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At Home For At Least 12 Weeks.

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DIY,  is what I've been doing, 

80ft of Berberis purpura trimmed, 

Double garage roof cleared of Ivy , old patches on roof repaired,  which was built with secondhand sheets of corrugated asbestos cement sheet by the previous owners 

That also showed the lean to  log shed built by the previous owners against the garage about 50years was about to Fall down,  so after emptying , I helped it.  The area is now being cleared for a new shed. 

Many bricks blocks and slabs moved to make new trailer park. More slabs to move. 

Much melting of lead for the keel,  still some to do.  150kg total needed. 

The final land scenic board is under construction for the model railway,  that will leave the sea and pier to do.

As a diversion I'm building  Type 84 radar for the layout,  that's the old one you can still see at Neatishead.. 

With the change in the rules,  I'll be going down to the boat soon to check the batteries,  I need a couple of new corks though,  the ones in the rowing dinghy will have dried out and shrunk. 

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The news this morning is that the very vunerable who are "Shielding" can now go out tomorrow.

I really hope that all these changes are not happening too fast and are trully based on scientific evidence and not being driven by economics.

Likewise I am worried that the school re-opening programme is not so much about education but more about free child care and is based on economic thinking.

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Think  If I'm correct in reading this on the BBC web page it is.If you are on your own you can meet one other person from another  household  outside.I was told early on that I could  go out to my garden,which I've done all the time.Theres only Marina  and my self in the house.Think this item suggested you were not allowed out before,which was not the case. 

Mind you its unusual that the press get it wrong.


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1 minute ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Think  If I'm correct in reading this on the BBC web page it is.If you are on your own you can meet one other person from another  household  outside.I was told early on that I could  go out to my garden,which I've done all the time.Theres only Marina  and my self in the house.Think this item suggested you were not allowed out before,which was not the case. 

Mind you its unusual that the press get it wrong.


I thought of you this morning when I heard that you had been told you can now leave the house.   I am still a bit sceptical about all this ,    a lot of people seem to think it is all over and it is a free for all as far as meeting people and travelling etc.    I am still going to err on the side of caution and keep my distance and unless necessary not meet other people even at a distance because I am not convinced this virus has gone away in any shape or form.    



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Just heard a piece  on BBC breakfast, according  to them you can go out side of your house  with one person from another  household 6 feet apart, avoiding  shops and crowds.About as clear as mud.I will check this out Monday with my GP.

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So its become  a little  bit clearer, from today people  such as myself  are allowed  out .It wont change much in reality. I may go out in the car with Marina, when she goes shopping, but stay  in the car.The top of our road is ,a park I may go for a walk there,making sure not to many people  are around. 

Looking  at the tv yesterday  ,concerning to see crowds of people  on the beach and people  demonstrating at Trafalgar square, following  the death  of the chap in America. No social distancing what's so ever.I think overall the infection and death  rates are still to high.As for me I will take small steps,I have missed not going  out.The only time was two weeks ago and that was to hospital .

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small steps, and only ones you are comfortable with, my office has re-opened this week, but currently I am staying with working from home, this is down to the fact I live in a different county to my work, and the big risk is that if I catch anything from my co workers i will spread it to my home town, or if I catch anything while out shopping I could spread it amongst my work colleagues. At present I am finding that risk too high to contemplate, maybe the situation will be different in a few weeks time, but currently the government advice is still if you can work from home do so, and I can, so currently I will be, should that advice change or work request that I come in to the office, then I will reconsider, they have rearranged the office, desks have been cleared and personal belongings boxed up (I have 6 boxes :default_blush:). I may pop in for a day sometime to sort my boxes.

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Just had a walk in our park,which is the top of our road. Only out for about  20 minutes, that the first time I've been out since 20 March.Will try to do a bit each day.There was some people  around but a long way from me.

The second  photo, looking towards the Thames.



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Work is another  matter,surprisingly the weeks have gone past fairly quickly. This morning  we had a Zoom meeting with our boss and her boss.My section  will reduce  by 80%.My business contract catering has been knocked for six.Not sure how it will recover. Your right health is important ,work is a worry.I hope to be retained or if It comes down to VR a good pay off.Not much I can do about  it at present. 

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If you get paid sick pay, do what everyone where I worked, in their last year went on the sick repeatedly  until the company gave up

and made them an offer they could not refuse! usually half of what they would have earned, never knew anyone refuse it.

Sadly when I went on the sick long term at 57 they said I was entitled to six months full pay and they would extend it another six months before reviewing it (swines) so I took early retirement.

Wish I had done that at 16.



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When this first  started ,I was told because  of my COPD,I could only get sick pay £94 per week.There was myself and one other chef who is having treatment for Cancer.We challenged that decision and after a few weeks,they then furloughed us on 80% wages.That is still the case.We will continue to  be furloughed until the end of next month.The 20% retained may well be on part time and or job share. More details  to follow. We have one to ones in the next week or so and we should  know the outcome  by the end of the month  or so.I'm just looking for the best outcome available. 

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