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12 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Probably not but surely there is no harm in being curious.

There could be any number of legitimate reasons for that boat being there and if we were not in national restrictions no one would be bothered or bat an eyelid. 

There also could be any number of illegitimate reasons for that boat being there and off course being in a time of national restrictions they could be breaking the law and lets be honest that is why the question is being asked.

IF someone is being a little naughty they couldn't be more socially distanced and it really is none of my business. It really is a matter for the authorities, the ones with the powers to Police, not us forum busybodies.

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Could well be engineers out on one of the cruisers that has an intermittent fault and there is only one way to find it and that is to spend a lot of time trying to find it.   May be their tea break.

Below is from the other day when the Barnes engineers were running one of their boats out and about.


Screenshot (81).png

Screenshot (80).png

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I have to say that I regard this sort of trial by forum, based on free viewing of some-one else's webcam, with contempt.

I have never forgotten the saga of "The leaping lifebelt" on the HW webcam and this has no more credibility than that.

We have no right, in all courtesy, to spy on others in this way.

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Personally I think this is a wind up! Everyone is frustrated at the moment by Lockdown2, the implications and the rules, the suggested rules, the possible rules, the maybe rules or the made up rules so this post is just appealing to the masses - its all been discussed to death so just ignore it!

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3 hours ago, Vaughan said:

I have to say that I regard this sort of trial by forum, based on free viewing of some-one else's webcam, with contempt.

I have never forgotten the saga of "The leaping lifebelt" on the HW webcam and this has no more credibility than that.

We have no right, in all courtesy, to spy on others in this way.

If I recall correctly it was me who posted a photo of the life belt that had come adrift from the picnic boat at HW.   There was no malice aforethought there at all,     Just pointing out that it had come adrift and it would be good if someone rescued it , they are not cheap.   I certainly was not spying on people.

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So, with regards to the Norfolk/Suffolk Broads - As I understand it:-

1)  You can day trip on any water craft as long as it has not got an infernal combustion engine (Motor cruiser etc)

2)  You cannot stay overnight on any vessel

3)  You cannot work on your boat

4) A boatyard can work on your boat on your behalf (Although just how you are supposed to get it to them if it's a motor boat without being allowed onboard is somewhat beyond me)

This Covid is a mastermind with some very high IQ.

Apparently it won't infect anyone spending the day on a rag-n-stick, canoe, paddleboard etc but will infect anyone spending the day on a motor cruiser

It won't affect anyone working on a boat in a dedicated boatyard / workshop but will infect anyone that works on their own boat

Have I got the above correct or am I a nautical mile off?


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12 hours ago, Puddleduck2 said:

Tuesday 8.15am.  Currently there is a large motor cruiser moored at St Benets. I can't see any details from where I am.

Is someone using his initiative or is it a live-aboard which the BA allow to move?

Who said it was a man? Or indeed anyone at all. Could it be a UAV, that is Unmanned Aquatic Vehicle? If we’re headed for driverless cars why not helmless boats? And before everyone pounces yes I have taken and passed the civil service exams, or at least so I was told on another thread...

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1 hour ago, Turnoar said:

 If we’re headed for driverless cars why not helmless boats? 

Brilliant idea! Then instead of travelling 142 miles to my boat, I could just tell it to go on a tour of the Broads all on it's own while I put my feet up and watch telly. I think I'll be in my box by the time it happens though; tomorrow's World told us years ago that all our fridges would be on the internet re-stocking themselves - anyone got one yet? :facepalm:

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Griff - if you want to go out on your motor cruiser, I would go. As far as I am aware there is zip all they can do about it other than appeal to your conscience. Nowhere is it written in law that you cannot do it - it seems it was merely DEFRA's interpretation which BA latched onto!

If it was actually written into the legislation, which it wasn't, how come it was interpreted differently in that real National Park, the Lake District, and if you check, the advice remains still that you can use your motor cruiser on those Lakes where it is normally allowed.

There have been plenty of people fishing from their boats - but winterising during the periods when the fish are not biting! To encourage the latter you do need bait on the hook!!!!

Its the BA pretending they have the authority, which they haven't! Rangers have no authority to prevent you as far as I am aware and only Broads Beat MAY be able to argue with you, but they should be busy chasing down these recent thefts, rather than arguing dubious points of law.

BUT no I won't defend you if I am wrong but I don't think its too far from the truth!!!!!

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