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How Busy Can It Get?


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My dear chap. We suffer from the same affliction. I have met you several times. Sipped a libation. On your very boat with dear old Timberatus. 

Last year. At Ranworth, as you moored your boat, under duress, we made eye contact. 

Followed by embarrassment. 

We both said "Who" ?


Old Wussername

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names often elude me, as do the context but I recognise the faces, One Bonfire night I was quietly minding my own business when this girl dressed as a biker came up to me and started a conversation, I knew that I recognised her, but not from where, and managed to hold a good 10 minutes conversation with her, without needing to say a name, or any other faux pa's then my sister wanders up and blurts out, so who is this then? ( I suppose at the time seeing me chatting with a girl would have been considered unusual by my sister with me being the shy retiring type) at which point the biker girl comes back with, I am your cousin Deidre. boy was my sister embarrassed, yet I had managed 10 minutes and got away with it.

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Don't worry MM, it's called Prosopagnosia (face blindness) and can be very frustrating. It affects people differently and can run in families. There is no treatment for it, but at least you know it is a real condition.

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28 minutes ago, Meantime said:

Don't worry MM, it's called Prosopagnosia (face blindness) and can be very frustrating. It affects people differently and can run in families. There is no treatment for it, but at least you know it is a real condition.

Noses run in my family :default_biggrin:

I am dreadful remembering names and faces and will prove it at the spring meeting.

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Happens to me all the time, especially when the persons says either I owe them a drink, and/or money, or that I slept with them a while back and fathered their child ... :default_hiding:



Mind you, that is just wives for you :default_rofl:

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2 hours ago, Smoggy said:

Note to self: anytime you meet MM use a different forum name.... :default_biggrin:

How many times can we get away with it?

You could also start calling MM a different name every time you meet him and see how that goes.:default_biggrin:..

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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I’m hopeless at remembering names. I can be introduced and will instantly forget. I do however remember dogs names  and will say , ‘thats Finlay’s mum’ for example.   Think his mum might be Kate? 🤔😉

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9 hours ago, Lulu said:

I’m hopeless at remembering names. I can be introduced and will instantly forget. I do however remember dogs names  and will say , ‘thats Finlay’s mum’ for example.   Think his mum might be Kate? 🤔😉

I know many people by their dog or boat's name, often I've never known the person's name in the first place,  normally say hello to the dog first anyway. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, back to the Chinese heater.

It's now being used in anger for about 12 hours a day. I give it about an hour on full to get things warm then half power to maintain the temperature. I have been doing that for a week now. I do turn it off if I go out, but I would do that whatever the make.

Pros, cons and conclusions so far. 

Pros. ... total outlay £300 plus fitting for brand new unit. More user friendly control panel. 

Cons. Pump is noisy but I'm getting used to that. 

Conclusions.  Only time will tell if this has been a good move overall but for now, I'm happy.  It should be remembered that all the fittings are from the original Eberspatcher unit and that the exhaust and fuel feeds are therefore tried and tested.  I would be reluctant to use those supplied with the Chinese heater which do indeed look cheap and cheerful. 

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13 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

So, back to the Chinese heater.

It's now being used in anger for about 12 hours a day. I give it about an hour on full to get things warm then half power to maintain the temperature. I have been doing that for a week now. I do turn it off if I go out, but I would do that whatever the make.

Pros, cons and conclusions so far. 

Pros. ... total outlay £300 plus fitting for brand new unit. More user friendly control panel. 

Cons. Pump is noisy but I'm getting used to that. 

Conclusions.  Only time will tell if this has been a good move overall but for now, I'm happy.  It should be remembered that all the fittings are from the original Eberspatcher unit and that the exhaust and fuel feeds are therefore tried and tested.  I would be reluctant to use those supplied with the Chinese heater which do indeed look cheap and cheerful. 

Are there not quieter pumps on the market which you could maybe replace yours with if the noise eventually gets on your nerves?  Otherwise great to hear its all OK

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Is the pump mounted in a rubber bracket? Could you slip a piece of pipe lagging over it to quieten it?

