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8 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I must point out at this stage that my car is just about the only thing that gets washed on fewer occasions than my boat. 🙂

is that your car parked by that bush over there?- oh sorry, is your car that bush over there?:default_coat:

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51 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I must point out at this stage that my car is just about the only thing that gets washed on fewer occasions than my boat. 🙂

Your so glad you bought a green car.


OH! you didn't. :default_rolleyes:

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On 27/04/2022 at 10:42, FairTmiddlin said:
On 27/04/2022 at 09:49, MauriceMynah said:

I must point out at this stage that my car is just about the only thing that gets washed on fewer occasions than my boat. 🙂

Your so glad you bought a green car.


OH! you didn't. :default_rolleyes:

He didn't want it to blend in with the boat. :default_rofl:

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3 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Then onto Burgh Castle. Went round the church.Then lunch at Potter

We’re you able to get to the church? Last time Graham and I went there (Feb 2020, just before lockdown) it was padlocked. That was unusual for Norfolk churches that are normally very welcoming. 

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1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Yes we did and there was another man and woman there.The grass in the church  yard had just been cut.

That’s good news. The churchyard did look well cared of when we visited. Glad to hear it you were able to get in. 

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6 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Today we went to Gorleston, to have our backs sorted.Then onto Burgh Castle. Went round the church.Then lunch at Potter



Ian if you are out that way pop through to Fritton church, It has some medieval paintings on the wall uncovered when they were renovating. Worth a look.

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After more than 20 years and as many services, I took my final funeral service today. I have only ever done them for family or friends, starting with my little sister 22 years ago and including my parents, in laws and my older brother. Today was my oldest friend's 91 year old mum. 

Having been to a funeral many years ago where the Minister used the wrong name all through the service, I vowed then that it would never happen to anyone I cared for.

The first service was obviously very difficult but over the years it has always been an honour to do them.

This last one has triggered a couple of extra migranes over the last two weeks and has taken a lot more effort to prepare and deliver.

The service was well recieved by my friend, I had promised her mum I would take her service, I am glad I managed to.

Isn't it strange  the paths we are led down throughout our lives.

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Waiting for taxi to Landvetter airport and then onto Heathrow.  Spent all week in Sweden playing with boats containing lots of interesting things!

Straight up to the boat, picking up some new rhond anchors along the way.  Replacing the domestic batteries, residing the fridge/ freezer are planned for the weekend.


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My day? 

I'll be standing / sitting at Horning sailing club car park , Public car parking is at Bewilderwood, for Horning boat show, the club's open, the Tea bars the cheapest in town , take the weight off your feet and watch the world go by..


Or take a trip out in one of our sailing boats, £5 for adults free for accompanied children.

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this weekend will see me doing a solar install for my workshop, I picked up a couple of second hand 235W panels and have purchased and received the associated hardware, charge controller wiring and 1 KW inverter. may aim is to take the majority of my workshop tools off grid and put them on solar, the spot I have for the panels isnt great, they will only get direct sun half of the day, but then I dont  use the workshop every day, so we will see how it goes, I do have some tools that are just under the inverter capacity, that may need the household mains for startup currents, but they can be left on the house circuit for now, and we will see how things go, I can easily upgrade the number of panels and battery capacity as needed for the rest. its just making little changes toward a greener lifestyle and removing reliance on the electricity grid and rising prices.

I have to make up a frame to hold the panels, which will be angled to best catch the afternoon and evening sunlight. they will need sunlight to work decently, a quick test done yesterday (on a dull day) only managed to push 2 % back into my portable power station yesterday afternoon, I am waiting for a sunny day to see how effective the panels really are.

if the system can only keep all my cordless tool batteries charged up, it will still be a winner in my books. every little bit helps.

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quite pleased to see the sun hits the panel location around 10.30am, and by about 12 they are pretty much in full siunlight, wellthey are after pruning the apple tree a bit, to be honest my back garden faces north east, so its never going to be a good spot, my conservatory roof, is closer to the house and still just about in shade from that, so Its looking as good as it can get, the tree will shade the panels at some degree most of the day, I have the little 100W panel out in the same location, and thats throwing 43W into my solar power generator from where I charged my drill batteries the other day, that was down to 81% and is already back to 89% after just a short while.

next job is the wiring and fitting charge controllers etc to the system, then I have to dig out the two car batteries that will be the start of my solar bank, I was extremely lucjy this morning, lidls had car jump cables on offer, so that gets round my cabling requirements.





