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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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Crew report that they had dinner last night in the Rising Sun at Coltishall.

A world of difference from the New Inn at Horning.  Both food / portion size / service first class


That concurs with what we found ourselves, had dinner in the Rising Sun recently - first class as was the Kings Head next door on another recent visit




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The Rising sun from the same stable as the Recruiting Sergeant both are the ones to beat in the area.
I bet there were moorings available too yesterday as there wasn’t  much traffic going under the bridge with all the rain we have had the last few days.







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13 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Crew report that they had dinner last night in the Rising Sun at Coltishall.

A world of difference from the New Inn at Horning.  Both food / portion size / service first class


That concurs with what we found ourselves, had dinner in the Rising Sun recently - first class as was the Kings Head next door on another recent visit




Just back from the Rising Sun and I concur food was first class. 

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Any news of the Ship Inn, South Walsham? I’d heard that had been taken up by the same people who own the Recruiting Sergeant and Rising Sun. Knowing the layout of the pub, I can see why making it Covid safe would have been difficult, so not surprised it’s been shut.

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2 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Any news of the Ship Inn, South Walsham? I’d heard that had been taken up by the same people who own the Recruiting Sergeant and Rising Sun. Knowing the layout of the pub, I can see why making it Covid safe would have been difficult, so not surprised it’s been shut.

It was completely shut when I drove past a couple of weeks ago. 

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I know it’s not a pub in easy reach of a mooring, but on the first holiday we ever spent on the Broads we took a walk from Fleet Dyke moorings into South Walsham and had one of our best meals ever in The Ship. It’s changed hands a couple of times since then, but we still have fond memories. 

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10 hours ago, YnysMon said:

I know it’s not a pub in easy reach of a mooring, but on the first holiday we ever spent on the Broads we took a walk from Fleet Dyke moorings into South Walsham and had one of our best meals ever in The Ship. It’s changed hands a couple of times since then, but we still have fond memories. 

I believe it’s closed at the moment. I remember walking to it from Ranworth many years ago and it was certainly very good then.

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Thursday 05th Aug

I have never seen MrsG’s Q5 so fully laden since we got it. Poor Purdey dog only had a third of the rear seat to hersen 

Daughters Q7 also fully laden too, mind you they have no dog but three of our grandchildren. I kept reminding everyone we were going onboard’ ‘B.A’ not a cruise liner

We were safely onboard for 2215 it had rained constantly and was still at it. We were not doing a night nav in this

it took till gone 0100 to get everything stowed onboard. My cabin (I had to use a different cabin from my normal 1/4 berth) has two drawers, I lost one of em immediately to dry provisions, I also gained a large 240v cool box so that was a third of my deck space gone too. The boot topping aft was not showing as much as normal, I was surprised we were still buoyant with all this gear onboard  there was even a childs bath in the shower compartment!  Our dining table was consigned to the wetshed so a foldaway pram could be stowed where it normally lives

Goodness only knows what our reduced airdraft is currently, the draft will have increased that’s for sure 


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Friday 06th Aug

After only fours hours kip at 0600 I caught Purdey red handed gently woofing outside the fwd cabin trying to wake up the young ones (toddler in 1/4 berth). So she then upped the volume in my lugholes resulting in me having to take her out at this time when I could have really done with another couple of hours

0800 - it gets worse - can I put the bbq gear onboard and four foldaway chairs? Really?

Quick trip to the high street, ice, rum, vodka, two pillows, maggots, worm. 

We sailed at around 1000 prop mudding as we went

Having grandkids onboard is just a blessing, they have been counting down the days, well, the 7 & 4 yr old. Leo is nearing 1 Yr. 

We went to Potter. On arrival bridge clearance was 6ft3”. I reckon I could have done it astern!

Latharms - Two new well deck mats and a couple of new exterior microfibre cloths

Onto Womack Water and grabbed the last remaining berth for overnight. No fishing much to the little ones disappointment as it had been raining on and off all day

By 2230 it was lights out - Bliss


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Saturday 07th Aug - Day three

The young ones were up at  0700 proper excited, Purdey had me up from 0630

We sailed at 0930 for Ranworth, early enough to grab a slot on arrival. I had to assist boats alongside next to us. A day boat and a large day boat, they had not a clue but we’re grateful. The small dayboat had seven tight thumb knots in its one and only stern rope. I got them all out whilst the crew were away, vice grips / pipe grips & a screwdriver. After our DTS & pizza I needed a kip. The rain was on & off, proper heavy when it was on

I woke as we were passing the New Inn at Horning! What?

Turned out Daughter had got ideas way above her station, promoted hersen to skipper and we had sailed. The only thing she forgot was to make the isolator switch & turn the inverter on after disconnecting shore power. All fenders stowed, ropes cheesed, all ship shape, I was impressed even more so on learning they had got off the berth by the water taxi without having to fend off, a five point turn, helm first, throttle second. That’s my girl, must have taught her well, MrsG would have never contemplated having a go in a month of Sundays

The sun came out in time for top down as we approached Wroxham bridge, I offered her the helm , a step too far apparently

Stern on and we fished, young ones delighted. Rain arrived after tea, it was biblical and you know what?