I love reading chinaspacher threads as there's always complete polar views shouting each other down, always worth getting a good seat and a bucket of popcorn for.

I've still not heard of one bursting into flames yet, when my eberspacher packs up that's the way I'll go using original bits.

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Noisy heater pumps. I’m a past self taught master at curing those issues. 

1) Lower it down as it can push easier than pull so less strain

2) Mount it on a rubber door stop, it HAS to be a white one 

3) Either side of the pump remove 6” hard draw / supply pipe and replace with flexi diesel pipes 

4). Jobs a gudden, sit back enjoy the quiet with a libation in hand to congratulate yersen on a job well done

5) Most important - Don’t attempt step 4 until steps 1 - 3 have been completed 


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Make sure the flexi pipe used is iso7840 spec for bss, as for the white door stop Griff I didn't realise you were racist...:default_biggrin:

Silly point but doesn't the door stop screw right through so the screw can still transfer noise to hull? How about a bracket secured by hose clip around the doorstop for complete isolation?

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5 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Noisy heater pumps. I’m a past self taught master at curing those issues. 

1) Lower it down as it can push easier than pull so less strain

2) Mount it on a rubber door stop, it HAS to be a white one 

3) Either side of the pump remove 6” hard draw / supply pipe and replace with flexi diesel pipes 

4). Jobs a gudden, sit back enjoy the quiet with a libation in hand to congratulate yersen on a job well done

5) Most important - Don’t attempt step 4 until steps 1 - 3 have been completed 


Could almost be good advice for a marriage guidance counsellor as well. Sorry. 

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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3 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

Might be too firm for such a lightweight item such as this.

In the past, I've mounted solenoids by clamping them into a rubber lined P clip, then bolting that onto a bobbin with reasonable success in automotive applications. Anything involving acoustics is a bit of a black art though. The resonant frequency of what you're mounting to may well have more influence than anything. If the pump's on a plywood bulkhead or similar, adding more mass to the panel will often help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well well, what a funny old week this has been.

On Friday (9th Feb) a friend of mine told me he was buying a new bicycle. Nothing wrong with his old one, but he wanted a 'step through' frame. He is the sort of chap who always buys quality stuff so I was interested. I'd been thinking of getting a bike for a bit of exercise. (Been reading too many of Grendel's posts)

So, here's the progress.

Monday, agreed price and shook on the deal and was pleased. Tuesday,  went to see the machine, paid my friend and was pleased. Wednesday,  met my friend and collected my new toy, and was pleased.

I cycled about a mile and a half which took me to the Sutton Staithe Hotel where I was so exhausted I stopped for a pint. dismounting, I found my legs had turned to jelly and I did well to stay upright. After just one pint (yes honest, only one) I resumed my maiden trip staying on the back road I managed about a half a mile, uphill, and my legs failed, just lost all strength.

I managed to ride up onto the pavement before falling off.  I was not pleased!

 Feeling rather silly,  I was lying on the ground with my bike still between my legs.  That's when the traffic stopped and it seemed the entire population of Stalham had surrounded me making sure I was okay. Really kind of all of them, and yes in reality it was three motorists, but they managed to get me back on my feet and I was able to convince them that I could walk home from there. I abandoned my bike and managed to walk the remaining half mile or so back to my boat, which when getting there, I pretty much fell onto the bunk. I was completely exhausted.  I had no idea I was so unfit.

Today (Thursday) I retrieved my bike and put it in the back of the car. I bought some lights for it and tomorrow I'll go back to the cycle shop and buy a helmet.

Also tomorrow or at least soon, I shall cycle round Richardson's yard a few times to get my confidence and balance back. 

I shall embark on a bit of a regime to get some strength back. Little and often I believe is the way to go. The only real excuse I have, is a touch of arthritis in my hip and lack of feeling in my feet (type 2 diabetes caused that. ) 

I also want advice about a company called "Swytch" which supplies kit that converts ordinary bikes into electric bikes. If any of you know about this,  please do tell.

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