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Here's a very radical idea.

If it is expected that up to 80% will catch this.

Why not ask for volunteers ( without underlying health problems ) to become infected, pay them £10,000 or so and enough supplies to self isolate for 2 weeks.

Thus the country takes a massive hit for 2/3 weeks but the herd protection is given a good start shortening the 3/4 months needed otherwise.

I am 63 but would volunteer.


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20 minutes ago, Lastdraft said:

You might not wish to be a killjoy but you're trying very hard. Humour has always played its part in our countries resolve against adversity......and long may it do so. I make no apologies to you. 

Really?? I was actually being realistic , but hey since I only fell off the banana tree yesterday obviously I'm unlikely to know humor has its place , please don't appologise I didn't ask you to but please do explain that when I make one post on the subject that is classed as trying very hard ?.

Please don't take it personally if I had wanted to go that I would have quoted you ( which I didn't ) , it was a general remark aimed at no one in particular and I'm sure my opinion on a none biased forum is allowed to be voiced , agree or not it it my opinion and only that the very last thing I would do is dictate to anyone . 

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Some parts of Tesco at Norwich Sprowston had been stripped bare by lunchtime today, trolleys piled high being wheeled out. Goodness only knows what some folk are going to do with the rubiish they are buying. Even the cat food aisle had been hit.

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48 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I hope for once people will let them get away with the National Park statements! That’s a good move and I hope other companies will follow suit.

Yes I totally agree with companys hopefully following suit but why on Earth did you highlight the BNP reference , no doubt most who don't agree with it would have ignored it and hopefully still will and no I don't wish to discuss it in this important thread in anyway I just feel it was totally unnecessary to mention it .

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2 hours ago, SwanR said:

I was reading about how locked down Spain is now. I am hoping that we don't end up with travel restrictions that stop us getting up to the caravan this summer. And of course so many of our members getting to their boats and their holidays.

Who knows, and that is a large part of the problem, seemingly no one does.

One of my son in laws works in London. He relies on shared accommodation. His head office, in Los Angeles, now insists that the US staff work from home, but not so their UK staff! If he were to self isolate in London he would only have a room to go to for three nights a week. I am sure that there are many thousands of others in the same or a similar situation. Inevitably he would want to come home, who can blame him.

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I don't see private travel being restricted here.

Even in Italy the lockdown doesn't apply to going to work.

The ban on mass gatherings here is more about freeing up front line staff than reducing the spread of the virus.

Unnecessary social interactions will be reduced but moving around in our own cars is a long way off.

We seem to be taking the line of spreading out the virus infection rather than stopping it.

The thing to remember is that the majority will only be affected for 7 days.

Herd immunity can only happen if people get it and recover, this may explain why schools are staying open at the moment, children being the least at risk from complications, form a significant proportion of the population.

Sadly there appear to be no easy answers this time.


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1 hour ago, ZimbiIV said:

Here's a very radical idea.

If it is expected that up to 80% will catch this.

Why not ask for volunteers ( without underlying health problems ) to become infected, pay them £10,000 or so and enough supplies to self isolate for 2 weeks.

Thus the country takes a massive hit for 2/3 weeks but the herd protection is given a good start shortening the 3/4 months needed otherwise.

I am 63 but would volunteer.


There is something in what you say 

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yes we were discussing the consequences of school closure, and agreed it meant that the ones with the most likelyhood of spreading the virus (kids) would end up being looked after by the most at risk group (grandparents), which wouldnt have a good outcome.

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I’d heard that kids are less likely to have serious symptoms, but that doesn’t mean they don’t catch it or won’t pass it on...bit like chicken pox, where their more elderly relatives could get something more serious.

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Apparently they can catch it but it is very mild.

Given that the government suspect that 5 -10 thousand people have it already the effects in the majority must be 'mild', its us oldies that are more at risk.

The underlying health issues do seem to have a big impact.

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Hmm, my husband’s niece is planning to get married in early April. We have already bought a train ticket for my father in law (who’s in his ‘80s) to travel down to stay with us. I’m starting to think that it’s not a good idea for him to travel down by train. Worse, my brother in law is due to fly in from the States, also to stay with us before his daughter’s wedding. Well was...

So many unknowns.

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6 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Hmm, my husband’s niece is planning to get married in early April. We have already bought a train ticket for my father in law (who’s in his ‘80s) to travel down to stay with us. I’m starting to think that it’s not a good idea for him to travel down by train. Worse, my brother in law is due to fly in from the States, also to stay with us before his daughter’s wedding. Well was...

So many unknowns.

It is going to be a very difficult time for us all. You are not alone. Anne and I are facing similar problems.

I am afraid that the majority of families and our closest friends will be compromised by the effects of this virus.


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I have cut back on doing things I really want to do because we are both in the ‘at risk’ group. 
Not happy but following advice from the doctor.  

Socially, the  need to protect NHS capability by trying to keep out of infection seems to be pretty crucial looking at Italy.

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Locally theres some bright hope.Some people are offering help to older people that are unable to get out,and one seafood shop has offered to supply food to those that need food.Now to those that have stripped the shop bare of loo rolls, pasta, hand sanitizer etc.Perhaps that could call on a neighbor to see if that require any help.

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