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  • 3 weeks later...

So, due to the national emergency announced last night by Boris - That's me and MrsG confined to our home.

I have emailed everyone in my work diary for the next three weeks that I now cannot attend to the jobs booked in.  So far all have been understanding.  It looks like the pair of us are now out of work and not earning even just 1p over the coming weeks.  Being self employed apparently I am 'Entitled' to £94 per week.  No doubt by the time I get the form filled in and back through the system, it'll be more than 3 x weeks down the road.

I can do just a half days work if I choose to do so in a property that is unoccupied but that is only a half day to complete the prepwork.  Might as well seeing as there will be zero social contact.

Three weeks confined to our home? - Should be a breeze, treat it like a holiday.  I certainly spent many times that period out at sea in a past life


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This is all a bit daunting. It occurred to Tony and I this morning that Phoebe, No.2 Granddaughter will have a pretty non event 21st birthday on May 11th. So many things will be sent into disarray. I have to wonder if things will ever be quite the same again. So many retail businesses hanging on by the skin of their teeth before this setback. On a positive note the little Nisa supermarket we buy our morning papers from report that they have never been so busy. So it's an ill wind......... At least this nasty lurgy can't stop us all getting together on here! Good luck everyone stay well.







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My day has started with being a Teacher having to home school the children, I've talked with them about sticking to a routine. We're doing some work and then a break outside in the garden, more work, then a dinner break and so on. I believe they need structure to their day and I am so so hoping I can pull it off

Wish me luck 

A terrified Grace :default_biggrin:

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13 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Wish me luck 

A terrified Grace :default_biggrin:

I've already told you, and I wish you would actually believe me, but you will smash it babe, you're the best.

Just chill the **** out and stop taking it out on me :default_hiding:

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Of course you'll do a brilliant job Grace you're a mum it's what we do.  It all reverses when you get to my  age and your offspring look after  you,  I got a call from ,my daughter this morning that I didn't answer very quickly and when I  did, she said "lucky for you you're home I was just gearing up to give you a real telling off for being out" I didn't dare tell her we'd just got back from doing a little food shopping. Although my protective husband wouldn't allow me in the shop I had to sit in the car.




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That's 2 x Hrs completed at the unoccupied dwelling.  The lot is ready in all respects for commencing tiling, however I can do no more as the tile suppliers are now quite correctly shut.

I've got some backer boards to drop off at the clients where I should originally have been working at today, they are in my van and will be in the way as I want to at some point deep clean Trevor inside and out.  I will leave the boards on their drive for them to put in their garage as agreed.

Then? - That's me - Unemployed for the first time since I commenced full time employment as a very young 15 year old in June of 76.

On the upside our office / loft / garage are going to get a serious seeing too over the coming weeks whether they like it or not

My Local clay shooting ground will be shut this Sunday, I've not heard yet officially but I would assume so and if it is open I'm obeying the governments instructions and not going  - Most gutted about that one.   I've lost three clay shoot team competitions at Lambton, Azerly and Whitburn respectively. :default_2gunsfiring_v1:

A farmer friend has suggested setting up a few traps in one of his fields for a select few of us.   I'm in two minds about this one.  We can easily keep the 2m apart as instructed but there will be more than two of us at the same location at the same time.  However those out in the parks taking exercise will easily be more than just two people in the same location even if they are the recommended 2m apart, as will folk visiting food shops and hospitals etc.  Whilst shooting I will of course be exercising - walking, manning a trap etc when its my turn - If it happens and if I go

:default_stinky:  I have cancelled a boat maintenance weekend (Should have been onboard right now).  A 60th B'day party for a mate who has booked two H.W's cruisers plus 'B.A' that should have been the first weekend in April - He has rebooked the lot for April 2021 when we will celebrate his 60th on his 61st  :default_icon_e_confused:   The NBN annual meet has gone for a Burton

Another cancelation was a 50th B'day party near Sutton Coldfied staying over in t hotel. . :594c04f570582_default_happyparty:

On the upside, due to the current instructions from our government we and all our family / friends are alive and have a decent chance of staying that way :default_beerchug:

I have kept on the diaries the bank holiday weekend onboard 21 - 25th May - I live in hope.  Then there is the Annual wooden boat show due in August - Looking forward to that one even more so now - Fingers crossed

Wish I had a new gundog to train - Now would be ideal. :55c8f94984577_default_AnimatedGifDogs(127):

Looks like Mrsg will at last get her much overdue corrective training then :default_rolleyes: Really? :default_ohmy:



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my day so far, waiting for the windscreen appointment to come up, 15 minutes before hand got another call, cancelling as they had 5 minutes prior shut all their depots. so no windscreen until next week when they will come out and do it at my house. (without any contact between us). so what to do with myself, work said dont come in today, and i was waiting for details how to log in to my work computer remotely. eventually called my boss, he did a facepalm and said he had set it up - yes youve guessed it and sent the email to my work email. call to IT to get access to my emails first, then managed to set up my remote working. all that palava done it was time to think what to do, so out to the back jungle and a couple of hours spent tidying.  I will be working tomorrow and every day from then, so will try and get an hours gardening  / tidying of the conservatory done each day from now on, and then maybe I can expand my workshop into the second half of the conservatory.

