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Cancer And Me.

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Hi All, update on dear Ian.

Sorry to say he is not very good.

He has been suffering from seizures for the last 2 plus days. Also he's got good old covid, but also pneumonia again.

So with all of these it is far from good. 

We the family spoke to the doctor today and we were told he is stable, but he could go down hill, very quickly. 

I wish I had better news for you all. 

Many thanks for all your kind words. Many thanks Marina

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Ian is such a fighter, a real inspiration in the way he has handled everything life throws at him. Thinking of you all and especially sending the best hopes and wishes to Ian himself.

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Thanks all. My sister and her husband have been up from Kent and we have all spent a few hours by his bedside every day however msny days its been. but it's truly nasty to witness and I dread to imagine what he's going through. His progress is up and down. He managed to say that he's feeling much better today but sadly that's not the case. We are dreadfully expecting the worst but hoping fit the best. If anyone would like to visit him in lowestoft hospital please pm Me and ill advise details. 

Thanks again for all the thoughts. It means alot. 


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Hi Alan, I know how difficult this is, having visited my Mam in hospital daily for several months before she was able to return home. Your Dad is a fighter. You have all our thoughts and prayers that he will pull through. 

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Hi Alan, this is so sad to hear. When I log on to the forum each morning the first thing I do is look to see if there is an update on your dad. needless to say this is not what I wanted to read. He is really up against it by the sound of things. He is such a fighter if anyone can beat this it's him. Sending all our very best wishes to him and your family., Thanks for the updates.


Tony and Carole

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I'm not sure such an update is helpful as I don't want to damper anyones day.

Me and mum visited yesterday and was advised by the consultants that dad isn't expected to make a recovery from pneumonia due to his weakened immune system following the dose of Chemo, he is on life support and stable. They did respect our wishes to continue treatment.  My sister and her husband came back from Kent this morning and further family are visiting over the next few days. 

Miracles obviously do happen but in some sense he's suffered enough.

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Sorry to hear that Alan, never a nice choice to have to make but remember there's no reason to feel guilty about changing your minds about treatment, your last line sums it up but I'm no believer in miracles.

Best wishes to you all.

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So very sorry to hear this Alan .We've been hoping so much for this not to be the case. As with all his forum friends our thoughts are with you and your family and we'll keep right on hoping for that miracle.



Tony and Carole x

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