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Coronavirus And The Broads


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The .gov Corona Virus portal is updating guidance by the day, no by the hour on safe working practises for all kinds of employers and transport providers.


I would hope the suspension is no more than someone taking stock and working out what they need to do to comply and stay safe.

Like you I hope everyone is ok.

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1 hour ago, RS2021 said:

I see the Reedham Ferry has been suspended from today due to Covid 19. Not sure the rules have closed it or if someone has symptoms. Hope everyone is OK.

That's an extremely kind thought.

My guess is that it is down to the lack of business with the pub being closed thus it is costing them money to run the ferry.

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59 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

That might be true but I suspect that the pub provides customers for the ferry and vice versa.

If I recall correctly you can park the other side and providing you are using the pub cross as a foot passenger for free. The ferries income mainly comes from the through car traffic. I can understand the lack of traffic due to people working from home and lack of tourists causing the suspension, but not because the pub is closed.

I still rather suspect it is the new transport operators and working practices guidance being inwardly digested.

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1 hour ago, Wussername said:

Is there hope.

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Winston Churchill

Never understood this comment, but I assume some people thought this had meaning.

Perhaps he is remembered for us winning the war, and should not be for winning the war!


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1 hour ago, Upcycler said:

Never understood this comment, but I assume some people thought this had meaning.

Perhaps he is remembered for us winning the war, and should not be for winning the war!


It's not over, it's not even nearly over, we are however over the first peak.....Simples !

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Broads Authority statement 13 May: Government confirms that private boats can use Broads waterways

The Broads Authority has today received confirmation from Defra that privately owned powered boats can be used on the Broads for day trips as long as other guidance on social distancing is followed. 

This follows guidance issued earlier this week that allowed sailing and paddle boating (including canoes, kayaks and paddle boards) to resume.

Whilst other inland waterways face a delay in the return of powered private boats, the Broads is able to welcome boaters back because maintenance of the waterways has continued throughout the COVID-19 lockdown.

Whilst the public are advised to stay at home as much as possible, from today (13 May) you are now able to leave your home and travel to exercise or spend time outdoors from today.

As well as the relaxation of boating restrictions, owners may also visit their boats for leisure or to do maintenance but are not able to stay overnight away from their usual residence (so day trips only).

The Authority urges people to take care to follow guidelines and respect social distancing and to bear in mind that many businesses associated with boating may not yet be able to open.

It is also essential that boaters contact marinas where there vessels are moored directly to see if they are able to access them as some businesses may not be open or able to facilitate safe access.

The revised guidance on returning to work (if you are not able to do so from home) may also mean that some businesses may be able to re-open whilst others cannot. 

As well as restrictions business owners will have to judge whether it is safe to re-open and if they can apply social distancing/precautionary measures to protect staff and customers.

Whilst we all pleased that we can access the Broads again, the threat of Coronavirus is still very real. It is up to all of us to ensure the guidelines are followed to help save lives and protect our NHS.

Read the full statement on our website: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19

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17 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

That might be true but I suspect that the pub provides customers for the ferry and vice versa.

Sure, but the pub has been closed for 7 weeks like the rest of the pubs anyway. 

I had been led to believe that the ferry, being part of the national road network, had a certain requirement to remain in operation.I have made some enquiries as to the reason it is closed, but no response as yet. 

The Archers had made a statement that everybody was safe yesterday. 

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3 hours ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

I had been led to believe that the ferry, being part of the national road network, had a certain requirement to remain in operation.

At best it can only be viewed as a C, maybe even a D road! It does come out of service for its certification and servicing so it does close. Apart from that it is a private, tolled service, all or part of that might apply.

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31 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

At best it can only be viewed as a C, maybe even a D road! It does come out of service for its certification and servicing so it does close. Apart from that it is a private, tolled service, all or part of that might apply.

The ferry was out for its service Jan and Feb this year so rules that one out. As a private tolled craft it should be ok to move on the rivers again, providing they don't sleep on it overnight. :default_rofl:

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Good to see the people of Great Yarmouth urging and pleading with people to stay away - thats fine by me its a dump anyway!!!!

( To be fair I know some people love it - trouble is they cannot have it both ways. I would have thought the very minimal risk is accepted just to get people to go to what was once proud seaside resort.)

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