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Paddy's Lane moorings face closure?


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The word on the rhond is that The Broads Authority are planning to close the Paddy's Lane moorings at the head of Barton Broad to save money. The have already served notice on Norfolk Wildlife Trust to terminate the current agreement for the boardwalk to be there.


This would be a very bad idea, for a number of reasons. It's a popular stop for many, although there are no facilities. Closure could seriously impact on the operations of the Nancy Oldfield Trust, since it would add to the congestion which occurs in the narrow Lime Kiln dyke leading to Neatishead Staithe. Please consider signing the petition.



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I was a bit slow on the uptake here as originally I had thought it was just the boardwalk that was up for being removed – not the whole moorings!


I’ve only moored here a handful of times, but they are absolutely lovely and enable many a boater who has hired from Richardson’s a close to base but nice last night mooring. 


I’ve signed the petition and encourage everyone to share the link where they can and raise awareness of this because it would effect many if these were to be removed. 


I could imagine where cost savings elsewhere could be made but removing moorings when there is strain already in high season on those we have at the moment is nonsense.

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As I put on the petition, these moorings are constant use during the season, and not just for the village. Many a tourist I have directed down to Neatishead for the pub / shop. I'm sure these would suffer some financial impact if the moorings were lost, with the resultant knock on to us who live there 


Besides, I love chatting to visitors :-)

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They could save money by getting rid of Packman, we need more moorings not less, I'm begining to wonder where all our toll money is going, it seems that most of the clearing work is done by volunteers these days, apart from a few more electric points I can't see any improvements,,,




Just a small point! where did this information come from about the closure I can't seem to find anything relating to it???

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They could save money by getting rid of Packman, we need more moorings not less, I'm begining to wonder where all our toll money is going, it seems that most of the clearing work is done by volunteers these days, apart from a few more electric points I can't see any improvements,,,




Just a small point! where did this information come from about the closure I can't seem to find anything relating to it???

The BA web site is to be polite - 'coy' on this matter, however It has been discussed by the Broads Tourism Group, who will have 'contacts'.

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OK! I did a bit more checking, and from what I can find out it's not the moorings that will be going, it's the boardwalk at the end, I found this bit on the other side,,


The options are NWT take over the boardwalk or commercial sponsors take it on.  If no one comes forewards BA will remove the boardwalk and Paddy's Lane will become an isolated 'wild mooring'.


So! it's still bad if we loose the boardwalk, but the impression I got was the moorings were going,,



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Dave! I gave it the just in case voteas well, the trouble is no-one seems clear on where this info came from, It's been claimed that it was discussed at the Broads Tourism Meeting, but a well know to us all researcher ex member has pointed out, Their last meeting was in June (and this subject doesn't appear in the minutes) and the next one isn't until November. so is it just a case of a friend told me! or is there any truth in it???  someone has mentioned that if the boardwalk goes so will the Moorings, I just can't see it happening, so far the only thingI've seen is that BA have supposedly said they will no longer maintain the boardwalk, and that if someone else wants to do it fine! I'd love some facts on this not just hear-say,,,



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