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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

Well, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Corsica 2, soon to be re-named Nyx now has a mooring. Richardson's found a spot for me so there I be and there I stay.

Really pleased it's sorted whether a long-term solution or just short term

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as I’m lead to believe there is a Yorkshire man that thinks he is a comedian frequenting the place 😂

Well there certainly used to be.  Due to the present situation, 'He' doesn't nowadays frequent the place as much as he used to and nowhere as much as he would like.

Not been near the place since 17th October now :default_badday:


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49 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

As yet I have no idea where anything is on the yard, toilet blocks, various quays or shower blocks. Nothing at all. but I'll soon find out :-)

Let me help, MM. There's The Swan and Grebe in the High Street, The Harnser at Stalham Green, and a nice walk to The Sutton Staithe Hotel. I understand the Holiday park across the road from Richardsons also has a bar/restaurant open to non-residents, but I haven't been there. Hope that helps.

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1 minute ago, Regulo said:

I understand the Holiday park across the road from Richardsons also has a bar/restaurant open to non-residents, but I haven't been there. Hope that helps.

Indeed it has, and I have. I wonder if Jayfire and/or Norfolk Nog have been in there too.

BUT... I'm still going to have to find out where the Merlin Merlin and the Golf Golf quays are.

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3 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Indeed it has, and I have. I wonder if Jayfire and/or Norfolk Nog have been in there too.

Can't speak for Fireman Sam but sadly not. I did go to have a look for it once after a reccomendation from Mr Meantime if I remember correctly. I think it's quite near Richardsons but over the other side of the main road. Not sure if they sell any beer or not or if you need to be a member or anything. If anyone does find out I'd be very interested to know. My own personal choice is the Swan as they sell real ale. The Grebe was all keg although I seem to think Fireman Sam did say there was some beer on when he visited last. Harnser is a nice pub, bit of a walk, Sutton Staithe further still but worth it particularly to work up a thirst. I've also walked to the Ingham Swan from Stalham but again a decent hoof. 

But yes, I'd be interested to hear about the holiday park. 

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

BUT... I'm still going to have to find out where the Merlin Merlin and the Golf Golf quays are.

They are going to be the places you try and find to return to once you have been to The Swan, The Grebe, The Harnser and The Sutton Staithe. If you really fancy a walk there is also The Swan at Ingham. :default_beerchug:

Now regarding that bar in the holiday park, I thought it was Mr Nog who first mentioned that one. Blind leading the blind springs to mind. :default_biggrin:

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