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:default_biggrin:  Well, we don't have a boat anymore so pottered around the garden.  Wife came back from shopping and said 'do you fancy a pint'?  Just got back from my son and his partners pub.  took the dog and had a couple of beers.  Watched him work on his own (unusually busy for that time of day) and quite proud of how he got on!  Just glad to be drinking, not serving!  I fancied a pub once, so glad I did'nt try it!  Cheers.

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charge controller connected up and fed to battery, one battery isnt behaving well- but thats the one that got replaced out of the car, so its known to be dodgy, however the other battery I have is charging at around 2A, so we will see where that takes us. I do need to go get another of the jump leads from lidls to allow the wires to be long enough for the inverter, which has yet to be mounted. at present i will be limited to around 65 Ah of capacity, until I get hold of a bigger battery.


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On my way home earlier this evening from Stalham  I had to deal with the Sutton Bridge roadworks.  One and three quarter mile tailback, took me 45 mins to get to the lights.  Here's the thing, as I got to the lights they changed to red so I stopped as one does.  Four cars behind me in the queue then pulled out,  overtook me and went through the lights on red :default_smiley-angry047:

Well guess what you arrogant impatient morons? - I have a fully functioning dash cam that caught all of you in HD technicolour :default_icon_clap:

I'll be sending it off this weekend to the relevant desks :default_smiley-taunt014:


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Hi, Griff at least there are no traffic lights on the Broads to hold you up. As to these impatient motorists well that could have been far more consequences very stupid. As I'm a Sunday driver I always drive with due care and attention on the roads and am kept updated with these New Highways Code being brought out 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a lovely return to Norfolk today for the week ahead


Sorry, it seems my pictures won't upload for some reason. I shall try again. I do apologise

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12 hours ago, BroadsExplorer said:

I had a lovely return to Norfolk today for the week ahead


Sorry, it seems my pictures won't upload for some reason. I shall try again. I do apologise

Have you tried resizing them? I used to have problems uploading photos until I took to resizing them. I usually reduce them to 20% of the originals. 

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12 hours ago, BroadsExplorer said:

I had a lovely return to Norfolk today for the week ahead


Sorry, it seems my pictures won't upload for some reason. I shall try again. I do apologise

Are they from an iMac?  I can upload photos taken from my iPhone or from my drones, but pictures taken on my cameras that have been uploaded to an Apple device need to be reformatted to .jpegs before they can be uploaded to the Forum, I find.

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A lovely quiet morning here at The Ferry House


Photos are just taken on my phone, I am not technically minded I am afraid but I will try your suggestions and see if I can crack the problem.

Resizing the photo worked it seems. Thank you very much for your help

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My day: Got up took bobo (Boris the Airedale) to the vets for the third week in a row. He has crucial ligament damage to his rear right knee and will require surgery. Left him there for an x ray to rule out anything else. Just the start I needed with two interviews for different posts scheduled this afternoon. One to France and one to New York. Joy of joys ….

Surgery will take place when we are on Silver Jubilee 1 so Fiona may stay behind which is not ideal. Internet in work pod in garden isn’t functioning so back in the house upstairs back bedroom hoping the dogs stay quiet. 

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1 hour ago, Malanka said:

My day: Got up took bobo (Boris the Airedale) to the vets for the third week in a row. He has crucial ligament damage to his rear right knee and will require surgery. Left him there for an x ray to rule out anything else. Just the start I needed with two interviews for different posts scheduled this afternoon. One to France and one to New York. Joy of joys ….

Surgery will take place when we are on Silver Jubilee 1 so Fiona may stay behind which is not ideal. Internet in work pod in garden isn’t functioning so back in the house upstairs back bedroom hoping the dogs stay quiet. 

Get better soon Boris! 


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