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Agood Advert Of Total Stupidity On The Broads.


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My patience ran out half way through. Was dragging the dog out next to the prop the worst or was there more ?

it was strange , as most of the time they seemed a decent lot, or maybe I'm really missing something. Please enlighten me.

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Well towing someone in a dinghy whilst moving is a no no, for sure, and then trying to capsize it ...

There seemed to be many occassions people were walking down the side decks without life jackets, but that goes on all the time.

The video is 8 years old, so too late to report it.

So anyone else see anything?

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I wish that I had never made a mistake before. It was eight years ago! Were they briefed on the rules and dangers by the hire yard. It is hard to see if the prop is turning when taking the dog out, it looks like the water churning is the dogs frantic paddling. Most of the time they are travelling at a sensible speed just having fun.

Today they would have been briefed about the dingy and life-jackets. They would have probably been offered one for the mutt as well. 

When we went in 1985 we were given no instruction on crossing Breydon almost with disastrous consequences. I know a lot more now and still make the odd mistake, although I do wear my life-jacket most of the time.

Relax and chill. Enjoy the broads, let us stop this public vilifying. 

L&Ks to all

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All I saw was a family having fun. OK, times and thinking have changed but they would be welcome to moor next to me anytime!

Sometimes I wonder how we, as a race, managed to survive the thousands of years before health and safety :naughty:

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I'm with you JA,   Riding in the dinghy is a no-no but no harm done, a warm calm day.   The dog, if the prop was turning (I don't think it was) it would have been pushing the dog away.  Life jackets?  My, aren't we a hyper-critical lot on here this morning?

I'd go and moor next to them


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"Stupidity"... That's a bit harsh isn't it?

Question 1. I know it's against the 'rules' but how many people are TOLD that being towed in a dinghy is a no no? Further, how many of us know WHY it's against the rules?

I agree with the view that if the prop was turning at all it was pushing away from the dog. Actually I don't think it was turning. I doubt the dog would have been able to keep up let alone scrabble against the stern.

Life jackets???? Well, unwise perhaps but honestly! I wear mine SOMETIMES.

I have to say that I was going to reply on this thread yestewrday, but couldn't make my mind up if the "Stupidity" comment was tongue in cheek.. I saw a lovely video of a nice family enjoying a holiday on the broads. We do see utter prats on the water but not in that film.

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Watched this film many times and always enjoyed it. Yes there are things in it that we wouldn't do today but there are many practises that years ago were allowed or even encouraged but now frowned upon, like swimming. Certainly seen a lot worse on YouTube but I have to admit modern brainwashing does make me cringe a little and think to myself "You shouldn't be doing that."


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We didn't see how the dog fell in but given the way it was tied on the cabin top on a long lead which was bound to trip it up I suppose it was inevitable. Thankfully it seems to have happened when the boat was stopped. I have found that dogs are usually more stable and sensible on a boat than we are, so no need to tie it up when under way. When mooring, put it inside the boat.

Other than that.............

Well I would have them back as repeat customers.

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To be honest, I wouldn't let my kids sit in a dinghy being towed and they most certainly wouldn't be allowed to walk on top of a moving boat with out life jackets on, me being over protective? Yes, most probably. The video reminds me very much of my own childhood holidays on board boats with my parents, we did 'dangerous things' like paddling at Salhouse, sitting on the bow of the boat dangling our legs over the side on Breydon of all places, I'm still here to tell the tale.

Just a nice family, having a lovely time, I have seen much more dangerous behaviour from all male and female groups (hell, you should of seen us on my hen party boat lol) as long as no one is hurting or disturbing others, long may it continue and  we see people, whether they be families, all male and female groups having a brilliant adventure on the Broads :clap


p.s Try getting on and off a boat in heels, now that's scary :facepalm:

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2 hours ago, Maxwellian said:

 .........Relax and chill. Enjoy the broads, let us stop this public vilifying.......

Yes, far too vilifying in this instance, I think.

The thread title is very insulting to an average holidaying family, let's hope they don't read this thread, it could really dampen their enthusiasm for posting well made videos on Youtube.

Like others, I studied it quite carefully, and I can't see anything to justify the accusation "total stupidity".

Ok, the lifejackets got worn less and less, and they shouldn't have towed the (grown) lad in the dinghy, especially when he rocked it, but that's more inexperience rather than gross stupidity.

I think maybe the dog overboard scene (at 6.05) may have given the worst impression if the boat was still moving during his recovery. When you analyze the video frame by frame though, it looks as though the boat was stopped, and the "wake" was actually the dogs frantic attempts to climb aboard via the fender lines.

