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More Covid Restrictions Announced.


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31 minutes ago, MaceSwinger said:

That's just the problem for me, they shouldn't be. The media should be there to provide calm and neutral coverage of important events and facts.

calm and neutral doesnt sell newspapers, neither does sticking to the facts, its all about sensationalism.

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1 minute ago, grendel said:

calm and neutral doesnt sell newspapers, neither does sticking to the facts, its all about sensationalism.

I'm well aware. What I'm saying is that it shouldn't be the case. As I said in a previous post, I'm all in favour of freedom of the press, but all they do is abuse that freedom by publishing, at worst, outright lies. They clearly aren't accountable enough for it.

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2 minutes ago, Ray said:

Whether led by the media or followed by the media we live in a world where lying is so commonplace that it is accepted or expected.

The truth has become a rare commodity along with facts and honourable behaviour.

The fact Piers Morgan still has a career in the media after the amount of phone hacking and shady dealings that went on on his watch baffles me. The man should be a pariah for that alone, let alone the way he conducts his "interviews" now.

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20 hours ago, Gracie said:

I heard on the local news the other day of parents whose daughter is a nurse working all the hours she can to do her bit. She came home the other night broken and exhausted. She had to climb on someone's chest in an ambulance outside the hospital to give CPR but sadly he died. She sobbed in her Mum's arms

I can only imagine the trauma they face every day, they don't just leave it at the door when they go home either. Bless all the emergency services and workers, they really are super heroes

My daughter is a pharmacist and is now expected to administer drugs as a means of reducing the pressure on doctors, she is now very much on the front line. Her ward has eight covid patients to care for as well as her other duties. She lost two patients the other day, I know that she was deeply upset. Despite that she has to go home and for the sake of her two small boys she has to carry on and be normal. All I see is my daughter who is exhausted and drained yet, for the sake of the boys, she can still smile. 

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24 minutes ago, MaceSwinger said:

I'm well aware. What I'm saying is that it shouldn't be the case. As I said in a previous post, I'm all in favour of freedom of the press, but all they do is abuse that freedom by publishing, at worst, outright lies. They clearly aren't accountable enough for it.

The Press is driven by demand. Whether they lead or follow that demand is open to debate!

18 minutes ago, Ray said:

Whether led by the media or followed by the media we live in a world where lying is so commonplace that it is accepted or expected.

Not just in the media, it is also rampant in government and local government. Indeed the courts even support lying as we know with one particular local quango that shall remain nameless! Greed and sleaze has become a way of life . . . . . I could so easily become political at this point!

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7 minutes ago, Ray said:

She deserves the highest praise and recognition for what she is doing. 

I'm sure she does not seek accolades but she and her colleagues deserve them nonetheless.

Please pass on a big thank you from my family

The other day I called her my NHS hero, her reply was that she hadn't even thought of it that way. She is one of many tens of thousands, just as is Vaughan's daughter. I'm immensely proud of her.

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I agree think your daughter  is a hero Peter.Just like all those caring for us in the NHS.It is a big worry that so many are reaching  burn out.One thing that has been highlighted recently in the press.Now and again the press do right.This is where all of us can help,by sticking  to the rules.Which may help to reduce  pressure  on the NHS.

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38 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

How did you manage to slip that into the conversation ????

Blame our good friend Ray for his regretfully relevant comment!

"we live in a world where lying is so commonplace that it is accepted or expected.". 

Vaughan, you and I, and probably Ray, grew up in a world where both truth and honour could be taken for granted. Sadly to day that is clearly not the case.

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When I posted yesterday referring to front line workers being super hero's, JM your daughter was very much included in that as is vaughan"s

They are super hero's in my book whether they like to be called that or not 

As parents you must be out of your minds with worry for them,, bless your hearts too x


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My wife is also nurse on a covid ward at Basildon hospital here in essex, they are currently losing on average 3 patients a day on her ward alone. She despairs at the general publics attitude towards wearing face coverings social distancing and the younger generations attitude towards this virus. She and her colleagues are on the verge of burning out. Sadly for her, she had friend of her father's admitted to her ward early Monday morning she held his hand has he past away that same afternoon so he wouldn't be alone. She was mentally broken Monday evening when she came home. She says she's seen enough of death to last her for the rest of her life. My wife is a very happy go lucky kind of person well known for her big heart, I can assure everyone she and her colleagues are not at this point in time. When we finally turn the corner with this virus and things settled down I believe we will see the true damage to nhs and its beleaguered staff. I'd also agree with comments made earlier, my wife and her colleagues believe they are just doing their job and don't seek gratification. 

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1 hour ago, andyg said:

Sadly for her, she had friend of her father's admitted to her ward early Monday morning she held his hand has he past away that same afternoon so he wouldn't be alone. She was mentally broken Monday evening when she came home. She says she's seen enough of death to last her for the rest of her life.

Andy my thoughts and prayers are with so many people like your wife. I shed a tear reading your post. All I’ve got to do is to stay at home and try to keep safe. That’s not much to ask compared to those who have been on the front line so selflessly for almost a year now. 

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