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18 hours ago, Maxwellian said:

Wish I had a £1 for the number of times I have walked or driven past that Brewery in Faversham. The smell when they were adding the Hops, especially with the other one across the road that is now closed. 

I used to work in Faversham in another life and the hop and malt smells pervaded all over the town. At times it was quite overpowering. It was rather nice having a brewery on the doorstep though! :default_beerchug:

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I see the EDP reports plans for 30 flats and a dozen bungalows on the abbatoir site in Stalham.

With all the houses and flats being built in Stalham they'll need a bigger Tescos...


oh..... they can't, they are building 30 flats and 12 houses on the site...

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6 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

If only Vaughan - ICE - a boat stopper even the thin stuff, well it is for us woodies

Jeep - Flat battery - Now running and warming up, gear transferred over from van (Well just as much as I need)

What I really need is a spare set of rims with dedicated winter snow /ice tyres on them ready for the van each winter but that is a lot of expense not to mention the faffing around, and how many winters would I need them? - They would probably perish / degrade before they got worn out.   So having the jeep as a back up is the way to go for me.


 I run permanently on winter tyres Griff personally I have found the mileage used is no difference to normal tyres and if you purchase a quality make road noise isn't an issue and absolutely fantastic in the rain ( it's always rains where I live ) 

mrs finny Audi had wheels with elastic bands as tyres and went sideways on a frost and is a totally safer and better ride all round on winters 


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9 hours ago, HEM said:

If its any consolation we had minus 12.5 C this morning (to the North-West of Hamburg).

It "warmed up" to minus 6.5 C during the daytime here.  We had sunshine & no clouds all day but with a biting easterly wind.

There was a report on the TV this morning from the Mittellandkanal with an icebreaker running up & down breaking the frozen surface which was claimed to be up to 10 cm thick.

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The Oulton Broad end of Lowestoft Harbour, salt water, is frozen today.

In the meantime my wife and I took our almost three year old grandson out into the garden,  his first experience of real snow! All traditional stuff, snowballs, tobogganing, snowmen, angels and tracking animal tracks, magic, a good day!

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I set out to go up to Teesside this morning taking Kaz ino Leeds to get a train as she won't drive in this, Soon as I hit the main road all was clear 10 mins later I joined the M1/A1 link and sat with the wagons at 60mph, few mins later the lanes went from 3 to 2 with clowns tanking in the 3rd lane. within mins I was down at 30 and had to brake with loads of room in front of me down to 20 then locked up and I was on the hard shoulder. Got back in lane and a 2nd time with the car behind off and into the grassed area. Time to come off and took 2.5 hrs to get back home. 3 hr round trip to do 20 miles.

I've spent the rest of the day fielding calls from our 2 call centres, plan is to go tomorrow but it's coming down again.


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Just been out for my after dinner cigar.

Took a rule out measured 9 inches of snow on a sheltered planter, wind getting up, as much snow blowing up as coming down.

We have not seen a gritter for 3 days looks like our village has been abandoned again! 

5 miles from Hexham.


Beer stocks getting low please send a helicopter with a fresh supply.


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my day..........

Left house 6am, 1nch of snow on ground ,snowing heavy, got to st olaves bridge....400 yards, van stuck trying to get over it, got over bridge, around corner.....car stuck on new cut bridge! , eventually got over it....it,s now a true blizzard.....crawled along haddiscoe dam to haddiscoescoe, lorry stuck on slight hill, waited,waited, waited,.....gave up turned round, got to new cut bridge....4 cars stuck, waited ect ect, got over bridge, come to st olaves bridge ....got stuck myself, got pushed up, up through st olaves got stuck again, dumped car in my next door nieghbours drive way as couldn,t get up our entrance...time elapsed 2 hours!.

watched it snow.....now 7 inches in the garden....entrance well impossible, a143 blocked up most of morning, 3 pm walked to car dug it out and proceeded to great yarmouth and got two new tyres fitted to front of car ,great came home parked on neighbours entrance .75 yard walk along road to pick up car in morning, it,s now blowing a gale.


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I think we have had a total of about 6" here today.  It's been snowing then sunny then snowing again on and off all day long.

Tomorrows client is on the main road so might risk the van.  Mind you the main through roads our and neighbouring villages were not gritted / ploughed today at all.  I have cleared the paths / drive good n proper when I got in.  Now covered again.

This coming Friday 03rd I am supposed to be onboard and taking 'B.A' round to Horning on Saturday for a memorial cruise on that there party boat - Can't see that happening


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Not for us on 'B.A' it won't as there is river ice on the Ant as of now, I can't see it thawing out between now and Saturday morning.  There are supposed to be three of us coming down, taking 'B.A; round to Horning and having four guests onboard overnight.  Not a prayer I think


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Returning to the UK today from the mid east, so my day started packing and looking for long trousers and anything made of wool.

Not sure I can remember what =5C feels like, I'll find out soon enough though.

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