Not one leak, you couldn’t make it up

It’s now 2350 all turned in apart from me but will be so in ten. 

Tomorrow we are off on the Bure valley steam train to Aylsham 


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Sunday 08th Aug - Day Four

Purdey got me up at 0615. So off we went for her morning constitutional. The park by the decking -  the water level is about a foot down from the decking, covered in weed. Purdey diog decided to run across it. What a shock she got as she disappeared beneath at 50mph. Swam to the edge where I had to hoik her out. Then it was a session of the zoomies  showing off. Back onboard, one wet retriever with associated aroma at 0700

That park area is in a right mess, overgrown trees, bushes, water weed choked, areas fenced off. Obviously no maintenance has been carried out for some considerable time. There used to be a model boat meeting here annually not a chance now. Families used to enjoy the area, picnics, models etc, not a prayer now. Such a lovely asset has been allowed to become a derelict eyesore

It’s a bright dry breezy morning, all the young uns are up including crawler Leo who has to be watched like a hawk. Purdey is using me as a chin rest trying to nap having woke me up




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When my No.2 granddaughter was at school, she and a group of her friends were playing a ball game when the ball went off  into what they knew was a weed covered pond. A new boy who had been standing watching the game called I'll  get it for you and as they watched bemused he charged off to  where the ball had landed and promptly  disappeared.




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You’re right about that park area having become a real mess. It wasn’t anything like that last September when we were first there. But we had so much rain and flooding over the last year that it needs sorting out. I don’t know whether that was unusual. There has been consultation about what people want out of it. We will have to wait to see whether it gets cleared up. 

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Sunday 08th Aug continued

1030 set off to the Bure valley railway, the 1100 departure was full, so off to Roys Toys. With three grandsons that was an expensive exercise. Back to steam train and off to Aylsham.  Lunch in their cafe then chuffed chuffed back to Wroxham, we all enjoyed it including Purdey dog

Sailed at 1600 for Coltishall after and during yet more short rain storms   On arrival only a couple of spaces left, we got right outside Rising Sun. Dinner in t pub - excellent again. Back onboard, lights out by 2300


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Monday 09th August Day Five

Purdey was so goosed yesterday she turned down her evening walk, our young crew don’t give her a minute, mind you she’s the same, she went and escaped to the foc’sle whilst we were underway for a nap but got ‘found’

This morning after our walk I got some fishing in, plenty of catches then the rain arrived at 0800, it’s still on. Galley slaves to the fore then


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Your recent tales sound familiar. We brought daughter and 3 year-old grandson to Horning on the 30th July so daughter could crew me during Horning Week. Her husband couldn't come so grandad was employed to child mind! Roof box on car was also reinstated after 15 years to carry cargo! 

Trips to watch trains, and Wroxham Barns were part of the agenda as well as Dippy in the cathedral.

Now recovering including the cats!

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That's a shame. It's a nice pub in a decent location.

It had been a Colchester Inns (same people as the Recruiting Sergeant at Horstead) pub but I think never really attracted the kind of footfall they wanted.

It is quite a long walk from either South Walsham or Ranworth Staithes so will only have attracted more seasoned holidaymakers, I suspect.

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Monday 9th Aug continued

Into Wroxham, stopped for FW then over to the 24Hr moorings, girls & two off in taxi to Wroxham Barns, me n Ryan + pram & Purdey 1:5 mile walk to same. A great time had by all then another 1:5 mile walk back. Sailed for Salhouse overnight BBQ on t grass. Purdey getting invited on other boats. DVD - Bohemian Rhapsody. Lights out 2359


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Tuesday 10th Aug - Day 6

Me n Purdey dog need a discussion with regards to an acceptable hour for CTH. This morning it was 0545 - far too early. However on completion of her walk I was able to get the rod out. Properly productive. At 0915 sailed for Horning, proper lucky to get a berth on t green. Into willow Cafe for a brunch. Now boat n people watching 


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Tuesday 10th Aug continued

Wroxham Bridge Again?

After brunch I got Dad n two eldest fishing off the side of ‘B.A’ they were doing v well when I got the expected call for assistance. My float rod was bent well over, I backed the clutch off for him, a big perch / bream? Nope - a jack pile of about 9lb had chomped on a roach then hooked hissen. The line parted as I netted him, got the hook out safely and returned him to the water, all to the good

We sailed back to Salhouse, little ones and Purdey enjoying the beach / water

With this being their last night onboard they wanted to eat out so the Ferry Inn at Horning was chosen. We arrived at 1700 thereby nabbing a spot right outside as the day boats finish their reserved moorings at 1700

Short staffed - no food - gloom. I suggested a Chinese takeaway, the crew suggested Kings Head at Wroxham. About turn class leader and we sailed yet again. Though the bridge  this time at 6ft5” onto the 24Hr moorings yet again. Dinner in t pub, early night for about 2200



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Wednesday 11th Aug Day 7

0645, the woofing in my cabin means it’s that time again. A bright sunny morning. The waste gauge is showing high, so a pump out is required pronto. Fortunately shore side facilities are available prior to sailing. I’ll get it done at Horning on our way back to the wetshed, may as well get some diesel at same time too


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