There are far greater exhibitions of "Total Stupidity" on Broads Youtube clips, where the actors are clearly culpable in there dangerous actions, like jumping from boat to boat at speed etc..

If the cameraman does by any chance read this thread, nice video mate, glad to see that you enjoyed your holiday here on the Broads.

dog overboard.jpg

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Of course I hope you are all wearing auto self inflating life jackets. Anything else would be quite useless if you bang your head on the way down. And have you ever tested your lifejacket? Many assume it will hold them up....

I can safely say ours have been tested to the max! We also know the buoyancy tanks in the dinghy work, the canoe is unsinkable, the enterprise floats either way up but doesn't sail well with the tip of the mast stuck in the putty and, well you get the idea.

The kids are all confident around boats and water and wouldn't dream of not wearing their lj when appropriate. In fact they can't wait to get them on!


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It looked to me as if the family were perhaps mud weighted in Surlingham Broad when they were having fun with the dinghy. And that looked to me as if it was when the incident with the dog occurred. There was certainly no engine noise in the background. And when the dog was on deck while the boat was going along they had obviously taken care to think about its safety. I really hope they don't read this thread or that it puts other people off posting up their videos.

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Surely it's just how people assess danger and what they consider to be reasonable steps towards managing said dangers.

Speed triple is not wrong here. His points are valid and, ultimately, if I had to put to sea Speedtriple would be a very safe bet as Captain. Sail with me and we'd have a bloody good laugh but you'd die in the end..  :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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This thread is a good advert for how narrow minded and judgemental "some" people can be on these forums. I'm sorry but I've just watched the video and yes there were one or two things I wouldn't have encouraged, but on the whole I saw a family enjoying a happy, carefree and fun filled break on The Broads. Memories I'm sure that will last a lifetime. I would have encouraged more use of life jackets, then again when I first started hiring and in the first years of boat ownership I was guilty of not, and again towing the dinghy with someone in it is not the best idea, but at least someone was keeping an eye out, even if it was from behind the lens.  

Look at the positives, for there are many. People enjoying a boating holiday. No speeding that I could see. Good behaviour in passing a group of sailys. Not one alcoholic drink in sight of the helm, in fact any of the video. No unattended children at the helm. As far as I could tell they managed to enjoy themselves without disturbing any one else around them. Careful navigation at reasonable speed down to Rockland Staithe.

I hope the boat yard do see the video, for it is a good advert for the fun that can be had on a boating holiday. If the person who filmed the video sees this thread, then I would say this to them. You looked like you had a really good time, your family are a credit to you and look like fun to be around. Don't be put off from coming back, most boaters share your joy. 

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'Narrow minded and judgmental'?  It seems to me that Speedtriple took a view, posted the link and then has said nothing! Quite a few others have pitched in to accuse the OP of a lot of negativity!

I agree, 'stupidity' might be a bit strong, but maybe I take a stronger view of some of the activities depicted than some of you... Probably because much of my Broads activity has involved taking responsibility for young people.  We could have been in serious trouble if neglecting basic safety had led to serious harm or even ultimate tragedy.

I didn't check the date, but would hope that hirers are given good advice and take it!

At the very least the video, whilst undoubtedly showing people having a good time could so easily be used to point out serious risks to life and safety - and could so easily be 'the happy moment just before our holiday and lives were ruined forever'.

We have a rule on camps that life jackets are always worn when boats are under way. The little lass in the early part of the video was wearing a LJ way too big for her. If she fell in, it would not protect her. (I think she did put on an appropriate one later on the go into the dinghy.)  I guess that's why she got bored of wearing it and wandered down the side of the boat without - well, that and the example of all of the adults. 

The lad's antics in the dinghy are potentially more dangerous than some appear to think, for a lot of reasons. I don't know why or how the dog fell in, but I found it quite distressing to see how it was pulled out. Of course it wagged its tail, but I don't think it was asking to be chucked in again!


I don't want to put anyone off from coming back to the Broads, but I would want to encourage them to think much more carefully about issues of safety. It doesn't lessen the fun....

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Must be honest, I watched the video last night shortly after it was posted and refrained from commenting as I couldn't quite see the reason for the harsh title of this thread.

Sure there are parts in the film where they took a few more risks than they might have needed to most probably related to inexperience.  This is the type of family I would be very comfortable moored up next to for the night and not the sort I feel we should be trying to ridicule.  It looked to me like bar the few hiccups they had a wonderful time and I sincerely hope the dont end up finding this thread and come back for another great time in the future.  

Hopefully the OP might be consisering an edit to the title by now! 

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