will I do with you. Keeping up with all of all the news would be a hard enough job as it is without all this sneaking. Enjoy being a Granddad and Grandma! Hope to see you guys again soon, and then I can answer those questions myself, come February, March...sort of April time.

12,14, 28, 43-1, 43, 51, 61, 67-1, 66+1

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9 hours ago, Malanka said:


When we moor we have the usual stock answers ready. 1953, 7 years and yes it is.


We purposefully didn't come and talk to you at Womack last week as we guessed you must get fed up with nosey people.

You are on holiday too.

....and congratulations!

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Hi Wyndham, I hope you liked the nifty reversing mooring evolution then. Was fun to show off a little the capabilities of the old lady.

Last week I moored up single handed as Nanny and Helena were occupied, the second visit we just reversed round the corner spun on the spot and moored up great fun...Griff would have appreciated it.

When we passed through the bridge Sunday week it was 6.6 on the guage and we sailed through no worries. I may have heard some bum squeeking noises from my fellow crew but I was fully confident she could make it. (we had about 5 cm to spare). At Coltishall there was the grand total of TWO boats. We were one of them...

The questions are . 1.When was she built, 2. how long have you owned her and 3. I bet she's a lot of work / cost.


Babs name is Eliza Annie and Helena and baby are doing fine and thriving now they are with us in Switzerland for a while. A no notice arrival is what she was as Helena had a concealed pregnancy and didn't look pregnant at all until a slight rounding at 35 weeks. (she delivered at 36) Same clothes and minimal weight gain. The midwives knew about this as a theory but had never seen one and were quite fascinated. That isn't the word that first came to my mind but hey we are making the best of our little bonus.

Unfortunately BF has decided to do a runner and Helena is dealing with that additional burden too.

We don't mind members from here asking questions at all as we are used to it now. It's quite funny I get BA mentioned to me quite a bit as a famous Broads woodie. As she is our next door neighbour in the shed and we are proud to call Charlie and Laureen friends it's rather fun when people find out we actually know each other rather well and they tell me all about what they've read about BA and I say yes that's nice and smile. For some reason people like to talk about wooden boats and it doesn't really matter if it's your own one or not...

The folks who annoy us are the ones who hang about for ages at the stern and peer inside when we are having something to eat.



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