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Grendel know how you feel,I have been waiting for two years now to get my electricity company to fit electric and gas smart meters, the booking was for tomorrow, early this afternoon they cancelled the appointment telling me it would be eventually  re-booked,and then another email informing me that I can't visit the boat owing to the fact the marina is closed,as luck would have it I went to the boat yesterday and sort of did a mini layup knowing that I possibly wouldn't be using it for at least a couple of months owing to this bastard Virus, anyway such is life

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Like the majority of us we are self isolating.  The weather is good here so doing the garden etc.  Just dug the spa

from its winter hibernation and now up and running.  However our regular window cleaner has just turned up to clean

the windows.  I told him that I did not consider his job to be an essential one and that he should have been self isolating

too and sent him away.  Was I right to do this, what do you think?  Keep safe and keep well.

Alan (aka Happy)

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11 minutes ago, Happy said:

Was I right to do this, what do you think?  Keep safe and keep well.

It's a personal choice I think. I wouldn't say you was wrong but I wouldn't have sent him away myself. It's not going to be easy for him to claim even when proper compensation is sorted out for the self employed. With care he can do his job distanced from his customers and all should be well.

Technically of course you were correct.

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flexibility and common sence needed at the moment.

I have spent the morning on a job we are doing making sure all the guidelines are in place and followed, then into the office with two others, correctly distanced. We have canceled all further surveys and all planned work.

Without exception, everyone was understanding. Then we had a phone call, the first one in two days, can we do a survey, sorry no and explained why. The reply was, well i will find someone who can be bothered.

They are now blocked from calling again, blooming muppets.

 I now hsve to find things to occupy me for however long. I will wash the cars, haven't done that in many years.

I have the Broom Scorpio at home for the first time ever, i can feel a few jobs being done that probably don't need doing.


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1 hour ago, psychicsurveyor said:

Then we had a phone call, the first one in two days, can we do a survey, sorry no and explained why. The reply was, well i will find someone who can be bothered.

With that sort of attitude you are better off not doing any work for him. Clearly one with the me, me, me syndrome! Nobody else matters. Best avoided, even in the future should they want to try you again. 

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3 minutes ago, vanessan said:

With that sort of attitude you are better off not doing any work for him. Clearly one with the me, me, me syndrome! Nobody else matters. Best avoided, even in the future should they want to try you again. 

They are black listed, i don't deal with people like that.

On the other hand so many people are offering help to others,

The world is mostly a good place.

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I saw this today and thought I would share it under the circumstances

No matter how good or bad you think life is

Wake up each day and be thankful for life

Someone somewhere is fighting for theirs

Kind of appropriate I think. Stay well everyone

Jay and Grace x


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On 24/03/2020 at 15:19, Happy said:

Like the majority of us we are self isolating.  The weather is good here so doing the garden etc.  Just dug the spa

from its winter hibernation and now up and running.  However our regular window cleaner has just turned up to clean

the windows.  I told him that I did not consider his job to be an essential one and that he should have been self isolating

too and sent him away.  Was I right to do this, what do you think?  Keep safe and keep well.

Alan (aka Happy)

Could be wrong and often are but I'm sure window cleaners and gardeners were exempt as they don't have to enter the houses. Things may have changed since I read it of course.

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On 24/03/2020 at 14:09, BroadAmbition said:

Then? - That's me - Unemployed for the first time since I commenced full time employment as a very young 15 year old in June of 76.



It looks like my secret bid for a weekend on BA might look quite appealing right now!

Please note, face masks will be supplied for the 2 metre rule by me.

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14 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Entering Houses?  What about the part that simple states STAY AT HOME - apart from food / medical shopping


Griff.  That was my thoughts exactly regarding the window cleaner.  We were self isolating to do our bit like most others.

Why was'nt he?

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15 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Upcycler - It looks like my secret bid for a weekend on BA might look quite appealing right now!

Please note, face masks will be supplied for the 2 metre rule by me.


If I could get away with it, I would invite you and yours onboard this very weekend


essential work?

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